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Everything posted by Umbri

  1. Umbri


    Eamon is the son of a crofter, of Haeseni descent, whose family settled in the realm of the Holy Orenian Empire. He was raised into a life of manual labor. His father was a fair but uneducated man, while his mother taught him a love of stories and song. His mother died while he was young. Eamon’s late uncle was a soldier killed in the War of Two Emperors, and for this Eamon’s father was hardened towards any talk of adventure, or heroes, or causes. Keep your head down and work honestly, he’d say, and let those who live by their sword die by it. Eamon had an elder brother who took after his father, though rougher and uncaring. There was no appreciation for his stargazing in what remained on his family, so at the age of eighteen, Eamon left for the open road. His wandering is driven by his mother’s story-telling, and despite the lessons of his father he quietly yearns for some banner to flock to, and for some hero to follow. While not traditionally educated, he is literate enough to enjoy histories, stories and song. After many years on the road he is an able survivalist, street smart, and a good judge of character.
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