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Posts posted by Frank_Dog

  1. 2fvraOYyriBRj1mQgcH7WIpFjuGgZb7Nq84Psqh0seCEmM3923sp5btLhFSpELqd5dLNbc4at1u3A8Uecb2DBFaDEqCPv9UX63n-dtn33XAqbJH1WX_kU87kmCsEze5gO2tz9qgutUp47BoSud8gKzY

    Devinne Swash Regular

    Devinne Swash Regular



    10th of Sigismund’s End, 182 S.A 





    Lorand Korvacz II has completed his trials to earn the hand of the heiress of Brabant, Arowyn Whitewood. The couple who have known each other for the past decade will officially be joining themselves in holy union according to the Owynist rite. With this, the ducal house Whitewood invites its citizens and others from abroad to help celebrate the new marriage. The couple hopes for what they consider a most traditional wedding of the duchy with a ceremony in Enduring Island Temple of Owyn’s Flame. Followed by a social gathering held at the local renowned tavern and inn. All are invited to join Arowyn and Lorand, and their families on their special day.


    [Thursday 5pm EST]



    To further celebrate the Union, a hunt shall be hosted in Brarbant, in honour of St. Arianne, patron of Forests. May the couple’s arrows fly true and in tandem.


    [Saturday 3pm EST]



    His Royal Majesty, Ivan III, King of Haense and his citizens.

    His Royal Majesty, John I, King of Aaun and his citizens.

    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I of the Petra and her citizens.

    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I of Balian and her citizens.

    His Royal Highness, Alfred I, Prince in Reinmar and of Sutica, and his citizens.

    His Royal Highness, Leon I, Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, and his citizens.

    Her Royal Highness, Ramona de Pelear, Soberana of Hyspia and her citizens.

    The Silver Lubba, Lumia Uialben of Lurin and her citizens.

    His Wee Majesty, King Cyris Collingwood The First II, Thain of Dunfarthing and his wee pedigree

    The Honourable, Henrik Amador, Viscount of Zvezlund and his noble pedigree.

    The Honourable, Friedrich von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten and his noble pedigree.


    Her Royal Majesty, Amelya of Middelan, Queen-consort of Aaun.

    His Lordship, Ser Fredrich Ludovar.

    His Lordship, Miklós Korvacz.

    Her Ladyship, Rozsika Korvacz.

    His Lordship, Peter von Leopold.

    His Lordship, Miklós von Leopold.

    Her Ladyship, Franziska Barclay.

    His Lordship, Demitrey Denodado.

    His Lordship, Ser Alwyn Glennmaer.

    Holy Ser Lug MacSkaul.





    Her Ladyship, Arowyn Scarlet Whitewood,

    Heiress of Brabant.


    His Lordship, Lorand Richard Korvacz.


    [!] Official Seal of House Whitewood




  2. Arowyn Whitewood smirked proudly as her father placed the family seal upon the parchment. "I do have good taste after all."

    Camilla Falkner wiped a tear from her eye hollering for her husband, "Odrin! Richard's little boy is finally to be wed! His father would be so deeply proud."

  3. gQIX3XWqnqciSIWAH8uKRVZSlhey-gG9a9RtbtxXNvQEOD-rE4HkOPT3OwxVBAuap12vc-mEf7HMT-aQNIqBhGZSPiWF9tb9Nn6r0ADHjtHBT-me6hHvbhDZSne7jObLvjnSRy7jRROdij86E6CJ97Y




    Arowyn Scarlet Whitewood

    Harren’s Folly, 179 S.A




    House Whitewood and its brave leader Sterling Percy have suffered the death of some of its own in the campaign of the Silver Crusade. For this reason the Duke has made the decision to spend an indefinite time in seclusion and prayer before he must fight again. In this period his heir shall act as regent, the lady Arowyn Whitewood with the assistance of Brabant’s loyal council. 





    Her Ladyship, Arowyn Scarlet Whitewood,

    Heiress of Brabant


    [!] Official Seal of House Whitewood



  4. Camilla Monika Falkner chuckled at the document. "The meal on my table is called beef, but it doesn't mean we don't know it was a cow. Seems they've had generations of darkspawn, but they always found a way to push suspicion onto others..." she stated as she went to play with her Reinmaren shephered. 

  5. Lady Camilla Falkner read over the invitations, giving a sigh upon seeing her own family not invited. "Would have been a good chance for our kin to meet that of my cousins. But I suppose we have isolated ourselves a little over time." She told her husband with a disappointed look.

  6. 9 hours ago, alexmagus said:

    I'd have to say the OOC scheming and major toxicity within nations? Idk how you'd adapt that to a Netflix show, but it needs to be added!

    Exactly what I was thinking. I'll add on to it by saying LOTC would be one of them Netflix shows that makes you angry but still keeps your attention. Aka despite it all we still stay on it lol

  7. I have to agree with some of the above about noticing people getting bans/warnings due to a bias. When I received my warning a few months back(my first) I wasn't even really told what I was getting punished for. Personally I was made out to be some toxic person who likes to cause trouble, when in reality the moment I notice an ooc bias I make the decision to avoid that player or mod because I am here to enjoy roleplay. I have known a number of people in my years on LOTC who some of the least problematic users on were probably the server and were banned solely on the word of players who were more in clique with the staff members. 

    This is probably part of the reason my activity had dropped a bit in recent months. I reached out to a staff member to have a conversation on whether a messed-up situation was against the rules. They agreed with me and pushed me to make a report just to immediately get told a little later that they were ashamed of me for my behavior, and they were going to issue me a warning without going into detail on what they thought I had done. I had even asked politely.

    There are many things so much more important in life than a Minecraft roleplay server. But when you have a platform where you get to enjoy the rp niche and some of the amazing people, it's very saddening to know that just because another play has an issue with you, they can use their say over staff friends. 

  8. The aging Camilla Falkner read the declaration with a large frown, followed by a sigh. "There is no honor in Aaun, family members betraying others just as badly as the royals treat their own loyal nobility." She looked down on her hand, covered with the scars of testing. "Varoche is as ill as it was the day it turned against my family, after years of friendship."

  9. The aging Highlander woman Camilla Falkner read the declaration with a frown. She looked to her husband, "What is the world coming to? I wish no hate on anyone, nor believe that people with those preferences should not love each other. Yet the church has always looked down upon it, I wonder if they will give in to these leaders. Or we shall have Kings and Queens unable to produce heirs, and families shall cease to exist."

  10. I agree I feel it's very dirty. But it goes both ways. In regard to this happening at the orc pillar, I mean I've been hearing of the orcs doing it to others for a while. So why does it just become a big deal when someone does it back to those who are mainly doing it? Seems a bit hypocritical. 

  11. cqRbho1TA5xMp4PxFNln3tOwpuus1LSXCoim1S85DAJ3D_Z39Tm4Y7NsW3HneGWq3GA1Hs6UXFn5Cgfx3NFQJpITLMdhyXrjvbmanNTBBmV_TpYWltrlwibZew92AZYA6G6kCvtvIeb3p_1A6VEc4AI

    Recently I founded the cadet of Falkner with a friend. We are looking players interested in playing our children, and a few siblings of my own persona in the Marchdom of Lotusgrad. The family is Highlander with a Waldenian culture, with its dual heads Camilla and Odrin both involved in their local community/government while also being merchants. Eager to get into business ventures while devoted to the place they live. If you have any interest, please reach out to me on discord. (Frank_Dog)

  12. Camilla smiled at the call. "Shall this war make knights of you summer boys, we haven't seen war since the Adrian rebellion. The last time we fought them we were children locked behind the walls of Hohengarten, safe from the carnage. But now you must make carnage of your own.." The Falkner told herself from her home away from the conflict. 

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