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Everything posted by imthanoshah

  1. imthanoshah


    hope fully fixed just added more story and messed around with it and fixed that a bit I hope and the meta gaming and power gaming I hope is ok too
  2. imthanoshah


    Tell me if there are any problems I will be here and ready to fix them!
  3. imthanoshah


    He was born in a small shack in The Talas Grove due to the lack of money his father and mother had, his father gave him a hand make neckless by him he had no siblings he lost the neckless the next day, he was on a walk with his father and mother until they got attack by a pack of bandits he was taken and his parents where badly harmed, He was stuck in a bandit camp for years until he escaped and lived a sad life in the small shack he grew up in, he fished during the days he read a lot of books during the time he had left after making his meal of clean swamp water and fish, the next day came and he was siting outside when he saw the same pack of bandits that killed his father and mother he hidden in the shack and they passed him and he continued his life there for years.
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