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  1. HonooRyu


    A young man who was born in a small nameless village on the north western side of Renatus and raised by the towns mayor (Heldur Dentrim), after his parents gave him to the towns elder. No one told him why his parents gave him away or where they are. His interest, in who his parents were and where they might be, was never particularly high. Instead he tried to compensate with making his own family, by befriending many children in his town and trying to stay on the good side of the adults by, doing favours for them. Not aligning himself with any god had to do with the fact that he didn’t want to anger the other gods of the pantheon, he did believe in them but wouldn’t ever align himself with any of them. Although he sympathised particularly with the ideals of Aeriel, Estael, Zechareal, the Wandering Wizard and the somewhat strange Xan. He spent most of the time studying at home, occasionally visiting Helena, capital of Renatus and the holy Orenian Empire, training the basics of martial arts, with the towns guards or playing outside with other children and youngsters. His life, was for the biggest part unspectacular, there were few to non raids attempted on his town and the ones that were, were small and and pathetic. He had no siblings, even though he wished to had one, and when he learned trough studies what lies out there in the world and what magic was, he decided after his 18th birthday, with permission of Heldur, to roam the lands in search of knowledge. The decision was made and he shortly after departed from Renatus (Helena) and sailed south, first arriving at Agnarum before then sail further to Sutica, where he stayed to plan his further adventures.
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