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Posts posted by RoamingRonin

  1. Masuo looks upon the declaration, and chuckles to himself. The term 'good riddance' comes to mind, though he doesn't say such aloud. He looks to the sky, wondering whether or not Musashi looks down upon him and the current state of the nation he fought so long for. He looks back down, and thinks 'Back to Talon's? Musashi must be rolling in his grave'. He scoffs, smiles, and shakes his head, then standing and wandering off to his next endeavor. 

  2. Masuo of Yamatai would breathe a sigh of relief as the trial ended and those involved, particularly Angelika, would live to see another day. For the Ivanovich, however, he had no lasting remorse. The last thing he remembered of the man was his ghastly, toothless smile, before he expired upon the dirt. That, and those callous and vulgar comments that would make anyone's blood boil. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Laeonathan said:

    And it bullshit. There were many who put so much effort into it - and it's sad that WT ended up being removed to failing leadership.

    Then where's World Team? If all that effort was put into it, then why wasn't it a successful and well regarded team? Literally everyone I talked to about it had something to say about World Team. And not much of it was really good, if at all. 

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Masuo of Yamatai


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edmond of Sava


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  5. "Hrm? What's this?" Masuo of Yamatai, the resident Oyashiman Hexer, who's lineage extends from the Horns of Yamatai, furrows his brows upon reading the warning. "Really wish people would stop speaking for mine. And only 100 minas? I'm worth at least 250. Perhaps even 500." 

  6. 1 minute ago, Carson said:

    well one of the old emperors frequently used the n word and threw around slurs at people so i think the bar has been set pretty low

    Well, that, and considering they have an insular inner circle to determine who gets emperor. So folks who are in the "in crowd" get first dibs. It's just scumbag voting for scumbag, essentially. 

  7. This is a well measured response. It all reads quite well. The one thing I am concerned about though, is if this energy will be held for the foreseeable future. I remember this situation happening a couple times before. A person gets dragged into sunlight, the masses tear them apart, and then the staff team says "I'm sorry, we'll do better". Will this fervor hold? Will the protection of our underage players be held at the forefront of our minds? Only time will tell, I suppose. But so far, I've seen history repeat itself time and time again, here. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, latte said:


    And how just are you going to regulate it?

    Turning it into an 18+ server won't solve anything. Instead, it bans a large portion of its community, and turns it into an 18+ erotica-ok server. Also, how do you suppose you're going to regulate this age thing? Asking everyone constantly what their age is is ******* creepy as much as it is annoying.



    I ask people their age no matter what, so I know what kind of things I can or cannot say to anyone. It's a safeguard for me, so I will never  be caught in a scummy situation like the topic of conversation. I don't care if it's creepy or annoying. It covers my ass, which is more important to me than a few uncomfortable moments in a VC or messages on discord. If you refuse to answer, or I get the suspicion that you aren't being truthful, it's safe to say we won't interact anymore. That's just the nature of the beast. If you're over-age, you have to take accountability, and understand the sway you wield over a younger audience. End all, be all. 

  9. 15 hours ago, _pr0fit said:

    "Considering The Jade State still stands, and has not fallen to the constant attacks of their enemies, I would applaud this new Zhu and his previous efforts as chancellor and Dufu, not write ill informed or poorly concealed political essays." Vane says pouring himself another glass of spirits "I shall let the Zhu know that Norland stands with him against this insolent traitor to his people."


    "Amazing." The Vagabond commented. "Two ghost towns stand united. Almost enough to make a full graveyard." He picked his teeth, a small chuckle escaping him. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, OhDeerLord said:



    Big boi druid here


    you know what I totally get it. Yeah we've been frustrated ourselves that the druids have had problems with activity, and we're currently working on it.


    The unfortunate thing is that a lot of what you want us to do in your post


    We've been told we can't.


    Freeport? Our magic can't do anything for it. Druidism does nothing against what happened in Freeport. Far as I recall only Xannic stuff can do things with that, and we were told by staff that we couldn't even go in there and tear down the buildings to return the area to nature.


    Ando Alur when it was floating? While that event was happening any attempts of using IC gained knowledge was blocked as being called Metagaming. We had a ST lock signs behind someone who legitimately broke in to places to investigate and break things. We were told by staff and players to leave it alone, so people could have their fun. We were blocked from doing things by being told 'It's a settlement, it falls under settlement conflict rules so you need a heist to do that' and then in the same week told 'It's a event location, you can't do that here'.


    Ando Alur crater? We were mocked of 'the druids are going to mess with it, lets not let them' and in the same day of being told we can't do with it, people would message saying 'the druids aren't interacting with the site' ... because we were told by staff to not.

    We finally got confirmation that, after giving people time to play around in the voidal taint then we can start fixing it.


    I totally get it.


    It's been really difficult to keep activity with things when we've been told 'No' and then 'Why aren't you doing anything' right after that.

    We'd all love to be able to do more, and be around more but we've been rather cucked this map waiting for things to happen.

    I pretty often hear about some of our druids trying to blight heal or interact with an area and get told no, because of either ST or RO things.


    Trust me, dude, no one wants the druids more active than druids. I get you, I'd love to see more activity myself. But we're tired, and a lot of us are adults now with shit to do.


    On another note, at least in the MC almost all of our teachers have full slots on Dedicants. We have more seekers than we do teachers.

    We've got a discord, and a gatekeeper ping now to try and have people hopping on to open it up, and we're working on improvements to the grove. 


    Staff is a big problem? Who knew! 

  11. 50 minutes ago, Fionn__TWG said:

    Yes, it is up to us as players to provide rp too, but only ST have the power to create and run meaningful eventlines that truly affect the world other than a nation being like 'oh no!' for a month or two


    This is kinda cap, in all honesty. Not to dig at the ST (since it's already happening at a commensurate rate (seriously please keep doing it, I'm getting my popcorn)) but considering that there have been no real significant events, the players have had to adapt and make their own events. A majority of the most fun I've had is either being a part of a player led event, or DMing a player event. Hell, the last time an ST event "wow'd" me, was a small Hexer event ran by Malaise. I can think of two others that hold a place in my mind, and both of them were ran by Mystery (a dude who's been long gone off the server for like, a year LOL). 


    In my opinion, a fat chunk of the ST team needs to get the axe. A good solid majority have done nothing to help the server along, either eventline wise, or lore wise. It's time for some fresh blood. As well, not every event has to be doom and gloom. We can have some nonsensical events here and there. Perhaps something that relates to world building, and making it feel alive and fantastical. It just seems to me that people apply because they wanted PEX, and not because they want to tell good stories, which really sucks. It's a shame when the folks who are the ones supposed to help spin tales of wonder and creativity, are themselves creatively bankrupt. 

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