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  1. THE FIRST OF THE VICOUNTY 12TH OF VERÓNICA'S STRENGTH, 131 D.R. INTRODUCTION A CALF IS BORN With the most recent news of a very dramatic family meeting within the Vicounty of Florencia, It was reported that The Honorable Lady Leya had a cow! A sudden birth following the stress of true Salazar revelry led to the sudden labor. It came of much more surprise to learn that there were not one, but two Salazars to be born on this day. By DIOS grace; HER LADYSHIP, Motalina Motanetta Doralina Doranetta Salazar @_mady07 HIS LORDSHIP, Mortigo Jaiver Salazar @HeyitsNano Signed, SIGNED, LA HONORABLE, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar, Vizcondesa of Florencia, Baronesa of Campos Salvajes EL HONORABLE, Rema Salazar, Vizconde-Consorte of Florencia, Baron-Consorte of Campos Salvajes
  2. One of the Salazar brothers has been disowned 17TH OF Francisco’s Blessing OF 128 D.R. On this day, the former Isaias Salazar has been stripped of his titles and removed from the Viscounty of Florencia- By the decree of LA HONORABLE, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar, Vizcondesa of Florencia that her brother, Isaias, is to be hereby known as Isaias Campos; A bastard of house Salazar. The bastard in question has already been privately disinherited for many years, as a result of a failed rodeo, unable to claim any titles. As a result of ignoring dozens of warnings by senior members of the family spanning nearly a decade, Isaias is hereby removed from any final claims he has to Salazar names, titles, wealth, lands, or other and all assets. LA HONORABLE, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar, Vizcondesa of Florencia, Baronesa of Campos Salvajes HIS EXCELLENCY, Tomas Santiago Virgilio Salazar, Embajdor de Hyspia, Representante of House Salazar
  3. Leya received her and her house's invitation rather quickly; Soon after would she begin attempting to collect the family together in order to plan their gift to the Sovereign, as well as her first debut as the Baroness.
  4. A new Baroness is named. 10TH OF Francisco’s Blessing OF 120 D.R. Following the events of the fourth Salazar Rodeo, the Crown of Hyspia and the council of the Salazar’s, including then-regent EL SENÓR, Pedro Miguel Salazar, have decided that it is in the best interest for the Barony of Campos Salvajes that EL SENÓR, Joaquin Salazar, pass his titles over to his daughter, SU SENÓRITA, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar, with the blessing of LA SENÓRA, Gabriela Salazar. The newly titled SU SENÓRITA, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar, Baroness of Campos Salvajes requests that the public pray for her father’s swift recovery from a mishap earlier in the day involving a horse toppling over on top of him. DIOS bless. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Xiomara I, Sovereign of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Viscountess of Banderas, Baroness of Arenisca, Del’mar, Monterro and Campagnon, Lady of La Dorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, etcetera. SU SENÓRITA, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar, Baroness of Campos Salvajes LA SENÓRA, Gabriela Salazar, Baroness-Mother of Campos Salvajes EL SENÓR, Pedro Miguel Salazar, Colonel of the Orden de Francisco
  5. Disaster at the Fourth Salazar Rodeo 17TH OF Maria’s Peace OF 119 D.R. The fourth Salazar Rodeo, the quinceanera of LA SENÓRITA, Leya Salazar, debuted on this day in La Dorada, a coming of age ceremony for the Salazar children. Unfortunately, the day took a sour turn during the first event, Bull Riding, SU SENÓRA, Gabriela Salazar, Baroness of Campos Salvajes, the Mother of the cumpleañera, was kicked to the ground by the bull, breaking her ribs, before being stomped on- Shattering her leg. The day ended with EL SEÑOR, Julian Salazar, slaying the beast before it was able to otherwise kill his Madre, much to the dismay of SU SENÓR, Joaquin Salazar, Baron of Campos Salvajes. We ask that you all please keep the Baroness in your prayers while she recovers. SIGNED, LA SENÓRITA, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar
  6. Mess with the Bull, you get the Horns. 17TH OF Maria’s Peace OF 119 D.R. The first Salazar Rodeo had its debut in Hyspias El Puente, throwing those coming-of-age off of a bulls back and allowing for a bit of chaos in your day. It is the Salazar Households great joy to announce the fourth Salazar Rodeo, and the events that will take place within. BULL RIDING THE first event of the Rodeo is bull-riding! Take your chance at seeing how long you can stay on a running, angry bull. BRONCO TAMING A Bronco is unlike any normal horse, in which they buck wildly when ridden - making it quite the time to keep ahold of them! This is our second event of the rodeo! PORKCHOP BUSTING THE last event of the rodeo, hold tight and lay flat against a pig - where everyone taking part is released at once. The last one holding on wins! RODEO RULES TO take part in the rodeo, a waiver must be signed beforehand. YOU have one chance per round. BE nice to the rodeo clowns. LOUDEST fan gets a prize. [Tuesday, September 10, 2 PM EST, Hyspia Bull Ring] SIGNED, SU SENÓR, Joaquin Salazar, Baron of Campos Salvajes SU SENÓRA, Gabriela Salazar, Baroness of Campos Salvajes LA SENÓRITA, Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar
  7. [!] The missive was reprinted and re-distributed. (Apologies, it got messy in the copy + paste and I was being lazy)
  8. [!] A public missive, addressed to John Augustus Galbraith, Baron Cascanova. The letter was written on a decorative papyrus, bordered with filigree, various skulls littered about. This is for John Augustus Galbraith, and by extension, Portoregne Citizens, I have kidnapped both your husband, Rhys var Ruthern the Procurator, and your sister, Ipera Galbraith; By the time you’re reading this they’ve both likely already been killed and reborn into undead ghouls, bound in service to myself, Irene Milana Agnes Palmer, Baroness of Aldenburg, Crimson Witch, Mercenary of Murkwater and compatriot to Gravelord Kryndomere, Lord of Crows, Herald of Umbrage. I do look forward to visiting you all from time to time, and taking my pick of your pitiful litter, namely: John Galbraith, Demetrius var Ruthern, Holly Galbraith, and Viktoria vas Ruthern. Signed, your Dearest ex-friend, ex-medic, and your maker, Irene Milana Agnes Palmer, Corpse Crafter, Sanguine Weaver, and Vampyre
  9. THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!


    THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!

  11. THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!

  12. THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!

  13. THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!

  14. The witch cackled along with her mentor, shrieking through the halls of dead with her own macabre joy. She too often eyed the trophies stolen from her once best-friend with a sense of pride, or perhaps something closer to vanity. "I do hope they continue to play right into my trap, soon I shall strike again- And then our ranks will expand once more." Irene Milana Agnes Palmer, Baroness of Aldenburg and self-proclaimed Crimson Witch added towards the Elder.
  15. THIS is for Irene, thee rotund, white-fleshed, putrid smelling bacon-did-feed wench, why thee TOOK mine beloved's eyes out and flayed them, beat them to nigh death whilst their back was turned, thy TRIFLING, FILTHY, LARGE, ‘oompa loompa’, corse-haired rampallian WENCH! I'm coming up thither and I shall beat the ALAS out of thee, wench, and don’t rally your darkspawn-filth comrades, I shall cometh up thither unexpected and wail on thee rampallian wench arse; I KNOW OF THE FETID CARRIAGE THOU DRIVE and thou raggedy arsed steeds and ratty cloth. Damned tattered shoes, thin-haired, stenched dog, arsed wench! I'm telling thee, WENCH, I'm coming to beat thou for thou foul-mouthed, trifling-arsed attitude. WENCH!!!

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