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Posts posted by Nen

  1. A Saki-Gaki surface-dweller stumbled upon a crumbled up copy of the missive in a back-alley, musing to himself.

    "I remember an Auvergnese gaijin teaching me how to cook frog leg... it cost way too many mon but it tasted sugoi. Maybe it will be cheaper after this?"

  2. A depressed former paladin--now full-time bodybuilder--sat in a dark alleyway in Saki-Gaki brooding over the defeat of Zanu. Upon reading the Shugo's wisdom he suddenly stood up and rejoiced in enlightenment, a single tear falling from his eye,




    He then departed the city to go squat sacks of rice in the storehouses.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kakinomoto no Akihito


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. [!] Several copies of a leatherbound book have appeared in Sakuragakure, bearing fine calligraphy and artistic depictions of the characters within.








    I, Kakinomoto no Akahito, in possession of ancient poetic scrolls passed down for countless generations within my bloodline, have sought to transcribe and compile an anthology of the Four Immortals of Classical Oyashiman poetry, who were foundational in the standardization of the classical waka, choka, haiku, and haikai styles now enjoyed in tavern and court alike.


    I. 遍照 Konjō


    An ancient monk from Bachi-shoto, his early life was faced with the wanton destruction of the Fourth Great Pirate Disturbance which decimated the port cities of the Western archipelago. He was the first poet to practice the choka style, which typically but not always features alternating lines of five and seven syllables. His imagery revolved around the pursuit of internal harmony and political unity.


    “Heart of Oyashi 

    scattered across the turtles 

    and shattered by stormy seas 

    brought together again 

     under the blossom of sakura trees”


    “A stack of old books 

    fingers stained by ink and quill 

    to be wise is tiring”



     “Sharp like the horn of oni 

    but tender like the summer sun

    are words from the lips

    of a lover”


    II. 祐子内親王家紀伊 Izumi Taishinnō-ke no Kii





    The first daughter of the mythical Daimyo Asatada of the famed Fujiwara clan, her mother was of common origins.  Married to the second son of the Shogun, Izumi was renowned in her time for her beauty and sensibility. Primarily practicing the court-standard waka style, she exuded the traditional Oyashiman melancholy. She nobly committed seppuku during the Heavenly Disruption of Commerce to avoid being taken hostage by the infamous Li-ren invader Chao Ling, the bastard Marquis of Bongleng.



    “Meaningless, meaningless 

    to watch the flowers wither 

    but while their beauty fades 

    My heart opens again.”


    “Winter nights are long

    seeming endless as the sea

    from Yamatai to Gushiken

    The kami warm our tea”


    “No, I do not want

    My wants are ever-shifting

    Like a sand-snake in the desert


    III. 天命開柿本別天皇 Kakinomoto no Taifu, posthumous name Amenokotohirakasuwake




    Perhaps the most famous of the ancient classical waka-poets in the old country, Taifu was the progenitor of the Kakinomoto line, a long-standing family of yōsei poets, calligraphers, and philosophers from Dodaitase. He was the court poet for three Shoguns across seven decades, and for this was granted the posthumous name Amenokotohirakasuwake. His verses characteristically espouse the natural beauty of the islands of Oyashi.

    “Dull moon in the sky,

    The misty autumn night

    Concealed in a blanket

    The stag and wolf alike”


    “Footsteps of shinobi

    like raindrops upon the roof

    A humble pitter-patter

    Signaling the season new”


    “Crashing thunder 

    and roaring waves

    Triumphant are the winds of Dodaitose.”


    “Diamonds and gold,

    Kimonos of silk

    Even the blossoming sakura

    Has not the splendor of parenthood.”


    IV. 素性法師 Akabeko Jinsai




    The first and most esteemed of the oni poets, he lived in the early days when humans and oni-kind first began to intermix. Initially fearing him to be a raider, the villagers of Chomokyo, a fishing town in Fukukaze, soon learned his loud grunting had a soulful rhythm. He is the founder of the haikai-style, a baser genre popular in taverns and under the influence of sake, with imagery revolving around the mundane and vulgar pleasures of daily life. It is said that he sired as many children as he wrote verses, and some believe his spirit to have incarnated as a minor kami of fertility following his death; they call him Akabeko-kami and light candles in his honour.



    Your mother’s bosom

    I rest there

    Yare yare.”


    “Butahito, katsuhito

    Small small man

    Majo majo, majomomo

    Oni lady big.”


    “Smoke of cactus green

    High on mountain top,

    Ahshu dubai gasu fushi

    Down goes the large rock”



    Transcribed with reference to ancient familial scrolls, this anthology of poetry was compiled in Year 177 SA (1154 Kamijikan)

    [!] A signature stamp was boldly imprinted at the bottom


    Kakinomoto no Akahito


  5. "The pretender made it clear she has no understanding of Haelun'orian philosophy or tradition, or even its governmental structure. Had she been capable of speech beyond that of a mentally deficient bortu she may well have had her claims legitimized in the eyes of the Malauriran, an ancient cultural body far superseding whatever politics may presently grip the city. It is further evident she would rather rely on thugs and their weapons rather than mind and merit; in doing so she profanes the dialectics that form the very fundament of what it mean to be Mali'thill. Her claims were and remain to be baseless, supported solely by foreigners who seek to interrupt a tradition carried forth for millennia in their lust for power."  Eredael mused towards his old companions following the humorous display in the Citadel.


  6. j6jLm92MupG6UqLHntr_OvHL8-F14PUfvZ-a-5bJVSK1HaeRIN4UH8bg9WCPimlf8gbdy2cF7PiPzKzgirtwknwWmXHos7CI0dsPb5mk_FvZsCdYvVvtxdBPeNmWJp3hv-VU3o0x


    Through reflection, contribution and progress, we restore the purity of mind.



    A portrait of the elf in question, Silvyr Uradir, painted during his youth.


    To Begin the Path


    Silvyr Uradir is declared impure of mind, instructed to begin the Path back to Purity.




    During the times of philosophical weakness, when adherence to our most ancient creed waned, this elf fell prey to the deceit of those known as Azdrazi, worshippers of Azdromoth who - despite their clear aims in recruitment of Mali’thill and the disruption of progress - were allowed stay and reverence within the Silver Walls. 


    Ensnared by the words of these creatures, this Mali fell into submission beneath them for a time. He was made to mutilate and err his blessed Silver Skin with permanent markings, designating him as a ‘Herald’; with this role instilled, the elf was instructed to spread this ideal to others of Silver.

    For a time, he remained trapped under this false path. Yet, with the Silver State finally coming to its senses and rejecting the Azdrazi, removing them from our blessed bastion, he too became renewed of mind: the dark spell cast over him was gone.


    As soon as he realised what he had truly done, the elf fell stricken with anguish and sorrow. Remorseful and repentant as he was, the Mali requested a trial of his purity upon his own accord, resolutely pledging to take the Path and set things straight.

    And so, his work to redemption began.


    To Contribute to Agriculture


    Silvyr Uradir in the Haelun’or fields, working hard to produce and provide sustenance for the Mali’thill People.


    In the first stages of his redemption, the Mali’thill dedicated himself to the preservation and development of the Mali’thill agriculture. The Silver City must always remain fed, the basic necessities of living available to all, so that one might focus instead upon progress rather than primitive survival. His hard-work in this area ensured that no Mali’thill went without food: all were fed, and fed well.


    He worked long hours, slaving away in the Silver Fields - a true show of his dedication to the Blessed People. The aureate crops of wheat, our main source of sustenance, shone with the resplendence of the sun under such good care. Crystalline waters of the rivers glistened with silver hue and the fertile soils of the island that provide nourishment to our crops seemed in more life than ever before: the land itself seemed to encourage such a dedicated Mali in their efforts.



    To Defend the Silver People


    Silvyr Uradir standing tall in Sillumiran uniform, doing his part to protect the Silver State by eradicating a bandit intruder.


    For their next act of servitude and solatium, the Uradir would take his dedication to the Sillumiran, placing much work into strengthening his physicality and ensuring that his presence was invariably prompt and orderly. In rota with his fellow Sillumiran, he patrolled the city and its ever-illustrious walls, keeping Elcihi safe from harm.


    It is said that during his service to Elsillumiran, the Mali was a shining example of diligence and enthusiasm to his peers. A renowned diffuser of the most tough situations, eradicating any and all threats to the Silver City, his resolve was earnest. He is to be accredited with great accomplishment during this tenure.


    To Pioneer Journalism


    Silvyr Uradir deep in concentration,  overlooking, writing and editing a recent edition of popular paper ‘The Haelun’or Gazette’.


    A final endeavour in his path was one of scholarly and commentative undertaking. In hopes of documenting and publishing recent affairs to the Silver City and beyond, Silvyr Uradir began work on the first paper of its kind : ‘The Haelun’or Gazette’. Since then, he has devoted countless hours of work to its research, writing, editing and publishing. Though soon taking on assistance to bring further prosperity to this work, his efforts and labours have never faltered.


    Even after the completion of his Path to Purity, this project is not to take standstill - it is well-known that the Mali’thill intends to dedicate even more to this brilliant innovation of journalism. The Silver State eagerly awaits to see further progress and future developments within the project.


    A Declaration of Purity



    Through hard work and dedication, the evidence of such fully presented within this document, Silvyr Uradir is once more declared a pure Mali’thill and is warmly welcomed back within the arms of Silver.


    It is to be hoped that he shall in future continue to fully adhere to the path of Larihei’s legacy, never again allowing himself to be led astray.



    Maheral, Eredael Rhenaer


  7. 5rUR6YJ_1biwU_zHKm9yDcbR3_jP672RLLuxqc6PIuo5aN1fjga8Fj2VDpBuUfRIUhMOfGTZFkMg5_ACFU2FNqKYM4qeOTZ0XJRSlxjGieAjI3sFDY6YHPp3Pz9GKPqD4t7BbLiS

    Elaileran -- State Magisters of Haelun’or


    The understanding and utilisation of the void is at the very core of the Mali’thill race. We are borne of its affectations, and are naturally inclined towards and talented in its practice. The era of the arcane being admonished is a marring on the pursuit of elmaehr’sae, and a result of a pervasive scientific misunderstanding. With the contemporary return to philosophical tradition it is likewise necessary that we take up the ancient calling of our kin, the magical research championed by Larihei that has begotten our physical and intellectual supremacy. The institution of Elaileran, the Order of State Magisters, is henceforth created to further the arcane and philosophical interests of our blessed people, inspired by Elilumiran of old.


    The void is an infinite sea of power. Those of weaker minds would call it incomprehensible, but it is rather that it has yet to be fully comprehended. One thus must maintain a strong philosophical will to anchor themselves in its quixotic expanse, lest their mind is to collapse into insanity. Beyond being practitioners of the voidal arts, State Magisters are scholars and executors of philosophy. Likewise expected to learn alchemy and herbalism beyond voidal magics, they are apolitical protectors of knowledge, and are overseen by the office of the Maheral to that end. As an institution of the Haelun’orian state itself, Aileran are privy to the most advanced scientific and magical resources the country has to offer, a privilege afforded to only those that can demonstrate their merit, and bound by five tenets beyond internal regulations.


    I. Obey elmaehr'sae hiylun'ehya.

    II. Progress must be grounded in tradition.

    III. The practice of the dark or deific arts is forbidden.

    IV. Experimentation on Mali’thill is forbidden.

    V. The destruction of knowledge is forbidden.


    To be selected as a State Magister, the prospect must first undergo arcane theory education at the Eternal College, complete a written exam on the field in which they aspire to practice, and undergo an aptitude evaluation to determine they have suitable magic potential and philosophical soundness.




    A battle mage fights alongside the Weeping Blades in the War of the Two Emperors.


    Becoming a full-fledged State Magister is an achievement in its own right. As aforementioned, one is welcomed into the institution of Elaileran only after theory education, a written examination, and a mana potential and psychological evaluation. The complete process can be broken into three parts: prerequisites for joining Elaileran, the apprenticeship period therein, and ascendance to a recognised State Magister. Those who are already advanced in the practice of voidal magic will undergo a separate, case-by-case process.


    Entrance requirements: 

    - The aspirant must attend a general voidal theory lecture, and a theory lecture on at least one specific magic they would hope to pursue upon being accepted as an apprentice of the order. ((Lectures are ran weekly and scheduled on both the forum and discord calendars; attendance records are kept))

    - A written essay demonstrating their reasoning for applying, academic personality, and knowledge of the void gained from the above. No shorter than seven pages. ((submitted in the labeled chest outside the library))

    - On the first page of your book give your name, age, and citizenship status before beginning your essay. Non-mali’thill need not apply.

    - Following the completion of the above, the aspirant will undergo an evaluation of philosophical soundness and arcane potential in the form of an interview. If proved satisfactory, the aspirant is now accepted into the institution of Elaileran as an apprentice.


    Apprenticeship period:

    - The accepted apprentice will be connected to the void in a formal ceremony.

    - They will then be assigned to apprentice under a specific State Magister, largely dependent on their pursuit of study.

    - Their training will consist of both personal study with their specific master, as well as general study among their contemporary cohort of apprentices on matters magical, alchemical, and philosophical. 

    - Upon reaching the third tier of the magic or magics they are studying they will be eligible for becoming a fully recognised State Magister, subject to approval from their master and a council of other Aileran. Apprentices are also expected to learn alchemy and herbalism.


    State Magister:

    - The apprentice is now recognised as a State Magister, and is granted access to the state’s most advanced arcane and scientific research, joining an elite cohort of magi.

    - They now have a variety of specialties open; becoming a war magister serving alongside the Sillumiran, a research magister conducting cutting edge experiments, or an educator of the arcane and philosophy in the Eternal College.

    - State Magisters are ranked based upon their arcane affinity, progressing from third to first class as they rise to practicing a greater quantity of magics in a high tier. At the second class, achieved through reaching the highest tier of at least one magic, they are eligible to take on an apprentice ((provided their TA is accepted)).


    Elaileran Command Hierarchy:


    Maheral - The cultural leader of Haelun’or, the Maheral presides as the head of the Elaileran, ensuring the institution maintains its high standard of philosophy, achieving scientific progress grounded in elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya.

    - Aileran serving as war magisters in the Sillumiran are further under command of the Okarir’tir and subject to standard military protocol.

    Maelunir - As the knower the Maelunir is the Maheral’s aide and the next highest cultural authority, capable of speaking for the Maheral in event of their absence. This role likewise carries into Elaileran, acting as a functional second-in-command.

    Aileran, First Class - A recognised State Magister that has achieved the highest tier in at least three voidal magics. Exceptionally knowledgeable and talented magi, first class magisters form the leadership core of the institution.

    Aileran, Second Class - A recognised State Magister that has achieved the highest tier in one voidal magic. A skilled mage, second class magisters are capable of taking on apprentices in their specialty. They form the core of the institution and are essential in ensuring the next generation of magi are suitably trained.

    Aileran, Third Class - A recognised State Magister that is still yet to achieve arcane mastery, these mages are those that have passed their apprenticeship and reached the third tier of a given voidal magic, as well as completed studies in alchemy and herbalism.

    Apprentice - An individual that has fulfilled the entrance requirements and subsequently been awakened to the void and assigned tutelage under an Aileran of the first or second class. These aspiring mages and alchemists form the next generation of the institution.


    ((Contact cody#0002 or Johann#9574 if you are interested in joining or have any questions!))


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Eredael Rhenaer


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Transfiguration is a two-slot voidal magic, in essence being the intricate manipulation of mana to beget both physical and arcane effects, with information being derived from objects through voidal feeling forming the basis of how these changes occur. With rigorous study of both the void and worldly surroundings, one can manipulate physicality and chemistry through transmutation, imbue magic through enchantment, and affect the essence of spells themselves through abjuration and warding.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    The art of Transfiguration can be divided in four; voidal feeling, transmutation, enchantment, as well as abjuration/warding.


    Voidal feeling forms the foundation of transfiguration, as without first obtaining an object's information its nuanced alteration would be impossible. Feeling can be defined as the weaving of one's mana through an object to reveal its finer characteristics, with the information being communicated to the mage as their mana returns back. An object's size or complexity increases the time necessary for it to be felt, and thus the emote count alongside it. For example, gleaning the ingredients of an alchemical potion would be more arduous than determining the chemical nature of a glass of water due to the inherent convolution of the former, and a boulder would take more time to feel than a carriable rock due to its much larger mass. The voidal feeling process requires methodical and focused concentration, and cannot be done while in the fervor of combat. Alchemical signs and symbols can be felt, but only provided the mage has knowledge of the alphabet, otherwise the meaning would be indiscernible.  Non-voidal enchantments cannot be intricately felt nor determined to be of deific or dark origin. As one progresses in their study the complexity and size of objects they are capable of feeling increases.


    If voidal feeling is the interweaving of mana to glean information from an object, transmutation can be defined as using mana to affect that object's information. One must first be familiar with the object or materials they wish to transmutate, achieved through feeling. All transmutations are bound by the law of equivalent exchange, meaning matter cannot be created nor destroyed; if a sword's length were to be increased, its density would decrease, potentially making it more brittle. A myriad of changes can be conferred, both aesthetic and pratical; pertaining to color or shape, or the merging of materials that typically would not combine.


    The arguable apex of alteration is in enchanting, which is the imbuing of a spell or spells into an object as opposed to affecting its actual form. The object must be given a source of mana and then instilled with the particular spell's instruction; though this means the object must be recharged after enough use, it enables even a mundane non-magi to utilize the spell, provided they know the given method of activation, which could be a particular key word, rubbing the object, or something less discreet like a button. The power of these enchantments vary, being divided into lesser and greater. The former are non-combative and wider in variety, but with little potency, and the latter capable of offering powerful combative spells, with the number of uses and time of activation directly correlated with the given tier of spell.


    Abjuration and warding are two facets of the same technique, both with the aim of breaking an opposing caster's spell through the distorted alteration of their mana. In some sense, this can be likened to transmuting the essence of a spell itself, and thus requires the abjurer to be capable of casting that same spell. While abjuration is the specific manipulation of spells, warding is the creation of shield-like arrays of mana that pull apart spells which come in contact with it. These 'shields' of mana are not infallible, and will eventually break provided they are hit with several spells; the more potent the magic the faster it will destroy the ward, with spells of the highest tier shattering it instantly.




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Eredael sat cross-legged, exhaling a meditative sigh as his silver eyes crackled alight into an effervescent teal glow, a mundane longsword laying before him.


    The elf's fingers began to weave, progenating swirls of blue-green mana which were directed to engulf the sword. The object was eventually immersed in the aura as Eredael's nose wrinkled in concentration, a beads of sweat forming at his hairline. 


    The 'aheral began to alter the longsword's character, the hefty blade lengthening slightly, in turn becoming thinner, its dull-grey silver taking on a gaudy gold. Aura ebbed and flowed around the blade, coalescing at the crossguard, which was contorted into a pair of ornate scaled wings. Flowing down the hilt, mana surrounded the spherical pommel, arcanely carving out the gilded head of a dragon. Eredael's lips curled into a pleased smile, the teal mana returning to his body as the artistic transmutation was completed.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Eredael paced briskly back and forth in one of San'evarir's private study halls, his hands clasped behind his back, gaze focused on his young student at the centre. He came to an abrupt stop, opening his mouth to begin, "Every object in this world is made up of a near unquantifiable multitude of smaller parts that are wholly unobservable to the mundane eye."


    "Voidal feeling--I believe you are familiar with the term, provided you read the assigned theory literature," the snow-haired statesman gave a capricious grin, "Is the intricate weaving of one's mana into an object to reveal these finer properties." He lofted a languid motion towards his large oaken desk, whereon lay a variety of of apparently unrelated objects; a pile of books, a bowl of stew, and a silver signet ring with a ruby on its face. 


    The 'aheral wafted a hand over the stew, aura coalescing around the bowl, embracing the liquid in a thin veneer. Eredael's eyes glew brightly as the aura returned to him, relaying the information. "For example, this stew is 47% water, 19% beef, 6% salt, 11% onion, 7% pepper, and 10% wooden bowl. These individual properties can be broken down even further in their specificity; the beef makes up the bulk of its mass, and when exposed to a flame of enough potency, the activity of the smaller parts within decrease, thereby causing the meat to burn." The mage bore an expression of wry amusement as he eyed the bemused student, the youth beginning to speak before Eredael cut him off, "No, I shall not ask you to replicate this stew, my goodly student. I only humor you with one of the baser applications of feeling,."


    He took several steps to the far end of the desk, wherein lay the aforementioned ring. Once more aura trailed from his palm, embracing the ornate piece of jewelry, and a moment later the aura made its return. The 'aheral's faintly contorted expression betrayed that this was a somewhat more arduous task, "This ring is not as mundane as it appears. Upon uttering 'kaean chul larihei'lei myumin fiyemereyae' a finger length flame erupts from the ruby, taking the shape of a dancing elfess. A lowly spell with little application, Conjure Flames, but a fanciful display nonetheless."


    Eredael's eyes dulled to their nascent silver, "The ability to glean this information forms the very core of alteration. If you do not know the finer makeup of an object, you will never be able to alter its character." He opened a drawer, procuring a smooth, hand-sized rock and placing it before his student. "It is a logical, methodical process. Envision and direct your aura to envelop the object, wholly envelop, beyond merely coating it in a veneer. It may prove difficult in the beginning, and to that end I bid you start simply with this rock."


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Generally power-gaming is often done accidentally, by those unaware of what they are doing. In that regard, I would talk with them OOCly, let them know how they were overstepping their bounds, and offer a rule-compliant solution. We would re-do the roleplay, giving them a chance to avoid power-gaming given they were now informed. If it proved to be a disruptive and reoccurring issue the student would either be dropped, or I would approach an ST to determine the way forward.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  9. Bqq--rCQaESMw4iKNjeQMak45xr8GH3FFg52LkfEOJ95_xhGNVJGxvwK3537pvHnhtjo2VGgn6OhA08qy4x8EVKp6tWomZMOYeAWFkVB9iYgojvxRIa4WXIARFQEJcVIVXorirId


    11th of Snow's Maiden, 8 SA


    At the behest of Elmalauriran, and obligating tradition, there will be a vote of affirmation for the Office of Okarir'san despite the sole candidate.


    To be Okarir'san is to be the Guardian of Information, tasked with overseeing internal and external relations and diplomacy. 



    Caledor Laraethryn



    [!] At the entrance of San'evarir, a polling station can be found.



    ((MC name: ))



    Vote for Okarir'san: 

    ( ) Caledor Laraethryn

    ( ) Abstain







    You may vote twice for each position.

    A single tick will count as ONE vote. A double tick is TWO votes.

    A single tick on ONE candidate and the ABSENCE of a second tick is ONLY ONE vote.


    You must be a registered first class citizen living in the city, upon the date of the election to vote.


    If you try to fish your vote from the ballot box, it will cause an immediate discount .

    ((You cannot edit your post after you have published it.))


    Only the Maheral and their assistants, who count the votes, may delve into the contents of the ballot box.

    Any other doing so is in violation of the Silver Law.

    ((Do not metagame this post.))


    If you are under fifty, you may not vote.

    If you are an impure, you may not vote.

    If you are a lesser, you may not vote.

    If you live outside the Silver Walls, you may not vote.

    ((If you have two characters, you may not vote on both.))


    The Maheral adjudicates any invalid ballots.

    ((Only post votes as replies to this post.))


    Voting will close in one elven day.

    ((24 hours from this post.))




  10. Bqq--rCQaESMw4iKNjeQMak45xr8GH3FFg52LkfEOJ95_xhGNVJGxvwK3537pvHnhtjo2VGgn6OhA08qy4x8EVKp6tWomZMOYeAWFkVB9iYgojvxRIa4WXIARFQEJcVIVXorirId


    As issued on the 12th of the First Seed, 7 SA



    Aged are we mali of the Silver State, our civilization long predating the resettling of Elcihi’thilln under Malaurir Astoré. Understanding the origins of our people, the emergence of our philosophical creed, and the traditions by which the Motherland is governed, is essential to all mali’thill regardless of scholarly aspirations. This course aims to offer an introductory, but still encompassing, account of the facets of High Elven culture and philosophy, beginning with Larihei and continuing on to the political tumult of the past century.



    High Elves of the Silver State


    I. Origins of the Mali’thill

    The story of our people begins in deep antiquity, during the First Ibleesian War, and when old Malin was still king of a unified elven people. Enter Larihei Lohmanih, the daughter of one of Malin’s eminent advisors, and the eventual progenitor of the High Elven race. A scholar and teacher, she became a driving force in the pushing back of Iblees, and following the end of the war and the settling of what we know as Asulon, became a celebrated figure. Her innovations placed her at the helm of a new scholastic culture, one which would soon create a divide between the traditional mali which favoured druidism and nature, to those that embraced science and the void. It is at this same time that physically distinct Mali’thill emerged, with those that bathed in the golden pools discovered by Larihei and her geologists developing a taller, more lithe figure, with a fairer complexion.



    Artist’s rendition of Larihei, ca. 1693


    II. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya

    A phrase which all mali’thill are familiar, one that has been repeated and echoed across countless generations. Its substance is, unfortunately, often disregarded. It can be most simply defined through its literal translation: Progress and Health. The former half accounts for more than literal scientific progress, including the arts and elvenities. Indeed, any morally righteous pursuit that gives one fulfilment can be included in the phrase ‘maehr’sae.’ Health, or hiylun, pertains to a mali’thill’s literal physical health and wellbeing, but also, and more importantly, physical purity. Only through a balance of body and mind, health and progress, can purity and philosophical ascendance be obtained.


    III. Interpreting the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya

    The Maehr’sae Hilyun’ehya is an uncodified philosophy, and this is essential to both its understanding and its preservation. Its exact character shifts with the times; progress is endless, and new understandings and observations can necessitate alterations to tradition. This lesson will introduce the nuance of interpretation through establishing the similarities and differences between the views of past Malauriran, namely Lucion Sullas and Lelien Lazul. It must be noted that the philosophy’s flexibility exists only within a breadth, with its core tenets of mental development and physical purity being unassailable. 


    IV. The Importance of Tradition

    If mali’thill are beings which place great emphasis on free-thought, what is the purpose of tradition? This world is one of infinite complexity and confusion, one which even our most celebrated scholars have yet to fully understand. In this dark and rough sea that teems with information, tradition is our lighthouse. It is the culminated intellect of a nation and centuries of erudites, one that far supersedes any sole individual. Tradition is not an infallible law of physics, but a bank of ideals with which one is to withdraw inspiration and guidance, so that the mistakes of the past are not pointlessly repeated.



    A mali’thill family, date unknown.


    V. The Necessity of Logic

    Logic is the rules of inference that are used to distinguish well-founded propositions from their baseless counterparts. Tradition and the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya’s malleability is essential to the uninhibited pursuit of progress. However, alterations to our creed must only be made after lengthy and due reasonable discourse. Logical thought is at the very core of mali’thill life, and is necessary for a successful state. This lecture will establish the logical thought process and its importance, warning against the whims of unfounded emotion.



     A Herbalist’s Experiment, 1555


    VI. Haelun’or: Steadfast

    An ancient country, our motherland has seen several iterations. Though internal and external duress have seen Silver bend, it has never broken. With the traditional cultural mindset of Mali’thill having been established, this final lecture aims to give a broad account of the various historical conflicts leading up to the present day. Change and conflict is natural and inalienable, and often breeds progress. Dissent should not be unduly stifled, nor should the threat of newness be aggrandized. Silver is eternal, and its path is always corrected by time.




    Maheral, Eredael Rhenaer


    Okarir’maehr, Aiera Sullas


  11. Bqq--rCQaESMw4iKNjeQMak45xr8GH3FFg52LkfEOJ95_xhGNVJGxvwK3537pvHnhtjo2VGgn6OhA08qy4x8EVKp6tWomZMOYeAWFkVB9iYgojvxRIa4WXIARFQEJcVIVXorirId


    7th of the Grand Harvest, 7 SA


    To the blessed citizenry of Haelun'or who intend to cast a vote (which should be all capable of doing so), today marks the election of the Okarir'hiylun. 


    To be Okarir'hiylun is to be Guardian of Health, the protector of physical purity and head of the Silver Bastion's clinic.



    Seth Calith

     Valyris Wynasul



    [!] At the entrance of San'evarir, a polling station can be found.



    ((MC name: ))



    Vote for Okarir'hiylun: 

    ( ) Seth Calith

    ( ) Valyris Wynasul





    You may vote twice for each position.

    A single tick will count as ONE vote. A double tick is TWO votes.

    A single tick on ONE candidate and the ABSENCE of a second tick is ONLY ONE vote.


    You must be a registered first class citizen living in the city, upon the date of the election to vote.


    If you try to fish your vote from the ballot box, it will cause an immediate discount .

    ((You cannot edit your post after you have published it.))


    Only the Maheral and their assistants, who count the votes, may delve into the contents of the ballot box.

    Any other doing so is in violation of the Silver Law.

    ((Do not metagame this post.))


    If you are under fifty, you may not vote.

    If you are an impure, you may not vote.

    If you are a lesser, you may not vote.

    If you live outside the Silver Walls, you may not vote.

    ((If you have two characters, you may not vote on both.))


    The Maheral adjudicates any invalid ballots.

    ((Only post votes as replies to this post.))


    Voting will close in one elven day.

    ((24 hours from this post.))







    12th of the First Seed, 7 SA


    To the blessed citizenry of Haelun'or who intend to cast a vote (which should be all capable of doing so), today marks the election of the Okarir'tir. 


    To be Okarir'tir is to be the Guardian of Law, tasked with overseeing the Sillumir and upholding and enforcing the Silver Law.



    Kiljarys an Iarwaïn

     Finnadh Uradir

    Kolvar Trafina


    [!] At the entrance of San'evarir, a polling station can be found.



    ((MC name: ))



    Vote for Okarir'tir: 

    ( ) Kiljarys an Iarwaïn

    ( ) Finnadh Uradir

    ( ) Kolvar Trafina






    You may vote twice for each position.

    A single tick will count as ONE vote. A double tick is TWO votes.

    A single tick on ONE candidate and the ABSENCE of a second tick is ONLY ONE vote.


    You must be a registered first class citizen living in the city, upon the date of the election to vote.


    If you try to fish your vote from the ballot box, it will cause an immediate discount .

    ((You cannot edit your post after you have published it.))


    Only the Maheral and their assistants, who count the votes, may delve into the contents of the ballot box.

    Any other doing so is in violation of the Silver Law.

    ((Do not metagame this post.))


    If you are under fifty, you may not vote.

    If you are an impure, you may not vote.

    If you are a lesser, you may not vote.

    If you live outside the Silver Walls, you may not vote.

    ((If you have two characters, you may not vote on both.))


    The Maheral adjudicates any invalid ballots.

    ((Only post votes as replies to this post.))


    Voting will close in one elven day.

    ((24 hours from this post.))







    20th of the Snow's Maiden, 7 SA



    To Elmali'thill of elcihi'thilln,


    The noble Ellisar Aevaris has retired his post after more than a decade of venerated service as Okarir, and decades more serving in the Sillumir. In these times of return to philosophical tradition it falls upon the blessed children of Larihei to elect a new Okarir'tir. 


    To be Okarir'tir is to be Guardian of Law, tasked with upholding the Silver Law and seeing to its enforcement alongside heading the Sillumir.


    Nominations are to proceed in the traditional manner. Candidates are to come forth, either self-nominated of their own volition, or succeeding a nomination from a third party, and give a public speech detailing their merits and what they hope to achieve.  Two such self-nominations have already been made by Kiljarys an Iarwaïn and Finnadh Uradir. Transcriptions are attached to this missive.



    Kiljarys an Iarwaïn and Finnadh Uradir's declarations of self-nomination. [X]



    Nominations shall stay open for one Elven day. Late entries will not be permitted.



  14. Bqq--rCQaESMw4iKNjeQMak45xr8GH3FFg52LkfEOJ95_xhGNVJGxvwK3537pvHnhtjo2VGgn6OhA08qy4x8EVKp6tWomZMOYeAWFkVB9iYgojvxRIa4WXIARFQEJcVIVXorirId


    20th of the Amber Cold, 6 SA



    To Elmali'thill of elcihi'thilln,


    The esteemed Laurir Elibar'acal has retired her post after more than a decade of venerated service. In these times of return to philosophical tradition it falls upon the blessed children of Larihei to elect a new Okarir'hiylun. 


    To be Okarir'hiylun is to be the Guardian of Health, tasked with overseeing the clinic and maintaining public health and physical purity.


    Nominations are to proceed in the traditional manner. Candidates are to come forth, either self-nominated of their own volition, or succeeding a nomination from a third party, and give a public speech detailing their merits and what they hope to achieve.  One such self-nomination has already been made by Miss Valyris Wynasul, with its transcription attached to this missive, though she along with any other hopeful candidates are invited to speak further.


    Valyris Wynasul's nomination of self [X]



    Nominations shall stay open for one Elven day. Late entries will not be permitted.






    12th of the Malin's Welcome, 6 SA


    To the blessed citizenry of Haelun'or who intend to cast a vote (which should be all capable of doing so), today marks the election of the Sohaer. The voting is taking place without a formal debate process as a result of a mutual agreement for the sake of efficacy between the candidates, and the encompassing nature of their nomination speeches.


    The Sohaer is the ruler through teachings, tasked with chairing the Hieal'thilln and acting as the Silver State's political leader. Please follow the forthcoming instructions in order to cast your ballot.



    Arelyn Iyathir

    Nuala Telperion


    [!] At the entrance of San'evarir, a polling station can be found.



    ((MC name: ))



    Vote for Sohaer: 

    ( ) Arelyn Iyathir

    ( ) Nuala Telperion






    You may vote twice for each position.

    A single tick will count as ONE vote. A double tick is TWO votes.

    A single tick on ONE candidate and the ABSENCE of a second tick is ONLY ONE vote.


    You must be a registered first class citizen living in the city, upon the date of the election to vote.


    If you try to fish your vote from the ballot box, it will cause an immediate discount .

    ((You cannot edit your post after you have published it.))


    Only the Maheral and their assistants, who count the votes, may delve into the contents of the ballot box.

    Any other doing so is in violation of the Silver Law.

    ((Do not metagame this post.))


    If you are under fifty, you may not vote.

    If you are an impure, you may not vote.

    If you are a lesser, you may not vote.

    If you live outside the Silver Walls, you may not vote.

    ((If you have two characters, you may not vote on both.))


    The Maheral adjudicates any invalid ballots.

    ((Only post votes as replies to this post.))


    Voting will close in one elven day.

    ((24 hours from this post.))







    12th of the Snow's Maiden, 6 SA



    To Elmali'thill of elcihi'thilln,


    As a result of the council of the Malauriran affirming myself as Maheral, the office of Sohaer now rests vacant. In these times of both renewed optimism and renewed concern, it falls once more on the blessed children of Larihei to elect a new leader.


    To be Sohaer is to be ruler through teachings, tasked with chairing the Silver Council and serving as the political leader of Haelun'or, guiding the State with their platform of legislation and diplomacy. 


    Nominations are to proceed as is tradition, overseen by myself and the Maelunir. For a nomination to be valid, the candidate shall come forth either of their own volition or succeeding a nomination and give a public speech, illustrating their merits and the ideology they seek to instill. Two such self-nominations have already been made by Arelyn Iyathir and Nuala Telperion. Attached are transcriptions of their speeches, though they, along with any other hopeful candidates, are invited to speak further.


    Speech of Arelyn Iyathir [X]

    Speech of Nuala Telperion [X]


    Nominations shall stay open for the next Elven day. Late entries will not be permitted.





    [Apply with a speech and optional render of your character from Novaskin/any other preferred program. Responses to this post will close at 7PM EST, January 7th.]


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