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Posts posted by Juno.

  1. A Frozen Year

    The Dedicant Trial of Melinoe



    Melinoe awoke amongst the freezing snow, a massive headache racking her as she came to. She was dressed in barely anything which were the clothes she had been wearing earlier; she now cursed herself for not covering up more. Beside her was a stag femur, a pouch of seeds, and a six inch dagger, all of  which she quickly grabbed. As she sat up, she took a look around her environment, greeted by only mountains, ice, and more snow; a pure white wonderland. The ground was rock solid and atmosphere frigid, with no other terrain spotted for hundreds of miles. The dark elf was actually stationed at the bottom of one of said mountains. Another curse left her lips as she hauled herself to her feet, shivering madly as her bare skin fought against the chill. It was clear that she needed warmth and shelter quickly, or she would die. So off she went, bare feet frozen as she hiked across the icy ground.


    She was soon able to find a cavern, though it certainly provided not enough warmth. Icicles hung from the ceiling and ice caked the walls, only some spots of the ground weren't frozen. The woman had gathered a few sticks along the way, which she set down before going out to find more wood. Lucky enough to find a couple larger pieces, she returned to her cave and quickly set to work on a fire. If there was one thing she was good at, it was making a fire, having done so several times. Melinoe came from a traveling banditry group, and was pretty good at survival; when it wasn’t in a frozen hell in the middle of nowhere. While she had some skills, it was clear this wouldn’t be easy, and death was more likely than she hoped. 


    Meli gave up on the seeds, for in this cruel environment, there was no possibility of growing crops. She would have to hunt and search for berries for the next year, while also using the fur to keep warm. The first thing she hunted was a bear, mostly for its pelt. Melinoe knew she wouldn’t survive the night without the warmth. Jumping on the creature’s back and stabbing it with all her might did half the job, and eventually she was able to kill it, though she suffered her own injuries. Stained with a combination of the bear's and her own blood, she skinned the beast. She now had her pelt and first several nights’ meal, though not without injury and struggle. She tried to remain hopeful, but the odds weren’t in her favor.


    A couple months had passed and things were going decently. She had made a wooden bowl using a large piece of wood and the dagger, filling it with snow and placing it by the fire. She did this daily to get her water from the melted snow. Melinoe had certainly lost a lot of weight and muscle mass, as well as had a matted mess of hair, but she was alive. She continued to hunt and use her knowledge to eat the safe berries and leaves. The ice in the cave had mostly melted due to the fires she had running constantly. She spent most of her day looking for food and firewood, keeping herself as busy as possible. The dark elf hated boredom, and would not fall victim to it. As the fires she lit continued to melt the icicles away, Meli noticed one that didn’t seem to melt. As she got a closer look at it, she noticed it wasn’t an icicle at all, feeling nothing like such as she touched it. She broke the crystal off the cavern ceiling and kept it with her, noticing its faint glow when it was pitch black.


    It was about five months in when everything truly took a toll. She was running low on energy and lonesome dreams plagued her nights. Meli couldn’t remember the last time she cried, until she began to dream of her children and their father. Her son and daughter’s adorable giggles and her love’s bright smile brought tears to her eyes, resulting in her first meltdown in decades. She didn’t sleep that night, and struggled for several nights after that, her motivation waning. At one point, she even stopped eating, questioning what the point even was. That night, as she stared into the fire, she heard the howl of a single wolf, completely alone. She was used to hearing the songs of a pack, there being some wolves in the area, but this was her first time hearing one by itself. It sounded sad to her, almost like it was crying, and as Meli hummed along with it, she realized that she would not die alone. She would see her dear children and love again. The next day she got right back to it, resting only as she came across a single dead wolf not too far from her cavern. She said something softly to the dead animal before putting it's remains to use; wearing it's fur as a memento of what could of been her.


    She was reaching the end now, and thank the Aspects for that. The dark elf had a couple infected wounds, was suffering from malnutrition, dehydrated, and waning in spirit. She had to fight to survive; the environment, creatures, and her own inner demons. She was tired and missed her family, regretting the year she was away from their lives. During one of her final days, as she was out hunting once again, she noticed something strange happen in the sky, something she’d never seen before. A dark shadow was moving to cover the sun it seemed like, which the elf couldn’t exactly wrap her head around. She just stared at the sky, dumbfounded until the dark shadow moved to completely block the sun, only a white ring of it’s light peeking out around the edges. The world went as dark as dusk for a couple minutes, and wolves began to howl as if there was a full moon, Meli looked around in complete amazement. “Is this an eclipse?” She wondered to herself as the event finished and she started back towards her home. Perhaps it was a symbol of the change this journey had brought within her. She spent her final night reminiscing on the lone wolf and the eclipse she witnessed, sighing softly as it was about to come to an end. When she woke, it was to Miven shaking her, the dark elf unable to speak at first as she was dragged out of her year long home. Seldom words were exchanged on their trip back, and no smile graced her lips until she finally spotted her and her love's house in the Father Grove. "Finally," She murmured softly as the two neared.


    "I'm home."

  2. Name of the Artifact:



    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             Sonna Vuln'miruel


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Sonna Vuln'miruel


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:




    Hielia's MArt: 




    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    A piece of Hielia, the Owl Druid’s ancient birchwood staff, which is about two inches in length, carved into a crude image of an owl, and has a golden chain looped through the top of it. Owl’s Song and tranquil aura radiates from the necklace, washing over any attuned druid within three meters of the token. The name “Hareven” along with a sitting fox is carved on the back of the piece.

    OOC: Singing Druidic Infusion



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    The artifact has the same effects of a normal item infused with Singing, though it emits the Owl Druid's aura like her staff Hileia does. Hileia'onn is a piece of the staff, though this is the only ability it has from Hileia.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    - The only effect Hileia'onn has from Hileia is the admittance of the Owl Druid's aura.

    - The artifact follows the same redlines as any item with Singing Druidic Infusion



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Hileia'onn always emits Owl's aura which can be felt by any attuned druid within three meters of the artifact. If an attuned druid who knows Singing wishes to affect nature around them with Owl's aura, while following the guidelines for Singing, they may do so. That is the only effect that Hileia'onn has of Hileia.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. Sonna Vuln'miruel felt the pang of a fellow druid leaving for the Eternal Forest, eyes saddened as she walked through Elvenesse. It was only once she saw an unfamiliar fox run through the city towards the Arvellon Seed Hall that reality hit her and she rushed to find Renae with haste.

  4. Vuln’miruel

    The Foxhole

    Home to the Orphaned, Widowed, and Outcast




    Vuln’miruel was officially formed in the Deep Cold, Year 1 of the Second Age after founder Sonna had a conversation with High Prince Feanor Sylvaeri. It was during this talk that the Royarch and High Priestess decided that a Wood Elven Seed would be formed for elves like herself; orphaned, unfit, and rejected. The seed was named Vuln’miruel after the founder’s totem and Sonnos is their patron. Their colors are red, gold, and green and their mark is of a golden fox wearing a crown of twisted branches.



    “The fox is witty and clever, and following the fox’s tail will lead to fortune. That is the path we will follow, our strength in our wit and grace as we weave through the obstacles of life.”


    The religion of the seed is elnarnsae’ame, The Wild Faith, however, members of the seed are free to practice whatever religion they wish as long as it is not a dark religion, or involve dark and voidal magic. As long as the members respect the seed's official religion and honor what the patron stands for, they can do as they wish.

    [The Wild Faith]


    The patron of the seed is the Fox Mani Sonnos, Prince of Vulpine. He represents cleverness and wit, traits valued by the Vuln’miruel. Members of the seed may pray in front of the Sonnos shrine for these traits as well as advice on how to face a certain situation with tact. The fox is their symbol, as their family tattoo is a golden fox wearing a crown of twisted branches, meant to signify the Prince of Vulpine.

    [Sonnos Lore]


    The founder often refers to these beliefs as “The Way of the Fox”, and believes that good luck comes to those who randomly encounter a fox. She also believes that following after a fleeting vulpine tail will lead to good fortune, and has stories of doing such herself.





    “After the fleeting tail.”


    To become a member of Vuln’miruel, Vuln’ii must complete three rites.


    Facing Your Obstacles

    When a mali first wishes to join the seed, they must first face the tragedy they have endured in the past, whether internalized or not. They do this by forming a relationship with the Chieftain or Vuln'sae, until they trust them enough to open up to them and share their past experiences. The Chieftain or Vuln'sae will then comfort them, in their own way, and give them advice on how to move past it.


    Befriending the Vulpine

    The founder of Vuln’miruel found their lifelong companion in a red fox named Suna, gifted to her by Feanor when she first came to the village of Siramenor in Arcas. Thus, she believes that every member of her seed deserves a loyal companion like she has. After their first task, the Vuln’ii will be sent into the forest to find a lone fox or orphaned kit to befriend. They are not allowed to capture the animal, as they must gain its trust naturally until the fox follows them willingly.


    Following the Red Tail

    Once they have finished their other trials, the Vuln’ii complete a final trial that is common in many wood elven seeds and even in the Priesthood. The Cheiftain or Vuln'sae has the Vuln’ii smoke herbal substances and then leads them deep into the forest with their fox companion. Once there, the Chieftain or Vuln'sae will leave and the Vuln’ii must follow the quick vulpine back home while facing whatever they see along the way. Once they return, the Vuln’ii will tell their mentor what they encountered and reunited with their vulpine. They will then be named Vuln’miruel and receive their ilmyumier.





    “Come, malii vulmiruel’onn”


    Chieftain of  Vuln’miruel

    Chieftain of the House and Leader of the name. They take in and teach Vuln’ii and watch as they do their rites to become Vuln’miruel, and nominate Vuln'sae to do such in their absence. They also hold a wooden fox mask passed down to each leader of the house.



    A Vuln'miruel who has proven devotion to the seed through either time and/or tribulation, and has thus been given permission from the Chieftain to take in new Vuln'miruel and conduct their trials.



    A fully fledged member of the seed who has completed their rites and has received their ilmyumier.



    Meaning “little fox”, Vuln’ii are those officially undergoing their rites to join the seed. They will gain the name Vuln’miruel from the Chieftain or Vuln'sae after completing their trials and receiving their ilmyumier.





    “Gather round”


    New Birth

    When a mother in Vuln’miruel welcomes a new child, matching crowns of pine leaves, holly, and white rose buds will be made and put on the mother and child’s head. The leader of the family will then say a prayer to Cerridwen to watch over the two followed by a house wide feast.


    A Dark Scavenger Hunt

    Foxes are quick, clever creatures that are also scavengers and most active at night. To mimic such, a competition that entails a scavenger hunt in the woods at night will occasionally take place. The winner of such competition will get a prize.


    Story Telling

    Occasionally, the seed may get together around the hearth and share stories with each other. This is a warm family event where everyone can catch up with each other, share some laughs, and enjoy tea by the fire. Non-members of the seed may be invited, but they must share a story of their own if they come.


    If you’d like to join this seed, find Sonna in game!

  5. The sea breeze played with Sonna’s hair as she leaned over the edge of Elvenesse’s flagship. Her eyes were a glowing honey golden in the night as she murmured to the staff in her hand; Hileia, the Owl Druid’s staff. The conversation ceased as the young druid heard her name being called in the back; she turned around and started to head there with the ancient staff always in her hand.


    It was then, under the full moon, that a sudden sensation came over the priestess and she found herself halting in her place; a sensation she had never felt before. A pulsing wave of Druidic energies surged from Hileia as Sonna’s sight quickly began to fade. A vision then erupted across the Red Fox’s eyes, that of a pure white owl swooping silently past her. It’s wings began to shimmer with emerald particles trailing behind, Sonna watching on with her mouth agape. The essence then started to spread across the flying creature until finally it would fade away as it rose towards the full moon within the night’s sky. The vision then slowly faded away, Sonna finding herself where she was before. Her brows rose in assumption as the vision finished, a small sigh like noise escaping her.


    Then, a sudden surge of Druidic energies coursed across the entire realm of Arcas, Sonna falling to her knees with a strangled gasp as the sensation tugged upon her very soul. She felt the passing of several brothers and sisters, a few tears starting to drop down her cheeks. Hileia’s once serene like tune turned to one of sorrow as it fell silent. Sonna looked to the ancient birchwood staff and held it gently in her arms as she took a proper seat on the deck of the ship. The druidess sobbed gently against Hileia until she was no longer shaken by what she had seen and felt. She took a deep breath as she dried her eyes and slowly came to her feet with Hileia, looking to the full moon.


    Blessed Be”

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  7. Accompanying Sonnos Lore





    The sky was still a deep blue when Sonna awoke, nestled underneath a large oak tree with her husband, their children, and companions. Morean Arvellon slept soundly, snoring softly as his arms held the priestess tightly. She placed a kiss on his brow before looking at her daughter Naeri, sleeping upright with her back against the trunk and arms crossed over her chest. Her gaze drifted downwards to see Vallein cuddled in Naeri’s lap, chest rising and falling with his hands curled up towards his chest. The mark of Taynei’hiylu, embedded into his flesh, still laid on the back of the toddler’s hand, a constant reminder of the nature dragaar’s warning. Sonna reached over and ran her thumb gently across the scale, blinking sleep from her eyes with a gentle frown. Vallein had grown to love the marking, and his mother was not going to do or say anything that would change that. As long as he was happy and healthy, that’s all the matter to the Red Fox Druid. She looked at her left arm, completely bandaged to cover the Sirame seed tattoo; an image of the Green Dragon Spirit. 


    Her emerald gaze turned finally to the red and snow fox, cuddled in a pile between Sonna and Morean. Suna and Fenn’ii she called them, her companions throughout life and gifts from the Sea Prince. Her brother. Her brows furrowed as she remembered their conversation, when Sonna finally told him that they were related by blood, and the royarch reminded her of the curse that ran through their blood.


    Dagnir will come.”


    With a quick release of held breath, the young ame reached for the wooden mask gifted to her by her guide, in druidism and in life. The mask was a reminder that no matter what choice she made today, her mentors would always love and support her; she’d always have the Lynx and the Snow with her. Sonna placed the mask on her face and tied the in around her ginger locks, picked up Hileia, the Owl Druid’s ancient staff, and began to set off after gently patting Suna and Fenn’ii’s heads. She only looked back once as she started towards the island that held the shrine she prayed to whenever she needed help like this.






    Sonna carefully parted the vines that shielded the grotto with her gloved hands, entering the haven with a happy hum. While it had received some damage from the Inferi siege, the statue still sat intact, its carved face still presenting that lovely fox smirk. Before the attack, the druid had told the foxes that call the grotto home to flee, and only a few returned. She can only assume not all of them headed their warning or had left in time. Regardless, three of them slumbered on the statue’s body, one on the tail, one on the back, and one on the head. Sonna quickly took a seat, Hileia standing upright as roots from the underneath the ground melded with the staff. As the fox priestess placed her hands on her knees and bowed her head, the fox on the shrine’s head slowly opened its eyes, gazing at the ginger with curiosity.


    In a low voice she spoke, not wanting to wake the, mostly, sleeping foxes.


    “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what the right choice is. I know it may seem like something small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but this is a choice that will affect my family and my life forever. Please, guide me.”


    And then she began to pray.



    Heya’leh orvull vulmaehr’ehya y’elame sohaera,

    Kaean’leh ortilrun nae illerae.

    Kaean’leh Sirame ay’nae’leh lye myumierae.

    Oh Sonnos, vul’oem, nae’leh ahern kaean illera.”


    A few tears trickled down her cheek as she finished her prayer, chuckling slightly at her own display of emotion. Being in the grotto she had made herself always made her feel better, gave her comfort even in her darkest hours. She waited there for a while, not for particularly anything, just simply mediating in her safe place. It wasn’t until after a couple hours she heard a soft plop before her. As the ame opened her eyes and lifted her head, she saw the fox that had been watching her standing before her, looking up at her with a tilt of its head. Not even a second after the druid had looked up, the red fox started to bound off, Sonna’s gaze simply following it at first.


    Follow your heart.”


    Her mother and daughter’s words echoed in her mind, quickly scrambling to her feet and grabbing Hileia as she started to jog after the vulpine.






    Sonna rushed out of the grotto, masked face whipping around to find the animal. The sun was beginning to rise over the sea, causing everything to be seen in a warm, golden light. She found the creature across the water on the mainland, it’s white tipped tail disappearing into a break in the village Siramenor’s walls. The druid raced after it, bare feet thumping on the wooden bridge that connected the two lands and crunching on the sand of the wood elven village’s beach. Once inside the walls, she spotted the fox’s tail once again, this time rounding a corner down the village’s path. Sonna chased after it, following the fleeting animal out through Siramenor’s main gate and past the farms, over the makeshift bride, and into Aegrothond. The fox continued deeper into the citadel, up some stairs into the massive forge, up some more stairs, and then disappearing around the corner to the right. The priestess huffed as she went up the stairs, sweating from the chase and the heat radiating off the stone walls. As she rounded the corner, she finally saw the red fox sitting in front of a pair of double doors, its tail wrapped neatly around its paws.


    Feanor’s office.


    Sonna carefully walked up to the door, remembering how her brother told her he often sleeps in that very room. She placed her ear gently against the wooden door, listening for any signs of life inside. A sleepy groan sounded from the room, as well as some rustling that the druid could only assume meant he was waking. She turned her head back around for the fox but it was gone, no trace of it left. A small smile tugged at her features underneath the mask as a silly thought popped into her head.


    “I wonder if it has ever heard one of mal’onn’s puns.”


  8. Sonna stood on the island's beach, allowing the waves to crash over her bare feet as she stomached another loss of her kin. The priestess had since run out of tears, her swollen red eyes merely staring at the sun rise with little spirit left in them. "Take good care of him.." She murmured to the sea before lowering herself into the water, resting her head in her knees once again.

  9. Sonna was walking with her two children, Naeri and Vallein, when she felt the pang, eyes immediately glowing a bright gold as a gasp escaped her lips. Not long after, tears began to pour, reflecting that same light, and sobs racked her body. "Haelun? What's wrong?" The three year old boy tugged on his mother's coat, while his sister gazed at her with a worried expression. "Your marlari'onn...Syllia..." The Red Fox Druid choked out before lowering herself to her knees and placing her head in her hands. Vallein immediately climbed into his mother's lap, keeping her company as she remembered; sharing drinks atop the Mother Tree as dedicants, spoting the Constellation Druid in the crowd as she married her brother, and helping her deliver her firstborn son. Sonna remembered it all as her body trembled, and her arms soon held herself tightly.

  10. Decree of Banishment

    issued 13th of The Amber Cold, 1789


    [!] The following letter would be published within the Isles of Almenor, and a copy sent to a limited number of individuals. 



    The individual known as Casca Terin Puerokar is hereby forever banished from the Isles of Almenor and its constituent lands of the Caras Aegrothond citadel and Siramenor in violation of the Codex of Law for the following crimes; treason, interbreeding, and contempt for the crown.



    Crimes Against the Crown




    “Any citizen who willfully assists an enemy of the Crown is guilty of treason. This includes and is not limited to: passing sensitive information, publishing private documents and health records of any citizen, sedition, and slander. Punishment for this crime will result in banishment from the Isles of Almenor and its constituent states.”


    Casca allowed and condoned the actions of her orcish lover; attacking the father of her child and citizen of Siramenor in our own borders. This constitutes as treason as she was still a property owning citizen of the Isles of Almenor herself at the time of the attack, later verbally expressing her approval to some of our council members and guards.



    Crimes Against the Crown




    “Any coupling with intent to produce offspring with a member of another Descendant or lesser race than that of one’s own shall be considered interbreeding. The punishment for such is banishment, especially should the coupling bear a mixed child -- for they have brought into this world unnecessary burden upon the offspring, who must contend with more than one Curse. Knowingly coupling with those who possess Dark Magics shall also be treated as a crime equal to that of interbreeding. Such coupling may decree abuse or neglect on behalf of the parents.”


    She has been charged with interbreeding for coupling with an orc, which she failed to deny when brought before justice. The sin of coupling with another race is a vile deed which sullies the Elven soul. The Curses of the Descendant Races cannot be undone by any power. Therefore, the act of knowingly producing offspring which carries more than one Descendant Curse is equal in the eyes of sensible Elves to that of abuse and neglect.



    Crimes Against Justice




    “Contempt for the Crown and its agents is considered a crime in the Isles of Almenor. While individuals are free to make logical arguments in defense of themselves, they must keep a level voice and be respectful throughout the proceedings. Contempt shall also include failure to heed warnings or banishments from a member of the Council or the Sea Prince himself - this shall result in banishment of the perpetrator from the Isles of Almenor, and may include immediate removal from the Isles of Almenor.”


    Casca continued to insult, ignore the warnings of, and even threaten the newborn child of the council members and guards present. She was told to remain quiet as her crimes were read aloud to her, a command she failed to follow, thus resulting in her charge of contempt.



    I would also like to provide a further explanation of the punishments she received. Her ears were taken as she betrayed her people, thus no longer deserving of the defining feature; her right finger was amputated as that was the punishment that befell the last traitor of the crown; and finally, her flesh was burned to purify her sins, scabs that must be shed in growth.






    By the power vested in me by the Crown Seal of Elvenesse,

    Ahernal ito

    Council Member Sonna Sirame

  11. The Red Fox Druid silently wept as she listened to her brother’s speech, eyes stung and lids heavy from the mental impact of the day’s events. Sonna strolled off once the priest had finished speaking, making her way to the underground grotto she had built herself. She trembled as she gazed upon the damaged fox statue and blighted land before her, falling to her knees before the shrine of Sonnos. Silently, she made a promise with a cracked and uneven voice, so unlike the typically enthusiastic priestess. 

    ”I will make this place safe for the foxes to return.”

  12. MC Name: Junoix

    Character's Name: Sonna Sirame

    Character's Age: 79


    Character's Race:

    Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

    Druidic Communion


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:

    Druidic Communion is the core of all Druidic abilities, and the first thing newly attuned druids learn. Communion is the ability to connect, communicate, and interact with the voices of nature, plants and animals alike. A druid can speak with various flora and animals through communion, as well as ask them and guide them, if a plant, into movement. As the druid continues in their lessons, they will be able to do greater feats such as entling creation and druidic infusion.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?

    While there are no defined subsections of Communion, abilities can be loosely grouped together to categories such as Communion, Control, and Nature Infusion. Communion abilities allow the druid to communicate with and understand the voices of nature. Control abilities allow the druid to ask and guide flora into growing, movement, and ungrowing. Nature Infusion allows druids to create beings such as entlings and infuse objects with the druidic gifts. Again, these are just loose groupings and not defined subcategories.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?

    Sonna Sirame took a seat more the small, barely budding waterlily, releasing a deep breath as a honey golden color glow filled her eyes. Her tattoos also flared to life, glowing their respective colors of green and a much softer gold. A soft smile crossed her face as she connected to voices of nature, humming a gentle tune.


    The druidess, through communion, reached out gently to the white flower before her, conveying an image of kindness and growth. The waterlily responded with simply the strong desire to bud; for it’s petals to unravel and flourish.


    With a gentle sway of her hand and brief release of breath, the priestess attempted to guide the flower into it’s wish, lending some of her energy to the little but determined flower.


    Slowly, the petals of the waterlily began to come apart and spread out in a fanning motion, the mighty white flower blooming with small specks of golden light dripping from it’s petals like morning dew, quickly fading as they fell.


    The smile on Sonna’s face brightened as she saw the flower in all its glory, the glow slowly retreated from her eyes and tattoos simultaneously. She came to a stand, clasping her hands behind her back, and continued on her journey, still humming the same tune.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?

    Sonna: As the student approached Sonna, she’d have a chittering fox in her lap, rubbing its belly. “Ah! Karin’ayla llir, come come. Today, you’re going to be learning how to communicate with our animal friends!” She seemed rather excited about the lesson, a bright smile on her freckled features.


    Student: She took a seat in front of her guide with a perked brow, an amused smile spread across her face as she watched the happy fox in her arms.


    Sonna: “Ayla ayla, now. I want you to go ahead and connect to the voices, ground yourself in them. As your first attempt, this will be quite taxing, so don’t push yourself too hard! Also keep in  mind that most animals don’t speak Common or any verbal language. You’ll most likely speak with them through mental images and feelings.” She emphasized as she placed the red fox on the ground, the animal rolling around in the grass with it’s happy chirps.


    Student: She nodded as her eyes began to glow their aura color, taking a deep breath as she opened her connection to the voices of nature around her.


    Sonna: The druid watched on with a soft smile, providing encouraging words as her student worked. “Marayla lari’onn, your connection becoming stronger..” She hummed softly, eyeing the fox every so often.


    Student: Soon, the student would be able to perceive nature, her lips turning up into a small smirk as she set her eyes upon the red fox.


    Sonna: “Now suika, among the voices of nature, try to pick out the fox’s. Focus on that, and try to communicate with it.” She kept her voice low to not disrupt her student too much, simply providing guidance.


    Student: The student nodded as she searched the voices of flora around her, brows creasing in concentration as she released a soft huff.


    Sonna: The priestess perked a brow at the noise. “Don’t give up lari’onn, it may be tricky, but you’ll find it soon.”


    Student: Sure enough, a wider smile broke across the student’s face as she found the red fox’s distinct voice, sighing in relief. 


    Sonna: Sonna’s own smile widened along with her student’s. “I take it you’ve found it, ti? Go ahead and try to reach out to it. Remember, most animals don’t speak Common, so convey what you’re trying to say through thoughts and feelings.”


    Student: The student attempted to reach out to the red fox wiggling in the grass before her, presenting the mental image of a nice belly rub.


    (OOC Note: At this point, I would also begin to emote the animal’s thoughts and feelings.)


    Red Fox: The red fox continued to just play in the grass on it’s back, but soon the student would be able to sense the strong desire for more belly rubs.


    Sonna: Sonna looked on with a watchful gaze, prepared to act if anything were to go wrong.


    Student: She smiled as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of her face and an exhausted sigh left her lips, reaching out to scritch the fox’s white underbelly. The glow in her eyes faded as her shoulders fell, clearly tired from the small interaction.


    Sonna: The corners of her lips upturned into a bright smile as she watched the student rub the fox’s belly, releasing a small sigh of relief. “Marayla lari’onn, I think I can assume what the fox had to say hm?”


    Student: She chuckled as she wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. “It seems to love belly rubs hm? You must spoil it.”


    Sonna: The elfess laughed as she was called out, joining the two on the grass. “Guilty as charged.” She hummed as she watched on with a proud and joyous expression.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?

    I would message them and give them a gentle reminder on what they are able to do at their tier, the amount emotes their taught abilities take, and the effects of exhaustion. If they continued to powergame despite my reminders and warning, I would report to the ST.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  13. MC Name: Grimoix

    Character's Name: Melinoe

    Character's Age: 102


    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:




    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:





  14. Sonna Sirame read over the missive with a tilt of her head, thoroughly contemplating its words. She rolled up the paper, holding it tightly in her hands as she hurried off in the direction of the citadel. 


    OOC: Dope! Love the image you provided as well

  15. Sonna Sirame read the letter with a soft sigh, folding and holding it close to her chest. She gazed over to her three children she had just put to sleep before heading back to her room. The druid shut the door behind her slowly, so not to wake her sleeping husband, reluctantly opening the chest at the foot of her bed. Slowly did her hands pull out her bow, red kuila dust gleaming in the lantern's light as she thought to herself...

  16. MC Name: Junoix

    Character's Name: Siss'sira

    Character's Age: 94


    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:





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