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Posts posted by RoseyPosey532

  1. Eloise sits alone in a tree her old bones had no business being able to climb and tears fell as she gazed up to the sky. Her best friend was gone.


    This was perhaps the first death that she did not break down and scream for, and it was only because she knew Waclaw would be happy to hold his wife again. 


    She climbs down, hoping to find Artel and get a much-needed hug.

  2. 17 hours ago, Destructokeith said:

    Artel finds the missive once he returns from Balian, having seen the children safely home even after they declared war on the chicken empire "ich best inform El of this" he chuckles as he sets off to find his wife

      Reveal hidden contents


    Eloise GASPS at the AUDACITY of her children declaring war on HER empire. She dons her chicken shaped helm and sulks 

  3. Eloise hadn't been the best sister to Theodosia. She had been around about as much as her father had: not much. It didn't help that most of her youth was spent angry that Theo wouldn't open up. However, in this moment, a deep pain of longing and gilt washed over the woman.


    How long had it really been since she'd even made the attempt to see her family? To try to connect with them?


                                                           Who knows,

                                                                                                      she didn't.


    Stray tears fell down her face into her hands. The ache of loss in her belly was all so familiar.

                                       What was wrong?

                                                            Why this feeling now?

                                                                                        Had something happened?

    "Goodness, lady. Why are you crying now?"
    Eloise mumbled to herself and walked on.


    She could only pray that everything was alright.

  4. Eloise purses her lips as she read the letter 

    "V'y t'e hell ist he v'itin like i's poetry. Just say 'Ich kidnapped em, fight me.'"


    She shrugged, tossing the letter aside and running off to see a certain someone.

  5. This contains an image of: {{ pinTitle }}

    Eloise O'Rourke sitting alone in the forest




    A flurry of anger flew through the young woman as she stormed into the keep, attacking her father with tears and questions.


    A scream of agony ripped her through her throat as she collapsed by the door of her home. Her uncle soon to join her in her sobs.


    Tears and pleas scorched her face as she hugged her sister. 


    Eloise's heart was as fragile as her mother said.


    Half of her soul was lost in her twin brothers' death, and Iduna damn near took the rest in hers.


    Taken at the moment she felt she needed her mother's love the most..


    Eloise would never sleep well again, but was determined to live a life her mother would be proud of. Even if she could only watch from the seven skies.

  6. Upon hearing the news of George Galbraith's passing, Belynda Cenobia sighed. 


    "Poor Gramps... Probably should have brought the kids round to see him. Never got to meet his great grandkids."

    She poked at the sleeping twins in their cribs with a solemn expression.


    "Mom will be sad.."


    And so the daughter of Georges forgotten child, Aisling, quietly drifts off, wondering if she really had any memories of her grandpa anyway.

  7. Lillian Garnet glances over the letter with a confused expression,

    "First seal? The collapse? Begin the reaping? What on earth is this?"

    she shakes her head, walking off while still being confused as to wtf this was supposed to really be about.

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