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About Nesh

  • Birthday June 25

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  1. Nesh


    Nick Leaf was born in a small village outside of the Kingdom of Norland. He had a relatively normal childhood raised by his father, who was a knight, and his mother, who took care of him at home. Nick had no siblings and due to his shyness, he had no friends in his childhood and spent most of his time learning swordsmanship from his father. Nick received a formal education and during his studies he became particularly interested in the many big cities in the land of Almaris that were so different from his small village. One night when he was 10, he woke up in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm and heard the sound of a horse running nearby. As many travelers passed through the village at all times, Nick thought nothing of it; however after hearing the sound of chains and looking through the window, he saw the horse being ridden by a tall, skinny man, wearing a black cloak and chains on his wrists and carrying a scythe. The man turned, looked straight at the open window, and locked eyes with Nick just as thunder struck close to the village. Nick screamed and ran from the window crying, as he heard the horse leave. For 3 years following that night, Nick heard the sound of a swinging chains during thunderstorms. After those 3 years, the 'reaper' man disappeared permanently much to Nick's surprise. After this experience, Nick developed a fear of tall individuals wearing dark cloaks. Despite this fear, he wondered why, for many years, the man passed his house during thunderstorms and just suddenly vanished. When he turned 18 he decided to leave his parents and search for the reaper in a nearby kingdom. His current age is 18, his goal is to settle in a big city and become a knight, while looking for the reaper individual.
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