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Posts posted by ColonelKuehl1

  1. "A Coma then..." The Warlock Tezellion'uth looked toward the results of his efforts "Sleep well then." He states knowing of the nightmares he cursed upon his being "You will awaken to see everything you love taken from you." the Warlock returns to his ambitions still pleased by the labour of himself and the Odurex.

  2. Zavar a goblin if not THE goblin looked to the missive realizing he more then qualified for all that was asked only really questioning the need for a costume "Oh ho ho! Diz wun require Zavar! But only if dey kan katch mi!" The Goblin began to run out of the random barrel he inhabited giving himself a head start as he darted away. 

  3. "Mi been through da dezert on da horze wif nub name felt hozh ta be out ub da rain, lat nub remembah a fing cuz dere aint nub wun out ta gib lat da pain!" Sung the Goblin, the Ugluk Goblin Zavar as he wandered like a true Ugluk. 

  4. CHZ6tjVERNEzfLK9EE_x_cfFewPLENDaCnrxtIOnyTgVoR5zNV7BMgh5Pb_-_62FuZO-WjjVybgHM0MMm5xbzZnh3d-fxH51r64PG9BlJppmoGjQ2x9jfxhC6sdSmILpvZ5Yva6D9SJPV14c7dPVGGM


    Following the recent acquisition by the demonic hordes of Hexicanium the Grub bucket is now under the control of the Warlock Chef Tezellionuth. It shall henceforth be called the Gut-Bucket, and our brand new menu will be available for your tasting pleasure!


    To all dark forces: 


    Try our new Idiot Sandwich, with authentic toasted idiot brains stuffed between two loaves of bread, cultivated and flavored with the blood of my enemies!


    Enjoy Malflame grilled descendants and other local Mozstrimoza delicacies imported to Koyo-Kuni for all of your grub centric needs!


    Partake in our delectable fusion of Oyashiman and Demon culture with delights such as Spleen Sashimi!


    Come to the Gut Bucket the first of our chain to linger within the mortal realms under the banner of Hells Kitchen!



    Udax of the Azulytes

    Head Chef of the Gut Bucket



  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Viras Danoran


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The Naztherak is a mortal warlock, one of which, through a pact with one of five ruling demonic entities lingering within the realm of Moz Strimoza. It begins with a deal brought about by another Warlock to make a power exchange. Following said deal, the new warlock is branded, and as such, it slithers from its palm to its torso, as the Rokul, the ruling entity of the hellish Pentacle, entirely claims its soul. In Exchange, the Warlock has multiple magical capabilities. Through the use and creation of a grimoire, the Warlock, through speaking in the hellish tongue, may manipulate the hellish fire known as Malflame and command variants of Inferi. The False Prince may conjure and manipulate both, but this is only limited by a pool of soul essence known as Maelus, which may increase following a Warlock's progression through the tiers. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Malflame- Malflame, or soul flame, is quite literally the fire of hell. While having features and following principles of natural flame, Malflame holds unique soul scorching properties following contact with skin burning at a rate akin to paper only to follow the indescribable torment of one's spirit. Malflame can appear in various colors and aesthetics in and outside of combat. Connection requires opening the grimoire and activating one's brands; should a Naztherak lack the presence of said grimoire, it will count as disconnection. Should one cast any Malflame spells, the cost of Maelus will vary depending on the spell. 


    Demonology/Inferi- Naztherak can create and summon various inferi ranging from Zevn, also known as Imps, to beasts known as Zekul and Zarei (The Twisted ones). Following the creation process, utilizing a gore pit and infusing such with one maleus to reshape a soul into the twisted beings known as Inferi, ranging from each variant, small animals (Zevn) variety of animals (Zekul), and Descendants for the CA (Zarei). Following such, each is bound to a grimoire, Zevn and Zekul being limited to five, whereas Zarei remains limited to three. Following the use of a Grimoire, the False Prince may command and summon the first two variants through incantation and the use of their Maelus. 


    Pacting- Following tier three through a Striith, a Naztherak may further their abilities following two pacts, each costing a singular magic slot in return for selling your soul further to your respective Rokul.

    Cursed flame and idol creation are the results of a freeform ritual. Following said ritual, a Naztherak will have access to 


    Cursed fire- For example, if a Naztherak is pacted to Draazhana, whose domain is dread, the curse following conjuring malflame with an extra emote will create irrational fear that will remain on the target for a single OOC day. 


    Cursed Idols- Similarly to cursed fire, a Naztherak with a mundane object a Warlock may curse such with their malice. Following a pentacle ritual, the item is bound in malflame and Ilzakarn script. When in contact with the said idol, the holder, over time, may be overwhelmed by the creator's malice; for example, a necklace fused with dread will, over time, cause the wearer to suffer paranoia and mind-warping fear.


    Boons and Banes-  Something of a means to play the devil himself. Following a lengthy ritual utilizing a cistern and costing another magic slot, the Naztherak may entangle others with a pact. The said pact may be performed out of combat, allowing the false prince to provide non-combative abilities with major downsides, with more significant boons having set banes. In contrast, lesser boons have a variety of banes that can be paired with the boon. When the deal is finished, the recipient will receive a brand of Ilzakarn upon their flesh and will require rakir from the False Prince to recharge their function. 



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?




    The Warlock gave a single violent glare toward his target as the pages of a mysterious book fluttered as if at will. The sound of flesh mangling echoed throughout the halls. Two horns grotesquely shot out of the False Prince's skull as his talons grasped the grimoire. Symbols on his arms flowed with an unnatural flame as the creature's malicious intent was as clear as day. 


    An incomprehensible word to all those not privy to the tongue of the Hells, “Rok-Dhurz.” echoed aloud as a putrid abyss breathed from the Prince's brands as the malflame concentrated into an orb gathering within the Warlock's hand. 


    The Warlock's gaze was set upon his target as his hand slung a golf ball of hell fire into the exposed face of the peasant before them, trailing across the battlefield.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    Zekul Summon


    “Now that you have bound a Zekul, such will be both your sword and your shield should bloodshed inevitably follow your path.” The Warlock flipped through the pages, peering toward his student as he flipped to the list of his five beasts. “You may only have five at a time, and each shall vary in difficulty of summoning depending upon their size.”

    Following the opening of his grimoire, the Warlock awaited his student to follow as he made his explanation: “Those the size of a dog will take nearly a mere snap of a finger to call forth as so.” The Warlock snapped his finger as his brands flowed fourth, opening fourth a pentacle, as out in an instant appeared a hellhound, its fiery gaze lingering upon the student.


    “For you, however, the Manticore you had captured, its size calls for greater effort. As such, following opening the tome, begin your chant as it will take quite some time.” The Warlock ordered, gazing upon their student, expecting the three summoning steps. 


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Typically, preemptive action tends to be a safe means to prevent such; the student must understand and perfectly explain elements of the magic, such as the nuances of malflame as an example, to avoid misunderstandings and point out redlines during lessons. In the instance of being reported, I would give them the benefit of the doubt for the first few mistakes, especially if such was an apparent novice mistake, and correct them the best I could. In the instance of constant power gaming causing issues nonstop despite continuous warnings, the worst case scenario would be to no longer teach and report them to be dealt with by ST.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. "Not devil or nation could fell Nor'asath, instead a meteor known as Susan." Part of Netseth felt he would be more displeased... though perhaps it was fated. He would never forget the part he played for his people. A sense of hope still lingered within the old Primarchs heart. He knew they would scatter again though perhaps everything still remained in another's hands as the Warrior lingered in a far away place. 


    A Goblin stood within the crater on his knees, Zavar looked to a still lingering formerly buried statue of Velulaei as his poncho flowed in the wind, mourning the loss of barrel blarg shouting the very heavens "LAT BLEW IT UP! DAMN LAT DAMN LAT ALL DO DA MOZ!!!!!" 


    Meanwhile from within the Hexicanium The  Azulyte Warlock formerly a Velulaei'onn known as Ahzek cackled in his newly found horrific form. 



    Honestly was a great run and happy the city went out with a literal bang. I wish anyone who trys to pick up the mantle of leading the Delves the best of luck and Fun on those better things.  Glad the Delves got a chapter on Lotc where they stood strong and I hope to see another come to pass! GL everyone.



  7. A fresh burning fist was held by the Warlock known as the Udax. An Eye lost though all was worth it in the end as the Mystic God remained in his thoughts. "To become a god in a godless ideology, hypocrisy at its finest... he was worshiped and seen as above all, now look at them it was worth every effort to see to this things end." The Warlock moved on as his thoughts lingered on the idea having been pleased to have laid his hands and watch a mighty being burn. 

  8. The Udax snarled under his breath his dreaded visage formed, his impulses getting the better of him as his masters words echoed throughout his mind, Bats rising in the gloomy distance as the Warlock proclaimed "Yes YES It'll be a massacare! Oh how there are so many flavors of fear to taste!" The Mad Warlock cackled hysterically as his zeal overcame "Honor be to enlightened Azul, for through cinders and pain may we break our chains!" 

  9. O64dn2Gb5OM8WvOfCpNAutIw1kKWaBYPEserK-XzjOoyh-v6nm_htehYUP2S1Xzp4jqCPcfyFgdq9V0xguKgnZeTUeVZ7nJdqyRPVSZhwwZSevzkC1mNT9lGSGrxTPIpshrMf4wJw1hO-c29njNLQT8

    Order of the head of  the Python Netseth Loa’chil






    For acting the brigand, his banditry of the people of Sakuragakure, stealing relics and placing the clan in an unsavory debt. 


    Spuds is here disowned, banished, and stripped of all titles. To address his honorless ways, he is to be welcomed only as a traitor and befitted to his sentence, death.


    Note to those hunters: Spuds is reported to have survived his previous execution, by which means remains unknown, though he has, through some foul method, cheated his prior demise. Spuds, is seen, in the eyes of Loa’chil as D A R K S P A W N.

    Should anyone hunting the traitor locate any stolen wares, report such to the Primarch to mediate and return the stolen items. 



    Passing of the torch



    As my final order, I, Netseth Loa’chil, named Naith Loa’chil, the new clan head. With current circumstances. It was a pleasure and honor to bring the clan into the light. A new fire shall be ignited as I resign myself. May Akezo bless Naith with good health, and may they lead our clan with principle and ferocity. 


    Whichever direction Naith may take the clan, I will assure all they are worthy of the position. May the rest of us remain at their side for whichever future they pursue for all our sake.


    Former Primarch and former Patriarch of Clan Loa’chil

  10. eyPbnq4vagSgQsLpUvATZK6Yd1Bokyy9nia5eM1enaz7OI_33LdITdu3y-yU1gpiidBO8Umh9B_33hhErP3YRW28RGgNvwBEF-Z05qaNWcgoP9ZtAqi93amWYj3zIgn4kzu5toQFJarsq6B7LTOsw6o

    A notice for the Palace staff


    By order of the Head Bulter of the Palace staff, all employees shall work a mandatory 60 hours over time with over time pay on Krugsmas


    All Windows will be Cleaned. 


    The Backrooms will be rid of dust. 


    The carpets will all be ripped up, hand stitched back together and replaced. 


    All books will be taken from the shelves, repaired, and placed back on the shelves after dusted. 


    You will read bedtime stories to the Music Kitchen Staff. 


    There will be no exceptions, this shall persist until Krugmas is over. 


    Ba Humbug!



    Head Butler of the Celia’norian Palace

  11. "Replace your court jester? Well if you are seeking someone to make a further mockery of you..."


    The crazed Udax cackles having been pleased with the response to his vandalism having thought little of such.


    "Regardless, I have only just begun." 

  12. aK36tWbH2SXqUzCsuaWVsSTrim6sfGOr0N7L_f_MoMtVmrbm2FRDbSHmNsS2EnWZ0RhTDkWfRlpdnYrkAPxcF9MBdxzQ9Zgpp9RzInjiMrd7ESAf0TNv4Bn2LwcwEg30NFkBHTSf639z1CKGmvIyqoo


    A message is left for the shamans of Helious, Krugmar, and to the Kha.


    Solarii,  look upon your shrine.  Your idol, your Aztran is nothing, as you are to your spirits. New Maly eagerly bound to shamanic chains. 


    Uruks. Slavers, slaves. A force of damnation to all you misguided with your knowledge of spirits. Homage to your acclaimed hunter, Lur rendered to dust.  


    To the Kha. Warped slaves from one moon to another.  Luara, like  Mother Metztli, will fall from the heavens. Her fate is the same. To pave way for those Ancestors within the Black City in the ancient depths of Moz Strima. Heralding our infernal march.


    Your monoliths and icons perish.   The lesson of Eclipse is Azuls machinations. Your spirits are a frail thing, an exchange of soul for a prison of stagnation. 


    Through the devouring Divinity. That which is of Moz made an eternal ladder. Truly free are our ancestors scorned by the heavens. Free to grasp at power the gods smited us for knowing. 


    We offer you a deal. Forsake the spirits. Enslave them. Warp them. Join us for our crusade to break free the ancient Maly and Uruks within that Black City in Moz Strima. For the sons and daughters of the Dread Primarch shall answer those drawn to the Three Truths. 


    Knowledge is Power. 


    Power Conquers the Foe. Peace forgives War.


    Power is Truth. 


    You shall know a strangling flame and in its dark heat, shall it consume every part of you. 




    Lord of the Azulytes and Heir of Azul


  13. 7 hours ago, ThatFunkyBunch said:

    A Maehr woman, stares down at the paper. Raising a brow. And then looks over to her ally. Offering the paper. "We should return soon. Spend some time about. I know you two were, friends."

    The Maehr having had a few enthusiastic walks through the woods stared upon the missive "Friends...." Ahzek was utterly confused by the idea of such, he never knew to enjoy anyones company, though perhaps he did for once. "Yes we should head back." 

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