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Posts posted by TotallyNotSaint

  1. "We have moved past our roots," Isaac Vuiller murmured as he read the missive. "The Empire fell, let it stay in the dirt."

    August Vilac's lip curled as he read the missive, "Ea will burn any flag Ea see, **** the Empire."

  2. Isaac Vuiller took that were passed to him, scanning them with an indifferent expression. "Ea do niet think it is a dobry idea, the Empire fell for a reason nie?" He shook his head, handing the papers back to his friends.


    4 minutes ago, _yink_ said:

    The young Princess Royal of Balian had requested any and all missives in relation to all human nations been brought to her room, and this missive was no different. A short stack of papers had been set on her desk before she woke, her blue gaze darting to the newest delivery as she came down the stairs. “Quite the read…” She muttered, scooping up the papers and heading off into the square to read the missives with her friends. “What do you think, Izzie?” For Ariadne, she wasn’t impressed as she handed off the first few sheets. She was taught otherwise. Individual nations have worked fairly well so far, why change? 




  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Auriel Tennallar


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. As he felt the weight of his daughter slam into his back, an older man of blond hair turned around with raised brows. "... Truly?" His lips seemed to twitch upwards for a moment before he regained control of himself, shaking his head. "Canniet say Yam surprised." Was all he seemed to have to say on the matter before he moved on about his day.

  5. August Vilac-Kortrevich wept.

    He had returned to the house from a morning spar with Rueben, as he came up the stairs to check on his wife... He had stood there in utter disbelief, despite everything he had thought her invincible... His held to his disbelief while the children were present unwilling to let them see him cry. 

    Later that night though his resolve failed him and he wept like he had not in years. He did not leave their- his room until the next day, others in the house would hear August's apologies to Ileana "Szam," echoed throughout the room all the while, until his throat was coarse. 

    He read her letter in a daze,
    "May vy rest mea beloved... Ea will make sure our children will stay safe. In this Ea will niet fail."
    He whispered, hoping it would reach her soul as he left the house, letting the door slam behind him.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Auriel Tennallar


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. Augustus Maxim Vilac, heir to the one true line of Vilac, sharpened his spear as he read the missive aloud to his eldest children.

    "The Renai's are making up facts now? Interesting... So much for their 'honour'. Perhaps Mater can enlighten them on our family history."

    He mused to the two as he rose to once again go find his brother.


    In a Den of Wolves







    Upon the 4th of  GRONNA AG, DROBA, 480 E.S. | The 4th of TOBIAS’ BOUNTY, 1927


    Let it be known, that on this day, house Vilac has welcomed two new members with the birth of Reuben Prospero @LobsterLilly and Gwenyth Callista @_yink_. The two children born under the ember sun, the family is feeling blessed by this miracle of birth. Yet, it is with heavy hearts and mourning that we with this joyous news must confirm that Giavana Vilac sadly lost her life during childbirth, leaving the twins and their father behind on God's terra.


    We shall pray for her quick ascension to the Seven skies where she may rest until times past when we once again shall meet and walk hand in hand. And thus asks you to do the same.


    The twins fell gravely ill after their birth and their survival was not guaranteed, thus we waited to announce their birth until they were in a more fit state for being truly welcomed into the world.






    [!] A painting of August Vilac and his two children would be included, drawn by an unknown artist.





    One life ends, two more begin. ”




    HIS LORDSHIP, Casimir Marius Vilac

    Patriarch to House Vilac, Ambassador of Balian to The Kingdom of Barrowton.


    HIS LORDSHIP, Augustus Maxim Vilac

    Heir to House Vilac.


  9. The youngest son of Persephone staggered through camp in a daze.
    A wave of emotion threatened to overcome him if he stopped, so he didn't even when his feet couldn't support him any longer, even when his throat was hoarse...

    Hours, days passed and he still refused to admit it. 
    "Ea will find vy." He swore, continuing onward. 

  10. August Vilac sat upon the walls of his home, Atrus, reading the missive he had received with a hint of a smile upon his lips. "Justice will be done in front of GOD pater, they shall never again be able to slander your good name." He'd declare with a huff as he rose and began his wait for his father to return.

  11. Teft rubbed his chin from the Seven Skies. "May justice be swift and true, brothers." 


    August Vilac threw the missive into the fire. "There is nothing honourable about her, the liar. She is not even a Vilac!" August stormed out of his new rooms in Balian to seek out his brother and inform him of the slander that was being spread about their Father.

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