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Everything posted by JDog

  1. JDog


    A young boy named Festus fended for himself in the forests which were a short distance away from most villages surrounding. Festus was born upon Helena, from which his parents moved in hopes of practice and wanting to express the open religion. His parents were unknown to him, and he was left in a small blanket and a carved boat-like structure made from sticks and vines that winded together into a strong material. Upon the structure was a crumpled note reading only “Festus Lyndelt”. He was found by a group of Mercenaries in the forest who didn't have any intention on killing him because they knew he was alone, and that no one wanted him. They didn't entirely think he was inferior. They figured that they could train him as he got older to be a mercenary like them. A certain wrong-doing was caused by Festus, when a few prisoners they had taken in from a previous battle in the forest were let loose. With immediate action and haste, this lead to quick dismissal. Festus was sent off into the forests at a young age of 8. Festus was just left for dead. Festus was probably one of the first people to live in the dense forests at such a young age. After being brought up into a life of misery, hate, sorrow and petty crimes, all of which affected his life; Festus turned out to be alright except for some minor flaws though he still had the passion in him to commit senseless acts. Something inside him just made him just really enjoyed harm in all of its forms (Physical, emotional, etc). Festus does everything he can to let out his anger on non-living entities, but he can't seem to let go of the past, all of the things that the Mercenaries had done to people, whether it be robbing them or beating them, he wanted to do to everyone else. Festus was able to hold back all anger inside, and able to control all feelings or emotions about being a mercenary as he grew older however. Such a sorrowful child Festus was as he lived a cruel childhood out in the forests alone. 11 Years had passed, all that time alone in the forests changed Festus and he was no longer the same. But the changed Festus was anew. He was better in every way. Festus learned how to control all signs of anger and all feelings, he was generally nicer and calm but a slight hint of sarcasm lies within him. Festus was wandering through the dense forests, on a valiant venture sought out to find shelter, safety, fresh food and water, as he had been too long without. The forests supplies were becoming seemingly scarce to him. Festus came across something he hadn't seen in what seemed to be the longest time; a small village just off in the distance, a place he would hope to find himself or answers to a past unknown to him. Festus recalled a time in which one of the Mercenaries had mentioned a sustainable region in which many went in search of the same; Korvassa. He knew that the region was south-west of him and where he needed to go. Festus looks around him, before reaching his right hand towards his back pocket, pulling out a crumpled note and opening it. The note reading “Festus Lyndelt”, upon glancing at it, Festus looks up and smiles before placing the note into his overcoat pocket and carrying onwards.
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