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    Wood elf

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  1. Lady_Galaxy


    I can not find you on discord. I am new to it so maybe I am doing sonething wrong? Sorry.
  2. Lady_Galaxy


    Born in the forests near Irrinor . Alsa lived with her parents and two older brothers. Trulguc and Ollos. Their father taught them archery and survival skills. She became quite good with a bow. Their mother taught farming, cooking, the teachings on Malin and the history of the war between Iblees and the descendents. They lived happily in their home. The three siblings would get into so much trouble together pulling pranks on people who wandered into the forest. One day Ollie got caught by and angry human after they dumped water on his head from the trees. He was yelling and screaming at him. The Human punched him in the face.Trulguc fought the human off and we went home. Mother and father were not happy with us that day. As time went on Alsa and her brothers moved out and went on there own adventures. Alsa wanted to see the world. So she set off to find her adventure.
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