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Application Comments posted by armajesty

  1. Changed Status to Denied



    Your application has been denied due to: exceeding your 24-hour time limit.


    Feel free to re-apply at any time.

    If you are in need of any assistance, feel free to contact me on discord at armajesty#5043. You are also welcome to join the New Player Discord and ask for help from other members of my team.


  2. Changed Status to Denied



    Your application has been denied due to: exceeding your 24-hour time limit.


    Feel free to re-apply at any time.

    If you are in need of any assistance, feel free to contact me on discord at armajesty#5043. You are also welcome to join the New Player Discord and ask for help from other members of my team.


  3. 1StqsDDWvOZ2TiFb52HGpIqtOkj1qsoZPe5PNYwDoIVLy7Qdm2m13WfpfqxsfOI94QNHImataf1jkthsAObKgc7GksYwuE9MxgmSIBqDVMJ1W-QEhXvDmhCt158MDVkjniejMkCP

    You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


    • Your backstory must include one piece of lore from our Wikipedia. Feel free to use any of the following links to gain some knowledge about the history of Lord of the Craft:


    If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at armajesty#5043.


    You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!

  4. Changed Status to Under Review



    Welcome to Lord of the Craft and congratulations on completing your application! You are free to  use /creq in-game which will contact me or my fellow Community Staff members who can offer our assistance! Here is the New Player Guide! I recommend you look it over and ask any questions if you are confused. Have a great time roleplaying, and I look forward to seeing you around in future! Here is the link to the New Player Discord., it is highly recommended that you join. 


    If you require any help feel free to contact me through forum dms or on discord at armajesty#5043.    


  5. Changed Status to Under Review


    You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


    • Your powergaming definition is much too vague. Please expand upon your thinking and feel free to use this definition on our Wikipedia as a reference! You are welcome to include an example.

    • Your metagaming definition is too vague. Please expand upon your thinking and feel free to use this definition on our Wikipedia as a reference! You are welcome to include an example to prove your thinking.

    • Your backstory must include one piece of lore from our Wikipedia. Feel free to use any of the following links to gain some knowledge about the history of Lord of the Craft:


    If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at armajesty#5043.


    You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!


  6. E_0Ru6K5ZnixCJgkvuxU3NZxhk01SQ69xpe0hYo0CtZ1-yKs76ytlBhUeGQ518VpZ54dMstUnErVcyAbpQN6PtvoP0gMESNXIPQI0POHoVcgocUJFBtON7PAYEA6RDSiSf5u9i87


    Your application has been denied due to: Violation of Server Rules.


    Your application is very well written, save for the mentions of r*pe. Any form of sexual content such as this goes against our server rules and guidelines.


    Feel free to re-apply at any time.


    If you are in need of any assistance, feel free to contact me on discord at armajesty#5043. You are also welcome to join the New Player Discord and ask for help from other members of my team.

  7. 1StqsDDWvOZ2TiFb52HGpIqtOkj1qsoZPe5PNYwDoIVLy7Qdm2m13WfpfqxsfOI94QNHImataf1jkthsAObKgc7GksYwuE9MxgmSIBqDVMJ1W-QEhXvDmhCt158MDVkjniejMkCP

    You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


    • Your powergaming definition is vague. Please expand upon your thinking and feel free to use this definition on our Wikipedia as a reference! You are welcome to include an example.

    • Your backstory must be at least ten sentences long!

    • Your backstory must include one piece of lore from our Wikipedia. You must also remove the reference to Skyrim lore - Talos the man turned god - as that does not exist in our server. As far as I am aware Aster Mountain does not exist either, though if I am wrong please link me the lore page for this. Feel free to use any of the following links to gain some knowledge about the history of Lord of the Craft:


    If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at armajesty#5043.

    You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!

  8. W3Z9EVbMsARU6Zz-WMM7DtCarni2Abz907w-FRSM3_JWnWm4IcWKf8VGZz_H-IBNGxagwpFibHrGtZkpgLFKddO-tzSpWA8RpndWKAhChxSv29S8Q80Eh9rvKei9SBLC89VsM3vW


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft and congratulations on completing your application! You are free to  use /creq in-game which will contact me or my fellow Community Staff members who can offer our assistance! Here is the New Player Guide! I recommend you look it over and ask any questions if you are confused. Have a great time roleplaying, and I look forward to seeing you around in future! Here is the link to the New Player Discord., it is highly recommended that you join. 

    If you require any help feel free to contact me through forum dms or on discord at armajesty#5043. 


  9. E_0Ru6K5ZnixCJgkvuxU3NZxhk01SQ69xpe0hYo0CtZ1-yKs76ytlBhUeGQ518VpZ54dMstUnErVcyAbpQN6PtvoP0gMESNXIPQI0POHoVcgocUJFBtON7PAYEA6RDSiSf5u9i87


    Your application has been denied due to: Plagiarism.


    • Your character backstory must follow the lore allowed on our server. S-Class as well as the abilities you described do not exist on the Lord 

    • of the Craft server.

    • Your roleplay scenario must include at least one piece of dialogue surrounded by quotations, as well as one piece of action.

    • Your skin is not appropriate given our server guidelines. We are a medieval-style server and the bright colours from your skin just do not fit in. You are welcome to use a skin from our skin archive.


    Feel free to re-apply at any time.

    If you are in need of any assistance, feel free to contact me on discord at armajesty#5043. You are also welcome to join the New Player Discord and ask for help from other members of my team.

  10. Changed Status to Under Review


    You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


    • Your metagaming definition is incorrect! Feel free to refer to this definition as a reference while making edits. You are also welcome to include an example as it can help get your ideas across.

    • Your powergaming definition is incorrect. Please expand upon your thinking and feel free to use this definition on our Wikipedia as a reference! You are welcome to include an example.

    • Your character name must be a realistic name that fits the lore of our server. Feel free to use this site to help give you ideas or generate a name for your character: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/dwarf_names.php

    • Your backstory must be at least ten sentences in length.

    • Your backstory must include one piece of lore from our Wikipedia. Feel free to use any of the following links to gain some knowledge about the history of LOTC:

    • Your character description must be at least three sentences in length.

    • Your personality traits must include at least two positive, as well as one negative trait. 

    • You must include a picture of your skin in the skin section of the application.

    • Your roleplay scenario must include at least one line of dialogue, and one line of action.


    If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at armajesty#5043.


    You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!




    You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


    • Your metagaming definition is not quite right! Feel free to refer to this definition as a reference while making edits. You are also welcome to include an example as it can help get your ideas across.

    • Your powergaming definition is too vague. Please expand upon your thinking and feel free to use this definition on our Wikipedia as a reference!

    • Your backstory must be at least ten sentences in length.

    • Your backstory must include one piece of lore from our Wikipedia. Feel free to use any of the following links to gain some knowledge about the history of LOTC:

    • Your skin must match your character’s description. It must also fit the lore of a high-elf character meaning: light hair, light skins, lighter eyes, etc.

    • Your roleplay scenario must include at least one line or dialogue, and one line of actions.


    If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at armajesty#5043.



    You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


    • Your metagaming definition is not quite right! Feel free to refer to this definition as a reference while making edits. You are also welcome to include an example as it can help get your ideas across.

    • Your backstory is amazingly written, but the only problem is your reference to the Republic of Holm. Holm is a very old place and does not fit into your character’s timeline as he is only 26 years old.


    If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at armajesty#5043.


    You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!


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