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  • Character Name
    Lord Mustafa Wong IV
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf

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About Me

Born to a spiritual father in the near-east, I, Lord Mustafa Wong IV, see myself as a noble man. Not conducive to the fallacies of life, I see myself as rational and passionate. Yet, I was never quite like the rest of my family. Whilst they were both wealthy and respectful, I always saw myself as different. I did not care much for the compassion they bestowed upon others. Then, in my formative years I met others similar to myself. Eggbertus III, Vex’halia and I longed to see the subordination of others beneath our heel and command. Our banner, the enflamed palm represents our vision. We pry upon the manipulation of simple-willed people in order to achieve our authority. We shall not stop until the world hears our voice as its triumvirate. Until that day, we shall live between the lines of society, hoping our chance will come to us – and we plan on seizing it. Now, we are still young, lack a true knowledge of the world around us yet we long to know more. 

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