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Posts posted by mothsthetic

  1. AD_4nXfakQoHV343Zp8o8IEqr4Z2pGOxQd6vQX1Xrp0smQEAHjzFDRUMXp0oZOFZ9EIi3QjY8Q_pgdx5ed-s6b0oqU6e5VRYXNo3Ky57GLUsSggkFJ396Szs9kfKdh_bhg8DUnQH0LX1aXG3R5kkVKZj-BHNNGo?key=v_LOw8a4_fomBmUFu3t2dwAD_4nXe9GrnSa6SqV07mk67KdWUpxknAJrRPewylwNUpO4DnShiEWQrCw8bCANmCQDGppZPG3i51S6bmegKcVjYJ2vqRv6u29GA5mQYWfceGS323_cwQ6mbrz_A9KbthX-ecPdQcuW2WqO7VTiE83r7FqS1KAdJR?key=v_LOw8a4_fomBmUFu3t2dw


    Issued and averred by

    Their Majesties





    This pact between the Heartlander Confederation and Academy of Hohkmat shall be considered in effect from the 1st of Harren’s Folley 1980, to the 1st of Harren’s Folley 1995. After which, the two states may convene once more to discuss renewing the treaty.



    The Heartlander Confederation and the Academy of Hohkmat, or henceforth ‘the signatories’, recognise each other’s sovereignty over their territories, titles, and vassals, including any of the three that the signatories may come to possess in the duration of the pact provided that they were acquired in good faith.

    The signatories pledge to each other to adhere to principles of peace between each other. They shall not wage war upon one another, nor shall they raise arms against one another, or try to bring harm to the integrity of one another’s realms. This includes but is not limited to: supporting mercenaries and/or bandits in attacks against a signatory; making claims about a signatory with the intent to ruin the reputation of its culture, people, or leadership; and using the well-intentioned articles of this pact to disadvantage another signatory.

    The signatories hereby pledge to assist each other in matters of national defense; an attack on either party by a third party shall be considered an attack against both. Any disputes between the signatories shall first be resolved through peaceful discussion among the leadership of both signatories. In the event that the territorial integrity of either nation is threatened in any manner by an external force, the two shall come together to discuss preemptive measures. 

    The signatories pledge to assist each other with extradition requests and shall not support evident criminals with hiding or otherwise escaping from the authorities of the signatory they transgressed in.

    The signatories pledge to promote free trade between each other, and to allow the passage of merchants between each other’s cities. In addition, the signatories shall allow mutual access to their capital mines, including the connection of Hohkmat’s capital mine to the tunnel system of Vallagne. Access shall also be granted to select miners of the Heartlands into the coal mines of Hohkmat.

    The signatories shall abide by and uphold the privileges of diplomats. The privileges being these; diplomatic immunity, right of safe passage, inviolability of premises and inviolability of documents. For the signatories to break any of these privileges bestowed unto diplomats, shall be considered hostile action.

    The Heartlander Confederation recognizes the universal authority of the Church and the Canon Law. Should the Academy of Hohkmat come at odds with the One True Faith and the Holy Mother Church, the defensive alliance between the signatories shall be considered null and void.



    HIS ROYAL AND APOSTOLIC MAJESTY, Charles II, King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Margrave of High Peak, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baron of Blanchet and Virdain, Protector of the Realm

    HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Adalia I, Queen of the Petra, Princess of Abrana, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Duchess of Valfleur, Countess of Temesch, Torm Marian, and Moere, Viscountess of Mies, Baroness of Garmont, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, Hrenthorne, Resmore, and of the Phoenixspire



    GRAND-MAGISTER, Sorceress-Queen, Hierophant of the Mysteries,

    Mistress of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat

  2. (sorry for formatting, will redo when not on mobile!)


    It simply wasn’t fair. First her mother, less than a Saint’s Year before, and now King John. The young Queen had been looking forward to speaking more with the man- the few times they had he had been nothing but kind, and helpful. Adalia sighed upon receiving the notice of His Majesty’s passing, hanging her head. Carefully, she removed the crown from her head, putting her head in her hands. 


    “Do you have to take them all?” She asks to the silence.



    Atstana de Regne Petrère 123
    Upon the 10th day of Tobias' Bounty, 1979


    Issued and averred by

    Their Majesties


    And the office of




    The Dual Crowns are solemn to announce the passing of Catherine Arabella I, Queen of the Petra, and Monarch of the Heartlands. After a dutiful reign of thirty-one years, Her Majesty spent the final years of her life battling a wasting illness, and in the care of her loving children. She is called now to be at rest in the Skies, after the great duty and sacrifice she endured in life. 

    The reign of Catherine I can be illustrated by the two monikers she was known by– The Little Queen, and the War Queen. Crowned at a young age after the abdication of her grandmother, Renilde of the Petra, Catherine Arabella was quick to pick up a mantle of heavy responsibility. She immersed herself in the duties of statecraft alongside her Regent, not willing to be unprepared for the day she would rule as sovereign. It would be before she even turned the age of fourteen that the Commonwealth of the Petra would be plunged into the fires of war, after suffering attempted subjugation, banditing, kidnapping and raids at the hand of their close neighbor. Catherine I, even as a child, would not take the abuse of her people lying down. It was the unbreaking resolve of their young Queen that pushed many of her people to take up arms, and under her banner, the Commonwealth of the Petra won victory upon victory in defense of their homeland. 

    Catherine I was coronated and married in the charred St. Edmond´s Abbey, refusing to diminish her rule even in the face of atrocity. She entered the decade-long battle as a child, and exited it as a woman, becoming the mother of six children over the years that marked the end of the war. Her rule after the Covenant War’s end was characterized by reconstruction, having rebuilt the knightly order of the Petrine Laurel, and reformed the office of the Chancellor. The greatest achievement of her post-war rule was the founding of the Heartlander Confederation, born of a dream of prosperity and stability for her people. 

    After years of ceaseless work to ensure the stable inception of the Confederation, Catherine I was struck by an illness that slowly left her bedridden. Though her children, husband, and closest council worked diligently to ensure her health, her strength gradually ebbed. The War Queen, however, would not be fated to pass quietly in her chambers. When the life of her heir was put under threat, Catherine I, in her sickened state, agreed to a duel of honor. She struck down her foe, before the Queen succumbed to her ailing health and wounds.

    Catherine Arabella is to be succeeded by her youngest daughter, Adalia Morgana Temesch of the Petra. Until Adalia I reaches the age of her coronation, Petra’s crown will go into a state of regency under her father, Prince-consort August Alcaeus. 

    A funeral shall be held to commemorate the life and deeds of Catherine I, in St. Edmond´s Abbey within the city of Vallagne. All are invited to grieve, to pray, and to share memory with the people of the Petra in this time of great mourning.

    [OOC: Thursday the 6th, 4pm EST]




    Her Royal Majesty, Adalia I, Queen of the Petra, Princess of Abrana, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Duchess of Valfleur, Countess of Temesch, Torm Marian, and Moere, Viscountess of Mies, Baroness of Garmont, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, Hrenthorne, Resmore, and of the Phoenixspire

    His Apostolic Majesty, John I, by the Grace of GOD, Apostolic King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baron of Blanchet and Virdain, Protector of the Realm

    His Excellency, Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Count of Anairgrid, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids


  4. There is so much more that could have been done. Could have been said. More than simply Long live the Queen. She was supposed to be. Long lived. Wilford remembers when she was announced as heir. Five years old, sat upon the throne at her grandmother's side. He remembers it distinctly- she'd had a doll of the Riverguard in her lap. When the news reaches the aging Knight of Catherine's passing, he drops his cup of coffee. Glass and scalding liquid cover the floor of the kitchen where he stands- and then kneels. Before he can stop himself, he's sobbing. God, he hasn't cried like this in years. He's never been able to stand crying. His father taught him it was weak. But he sobs, clutching his chest as he remembers her. She'd been family, at least to him. A troublemaking niece, a light full of life. And the light had gone out. And despite his Oath, he had not been there. His heart breaks. She was the reason he realized he wanted to be a father. That he could be kind, in a way his own had not. She had died, and he could not have stopped it.

    "I'm sorry- I'm s- I'm so, so, sorry."


    There is nothing more that can be said, for Adalia the First. For she is to be the next child Queen. And she, too, will be a gift to the people, as he mother was before her. Of this, she knows she does not have a choice.


  5. 43 minutes ago, Sebbysc said:

    To Her Royal Highness Adalia,


    Do not feel reluctance due to your age, for I served in the military from a young age myself. I do not know if you have been sworn in, but within a moment's notice, I'd be glad to have this resolved. I believe it is the youth, such as yourself, that'll bring a brighter future for the Heartlands and the rest of Humanity.


    God Bless You,

    Ser Stefano Montelliano

    To Ser Stefank Montelliano of the Legion of Saint Godwin,


    Please!! Despite the passage of time, my desire to join the Legion and serve my people of the Heartlands has not wavered, and has such only grown. It would be my honor to join your men, and call them my brothers and sisters in arms. 


    God Bless You,

    Her Royal Highness, Adalia Morgana Temesch of the Petra, Archduchess of Vallagne, Princess of the Petra, Countess of Torm Marian

  6. Wilford has to lean back in his desk chair to actually get any sort of idea as to what is partner is waving at him. When he’s handed the paper he holds it rather close to his face, squinting through his glasses as he reads. As he nears the end, his eyes light up. “Oh-! Oh!!” He looks up from the missive with a wide smile, “I’m glad t’ey enjoyed et- I was worried et was tae simple-“ The aging Knight pauses, glancing around the study for a moment. “Maybe et’s time fer an update.” @Hom

  7. The paper reaches the former Chancellor rather quickly, given the proximity to Hohkmat from his home in Vallagne. As he reads it, a small, bitter smile spreads across his aging features. Finally, someone in that wretched city was seeing sense. He’d been part of it for years, never Voidal and as such always seen and treated as lesser despite his time in the city and his help in the community. He ran the clinic, for God’s sake. But that never came close to the treatment of his partner.


     How the hate festered for him. Watching the love of his life run around day after day, night after night to do everything. Quite literally everything. Leading the infrastructure, leading the diplomacy, the planning of lessons and events, the hosting of said lessons and events, completely running the treasury, none of which had even been his bloody job. Doing the job of two Viziers and a Magister without the recognition- without even a thank you. Genuinely, in the forty years they had been with the city of mages, he had never once heard his partner thanked for carrying the city on his shoulders. Treated as an errand boy, day in and day out with no reward. And when it came time to split, the knight had heard the reaction. The hate had festered. 


    Wilford Reinhold reads the missive with a humorless chuckle, setting it aside. Sulieronn had always had sense- at least in the few times they had spoken. “Good on ye.” He says to the empty air. “Good on ye.”

  8. Albert’s youngest great niece had only ever met him once. A sunny day in Balian, a brief conversation exchanged among the two. His words had struck the young Archduchess deeply. Gazing upon the old man’s features, she saw the striking resemblance to her great grandmother- and for a moment, she could imagine her grandmother, the Paladin’s late sister. In the crinkles of his eyes, had she had the same warm smile? 


    The night falls silent. Sitting on the balcony outside her room, her sisters asleep just inside, the heiress burns a golden candle, flipping through a book of poetry she had seen Grammy Renilde crying over just hours earlier. It will be returned before daylight, of course- the young girl simply wishing to connect to the fallen. She imagines his voice, remembers his warning. Closing her eyes and clasping her hands in prayer, Adalia Morgana takes a deep breath, and whispers into the chill midnight air. 


    “I will be deserving- as you were.”

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Yvaine Sonja von Theonus


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sir Atticus Reinhold


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course!


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  10. Upon seeing the missive, the young Petran heir gasps excitedly, grabbing the nearest crayon she can and filling out an application- Regardless of the (low) likelihood of acceptance.



    Full Name: Adalia Morgana Temesch of the Petra

    Age: 8

    Race: Heartlander

    Prior Experience: Duking it out with older siblings 

    Method of Contact: mothsthetic on discord

  11. The young Petran princess reads the missive silently. Her heart pounds in her chest at the words “her daughter and heir Adalia Morgana”. Heir. She never saw this coming, truly. Seven years old, sitting on the dias of the throne room, watching her childhood blur. Perhaps she should have seen it. Too busy reading books on Templars and Dames to consider it. As she looks up from the missive, Adalia sees a view she may as well familiarize herself with. A view from the throne. A view from a Queen’s perspective.

  12. From his desk in the palace, Wilford Reinhold recalls the event as if it were yesterday. Screams and cries for the boy to be executed, he remembers running to block the soldier. He remembers yelling in return, pleading the crowd to have mercy on the boy. He remembers the sword through the chest that earned him, and how it nearly ended his life. With his face in his hands, the Lord Regent sighs, trying to shake the memory from his mind. Trying to shake the thought of the late Queen, his late friend, from his mind. He simply folds the letter, at least pleased to hear the boy he nearly died for remains alive and well.

  13. Chancellor Reinhold lofts a brow, shaking his head slowly. “He’s challengin’ a ninety year old woman? Seriously? Af’er criticizin’ Aimo fer wantin’ tae duel a one armed man? This guy has nae honour tae him.” The knight sighs, placing the paper aside, to turn to other matters.

  14. Things had ended… to say “rocky” between Wilford’s sister and the warrior of Xan would be a gross understatement. While the man himself was mostly uninvolved with the conflict, he did often wonder just what exactly was true- and if it could all be avoided somehow. Elena had been good to him, in those brief times they spoke. 


    A single blue candle burns down on his desk as the Chancellor signs another paper, an untouched glass of whiskey next to the flame. A toast goodbye.

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