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  1. SatchellGizmo


    Josh' throughout his childhood was given the odd name by two of his parents who named his brothers odd names too like 'Tod' and 'Bill'. Odd, but its what his parents chose and he stuck by this name with little inclination to change it. He was raised in a hovel outside of Helena, this was put in to turmoil as when he was very young the War of the Two Emperors happened which caused a lot of nations to go to war. During this time he moved out of his hovel, wanting to avoid war and fled opposite of the world to a place known as Sutica which was neutral of the war, and therefore him nor any of his family were in danger. Upon settling here, they had begun to farm the lands outside of Sutica as mere, simply, farmers as they made a living off of the land here. They have very little aspirations as what they had was a quaint life - but there was a lack of snow here or in Helena and this is something Josh wanted to experience, so when he turned 18 he decided that he would seek out the place of Fenn, a snow elven nation, which he assumed would have snow considering they're SNOW elves. Here maybe you will encounter Josh in the grand world! Beyond this, Joshhad little combat experience and would find himself a rookie in fights. Even more so, he avoided conflict at all costs due to this. His parents too, were not fighters so it was probably hereditary that he was not either. Anyway, perhaps Josh would try to pick up this habit of his later on in his life.
  2. SatchellGizmo


    Fixed, also ImtHANOShAH is not me
  3. SatchellGizmo


    Esk' throughout his childhood was given the odd name by two of his parents who named his brothers odd names too like 'Farmer' and 'Talltower'. Odd, but its what his parents chose and he stuck by this name with little inclination to change it. He was raised in a hovel outside of Helena, this was put in to turmoil as when he was very young the War of the Two Emperors happened which caused a lot of nations to go to war. During this time he moved out of his hovel, wanting to avoid war and fled opposite of the world to a place known as Sutica which was neutral of the war, and therefore him nor any of his family were in danger. Upon settling here, they had begun to farm the lands outside of Sutica as mere, simply, farmers as they made a living off of the land here. They have very little aspirations as what they had was a quaint life - but there was a lack of snow here or in Helena and this is something Esk wanted to experience, so when he turned 18 he decided that he would seek out the place of Fenn, a snow elven nation, which he assumed would have snow considering they're SNOW elves. Here maybe you will encounter Esk in the grand world! Beyond this, Esk had little combat experience and would find himself a rookie in fights. Even more so, he avoided conflict at all costs due to this. His parents too, were not fighters so it was probably hereditary that he was not either. Anyway, perhaps Esk would try to pick up this habit of his later on in his life.
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