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Everything posted by KingRevolt

  1. KingRevolt


    Lor was born in Sutica to an extremely impoverished family. Realizing that they had no means to feed themselves let alone a child, his parents left him in the middle of the merchant district hoping someone would consider their child a valuable commodity. After being picked up by middling merchant named Andrid Malus, Lor was officially given a proper name, and place to live. As Lor got older he began hearing the other children repeat the harsh words of their parents; Lor was a street urchin, not really a valued member of his family, but more of a vanity item. This led a 7 year old Lor to begin asking his “Father” of his origins. Andrid explained to Lor, that after the death of his late wife Evalice Malus he fell into his work, and established a sizable sum of wealth before realizing he didn’t care much to marry again, and if Evalice wouldn’t bear his children no one would. That is until a year after his wife's death he found a dying infant in the streets of the merchant district, and more than anything he couldn’t bring himself to keep walking, not when there was a child, full of potential on the brink of death. After learning of his humble origins Lor dismissed the notion of ever finding his true parents, and resigned himself to being an exceptional merchant and scholar, through education, and focus. Several years passed and Lor became a distinguished merchant-in-training, quickly learning the ins and outs, of trading, not only that Lor became quite popular, he was making friends, even if his bossy tutor said otherwise. No longer was Lor the displaced orphan, no he was now the boy with the golden eyes, able to peer into the hearts of any man, woman, or child unlucky enough to meet his gaze. At the age of 17, with his reputation within his home preceding him, Lor finally fell under the gaze of another. A peer who had grown up alongside Lor. Soon after Lor came of an age to understand basic concepts, his father started his schooling,everything from history, to philosophy and economics was thrust upon Lor, as his father would constantly say “The weight of a man’s knowledge should be equal to the weight of a man’s wealth” which would in turn lead Lor to fervently write more notes! Lor’s education was at first private, but with him wanting to take over his father's business one day, Lor soon began receiving lessons with the other children on the estate, one of whom being a slightly older girl named Farnesie Burg. The relationship between the two was very... complex at the beginning as a young Farnesie immediately thrust her dominance upon Lor. To all, but Lor it was quite hilarious, but he was a little less than eager to hand over his notes at the end of every lesson. As the pair grew, so did their escapades, and their fondness for one another, and with Andrid being a man of more-than-meager means, he arranged for Farnesie to be moved from her small village residence, to the Malus merchant estate, and become Lors’ at home tutor. This situation only made things that much more complicated when on a particularly stormy night, after Andrid had left for another trade voyage, Lor was forced to sleep next to his tutor due to her extreme fear of thunder. It was small acts such as this that made the two become something a little more than friends, and caused an inkling of longing to worm its way into Lors’ heart. One night while Lor was finishing a particularly heartfelt letter meant for his father, a fierce thunderclap shook Lor from his emotional stupor and his books from their resting place. After gathering the numerous monster manuals, accounts, and mythologies from the floor, and returning them to their cosy home atop a wooden bookshelf, he realized Farnesie had yet to run into his chambers with her usually bossy expression in tow. This had never once happened, and Lor was sure that if it were normal circumstance Farnesie would have flown to his side. This worried Lor deeply. He gathered himself, and made his way to his sweet hearts room, for all he knew the fright from the storm may have left her in shock. This was not the case, as when he entered the room there she was sitting upright staring out of her bedchamber window. “Hey are you forgetting something Farney?” seconds pass without a response or even a slight movement from his lady, “...Okay I know you’re mad at me for hiding your clothes, but that’s no reason to deny me of my storm cuddles, we both know those are the best ones” Lor said coolly, not trying to hide the affection in his voice. With yet another voiceless reply Lor began inching towards Farnesie, just as the heat from the fireplace began licking his back, “Farnesie c’mon I-I know you aren’t feeling the best right now, especially after what happened with your family, but it is times like this when we need to stick close t-toget... Farnesie?”, Lor said as he gripped Farnesies’ dead flesh, the only thing keeping the cold from inhabiting it, being the blazing heat emanating from the fireplace. At the realization the his lover, no his best friend was dead, Lor began weeping. He circled Farnesies’ corpse as the his sorrowful tears cooled his steaming face, and he saw the knife, sickeningly protruding through her sternum, and the bloodsoaked letter in her lap. Lor knew that with Farnesies’ family being slaughtered by Orc raiders, and creatures of the night, she was dealing with a lot emotionally, but there wasn’t even a sign of her going to these lengths to rid herself of the anguish. She was gone, and the only person who ever really understood Lor was gone as well. Several weeks passed and Lor realized he couldn’t go back to his old life, his old ambitions, he sent another letter to Andrid, after explaining everything that had happened, the night terrors he was having, and how his rage and sadness was simply consuming him, so the money he had been saving to start his own caravan and set out. But not before reading the note Farnesies’ note, she wanted to be with her family, she loved Lor, but she couldn’t keep lying to him, and so he put the letter in his bag, steeled himself for the journey ahead, and set out to kill some night fiends.
  2. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: After being betrayed by his lover, whom he had dedicated his life to, Lor has started on a path of darkness. Leaving his merchant home with nothing, but a few coins, and despair in his heart Lor has become a monster archiver/hunter. Thinking his insatiable lust for knowledge, and bubbling rage would subside after losing himself in archiving creatures of the darkness; he is looking for any reason to bury the pain from his past while also remaining true to himself. Lor is of an average build, being the son of a merchant he never did have much reason to train, until he left. His hair is curled in an black afro hairstyle, and his skintone the color of melting chocolate. In his early years, the common maidens worked on the Malus estate would often comment on Lors orange-gold eyes, leaving him with the nickname ‘goldeneye’. After about 2 weeks of journeying , trying to find himself, Lor realized the harsh world would attempt to batter, and break him, so he bought refurbished light armor from a retired mercenary looking for a quick buck. Sorry for the long backstory just for a simple character description, but i feel like it may help understand the look that i’m going for. A wandering swordsman, on a quest to bury the darkness, both within himself, and the world. RACE: Human GENDER: Male SKIN COLOR: “the color of melting chocolate “ lol its just gonna be a black skintone my guy... or girl? BODYMASS: Average HAIR COLOR: Black HAIR STYLE: Afro, but not overboard FACIAL HAIR: N/A EYE COLOR: Orange CLOTHES: Light Mercenary Clothes PICTURE (If you have one): This is more or less the look im going for, just minus the cape, and maybe make the armor a bit more streamlined. Please for the love of jah don’t add the weird leather thong! Just kidding do your thing, obviously you know what you’re doing my only actual request is: no cape, and i would prefer the armor wasn’t bulky looking
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