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    Winn Marvell
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  1. DragonChop_


    Winchester was born in a land far away, the bastard son of a human man and a drunk wood elf, although you could never tell by looks. The boy’s father disappeared, and his mother was too ashamed to keep the child, so Winchester was sent to Sutica, by means of ship. He grew up on the streets, under the protection of a homeless half-orc named Fue-Tuni. Winchester stole what he had to, and was caught quite a few times. He grew up without caring about race or appearance, but character. He lived by the streets to the age of 16. He decided he couldn’t take living as a street rat anymore when Fue-Tuni was beaten to death right in front of him. He decided to move away to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, for hope of a new start. There he found his real father, who turned out to be a total scumbag. Winn was brought into his father’s business of leather-tanning, earning his way up the social ladder. His father fell ill, and passed away a few years later. Winn came into possession of his father’s belongings, which weren’t much, and were taken away by the government because he’s too young to run the business. Now, Winn has to find his own way once more.
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