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    High Elf

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  1. Harri1010


    FYI the armor is a weakness & strength becuase in older times they made it thicker but it also slows him down.
  2. Harri1010


    As a child his father was a scientist. He loved his father very dearly and while both of them were out side of the elven city his father was attacked by a Orc thief and killed. his mother had died during birth so he was alone for 15 years before he decided to pick up his fathers scientist aspirations. After 2 years of being a scientist he assistant poured an experimental potion on him. Instead of making him extremely passionate it make him devoid of all emotion and sensitive to bright lights. after this accidents he realized what called to him. Magic. (he does not have any magic now he just wants to learn it.) So he quit his job and began to study. That is were he is now.
  3. Harri1010


    As a child he was taught the life and values of the maehr’sae as a child by his father an esteemed scientist and a powerful mage. His mother was killed by a Orc bandit while traveling so he has a large grudge against them. As he got older he wanted to become a scientist like his father. after about two years of his new job he was a valued person in the high elf scientist scene. while testing out some equipment his assistant spilled some acid potion on him (on accident). That is why he wears a cloak and his skin tone does not match up with this high elf brethren. He killed his assistant shorty after with an outlawed torture spell. His body was never found and he was Never caught. After this he began to dive into magic. He had learned even more spell that his father. He casted a spell on him self that voided himself of all emotion. Only logic. That is where he is today.
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