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Posts posted by NightcastorKitty

  1. There's no regulations on armor and adding some might be difficult because of regulations being a nightmare. Fact is, rn you could have a character that never trained before or even have had attempted to have armor on and just pop a set of plate on with no consequences or downsizes. And it's arguably up to ST in events to actually give any negative impacts of wearing such heavy material. Otherwise it's just flat the best option. 


    Then for range weaponry, it was on par with magic yet given some spells of 2 emotes passing without really considering mundane vs. magic balancing, an imbalance has happened where generally mundane range isn't a quick enough option. Even with multiple people in a party to attack. Then if you give to much to mundane weaponry, magic then is obsolete. It's a tough thing to figure out what to do. And probably a list of spells or magics should be made to really look at the issue deeper if you want to deal with fixing the problem. 

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