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Posts posted by Twodiks

  1. I think its a worthwhile cause to try to prevent people here just for the fight because honestly it's getting kinda boring seeing the same exact faces every war who should have no involvement in the conflict, but I think there should be a different approach to  combat this, as I think some people have some valid concerns that there are good reasons for outside support to step in.


  2. OJLeOLUtec_7NSTCtFueuXsQrr5teyEOXA05TGYTBxvB8j_pPiE5-0qJ9ET-cF0SfZx9On2tb00CA28jkYqtODR1iEUCPkKviUw-jKi4wBIZFzqabl4NA5LrYhoUNmpJsIZEQMH-ZfhcEaQ1xQ   



    13th of Godfrey's Triumph, 1880





    Due to unforeseen circumstances, Captain Hadrian van Aert has decided to terminate its contract with the Kingdom of Oren. The Blackvale Vrijkorps shall consequently not partake in the coming conflict until further notice.






    Hadrian van Aert

    Captain of the Blackvale Vrijkorps, Prince of Renatus, Patriarch-Dynast of the Pertinaxi


    Mihaly van Aert

    Owner of Many Houses

  3. In all seriousness, though. Regarding combat, can't there just be rules be made in place for the more extreme scenarios?, like there's no need for large scale conflict, like 20-30+, to ever be in crp. Though, I think people will exaggerate how often it will happen(though I can see it happening),  it's clear to see that sort of situation is always going to go to moderation, as an argument is definitely gonna break out. I definitely think there's a clear middle ground to somewhat please both sides.


  4. I think this video had good points, but I really don't think this is a case of intuition vs evidence. I think its a case of how much evidence is enough, really. I'm still finding my own opinion on if kp's a pedo from the logs given, but clearly a creep who should've been removed from the community ages ago. I don't think anyone senses he was a creep until they saw the logs and made their own judgement. That isn't exactly a "gut feeling. "


    Honestly, I really think there needs to be more prevention, resources from organizations that specialize in these sort of situations should be included and even mandated in things like applications, for example. If I remember correctly, some of these organizations even offer training on spotting and combating these sorts of child predators, something that maybe admins or anyone whose dealing with these situations should be required to do so. Maybe if they're trained in these sort of situations, they wouldn't exactly need to require "irrefutable evidence" or whatever they believe is enough. You say administration has no true idea what grooming is, but who here actually does?. As far as my interactions with the community is, I think everyone has their own definition. I agree with the opinion, administration isn't doing enough, but not in the sense that they should be banning people without any sort of evidence.


    And honestly, this is a more personal opinion, I just don't trust some of the community with the ability to just spread rumors that someone is a pedophile enough till they get banned. If someone can just repeat it again and again till someone they conflict with on this servers get banned, I wouldn't put it past some people.

  5. RP Name::Gakkt’

    MC Username:Twodiks


    What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Krugmar

    Why Do You Wish To Come?: Curious about the past realm and rather eager to look at what wishes to threaten the realm next.

    What Skills Can You Bring?: The Strength and Skill of an Orcish Warrior and Siege Weaponry Training.

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