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  • Character Name
    Arius Sylvari
  • Character Race
    Snow Elf

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  1. Kurrow


    Arius was given the usual military training expected from a Snow Elf citizen but he only did the bare minimum as he preferred to read and observe his surroundings instead. He did not get along with other snow elves as a child due to his preference of reading rather than training as well as his parentage being a factor. He grew up among the snow elves in Fenn for the first decade and the next decade was spent traveling with his parents, helping as a merchant and visiting the continents. His parents never held tradition as highly as other elves, they are both very laid back and easy going. They did not agree with their own races ways, cultures, and laws but tolerated them until they could not anymore. When Arius’ parents met they were wary of each other due to the tension between high elves and snow elves but eventually grew to love and see each other without thinking of race. Arius’ father is a high elf and his mother is a snow elf leading them to be shunned by the high elves and barely tolerated by the snow elves. Before meeting Arius’ mother, his father was a scholar and passed some of what he knew to his son while they travelled Atlas. His mother before meeting Arius’ father was a part of the Fenn Princedom military and helped to defend her homeland. At first they tried to hide their relationship but when Arius’ mother became pregnant they knew they could not hide their relationship any longer. They knew the consequences of their actions and eventually became traveling merchants, wandering Atlas and other far away lands. They encouraged their child to go out and explore the world for himself and learn about new things. Personality: Easy going like his parents until provoked. Seems mature at first glance but sometimes acts immature due to his age, he usually is very friendly even to strangers, to the point of being naive. Curious about the outside world as it was hard to come by books in Fell and while traveling.
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