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    snow elf

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  1. Vela


    Mara was born in the city of Tahu’lareh. Her Mother died during childbirth and so her father tried to raise her on his own. Her mother was a priestess, so Mara was raised in complete belief of Wyrun and his 6, as an omen to her mother’s memory. Her Father sent her to school proper education, but never really talked about her mother nor talked to her as much. Mara was often stuck by herself because her father worked as a professor within the city so Mara began looking for things to do as an only child. She attempted foraging and cleaning within the citadel, but it never satisfied her. When she was 14 years old, she was running in the forest when she saw a group of military soldiers training. She became mesmerized by the ease in which they was able to fight in hand to hand combat, much like a dance. From then onwards, every time she had any free time at all, she joined the soldiers in training, attempting the proper techniques.She longed to train with the army, and even began practicing by watching the soldiers spar. She became very good in combat and with the bow and arrow. She grew respect from her peers, even though she was technically not a soldier. As time wore on, Mara began practicing with the warriors, sparring and even knife throwing. She worked hard to do well, even though her family was not around much to support her. Whenever her father visited her, she would attempt to talk to him about life, but she was not able get past his cold barrier. She learned from her education about the world outside the Princedom, and dreamed of traveling the map, while representing her country. Through the years, she became more and more skilled in a variety of forms of combat and stealth. She entered her first battles at the age of 45, which is very uncommon. As time wore on, her father became more and more sullen. Even after many years, he yearned for his mate back. Her father grew resentful and blamed her for her mothers death. He became separated from the community and would leave for days at a time. Her father slept through days at a time, drank nonstop, and even stopped working. Mara became restless through all of this. She decided to move into another place in the citadel, and lost contact with her father all together. Hoping to be a soldier, she continued to practice sparring and shooting. Over the past few years, she had begun traveling as a representative of her race. With her experiences in stealth and combat, she became an expert in the difficult job of spying, in order to learn more about other governments and societies. She travelled the map and was able to experience her lifelong dream of traveling and learning about the relations between countries for her own use. Even though she was not yet a soldier, she hoped to one day go back and fight for her country.
  2. Vela


    Mara was born in the city of Tahu’lareh. Her Mother died during childbirth and so her father tried to raise her on his own. Her mother was a priestess, so Mara was raised in complete belief of Wyrun and his 6, as an omen to her mother’s memory. He r Father sent her to school proper education, but never really talked about her mother nor talked to her as much. Mara was often stuck by herself because her father worked as a professor within the city so Mara began looking for things to do as an only child. She attempted foraging and cleaning within the citadel, but it never satisfied her. When she was 14 years old, she was running in the forest when she saw a group of military soldiers training. She became mesmerized by the ease in which they was able to fight in hand to hand combat, much like a dance. From then onwards, every time she had any free time at all, she joined the soldiers in training, attempting the proper techniques. Over the following years of training with the army , rising up the ranks. She became one of the best soldiers in combat and with the bow and arrow. She grew respect from her peers and and was treated well as a soldier. As time wore on, Mara began practicing with the warriors, sparring and even knife throwing. She worked hard to do well, even though her family was not around much to support her. Whenever her father visited her, she would attempt to talk to him about life, but she was not able get past his cold barrier. She learned from her education about the world outside the Princedom, and dreamed of traveling the map, while representing her country. Through the years, she became more and more skilled in a variety of forms of combat and stealth. She entered her first battles at the age of 45, which is very uncommon. As time wore on, her father became more and more sullen. Even after many years, he yearned for his mate back. Her father grew resentful and blamed her for her mothers death. He became separated from the community and would leave for days at a time. Her father slept through days at a time, drank nonstop, and even stopped working. Mara became restless through all of this. She decided to move into another place in the citadel, and lost contact with her father all together. As a soldier, she continued to rise through the ranks. Over the past few years, she had begun traveling as a representative of her race. With her experiences in stealth and combat, she became assigned to more difficult jobs in spying. She travelled the map and was able to experience her lifelong dream of traveling and representing Tahu’lareh in ways of spying and keeping relations with other countries intact.
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