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Dear citizens, dear friends and foremost dear my beloved Mali’thill, 


As the former Sohaer, Maheral Eredael has ascended into a position of much more significance; the seat of the Sohaer now remains vacant. Our bastion is still burdened with a hole in leadership. 


Many missives I have sent and many words I have shared with my peers and I hope now is the time to let go of differences and work together towards unity. 

We are Mali’thill, no other race can even dream of what we have achieved, thus we shall work as Mali’thill. 

During these past months I have worked to educate myself and to redeem myself. I have apologized to my family for my uneducated actions towards them. 


Hence, I am formally renouncing the ideology of The Diarchy. While the sentiment remains, I understand that no true nation of Silver can be achieved by other means than a true republic. It took a long time for me to understand that, however I urge you to pass me understanding, I am an old elf who has lived more or less their whole life under a different form of governing. 


Following the renouncing of the Diarchy; I am nominating myself for the vacant position of elSohaer.

Many of you are aware of my achievements; while I by no means am perfect I know my former workings do give me a foothold for said position. 

My expertises are in working with other races under the topic of diplomacy. I governed the city as Okarir’mali and for centuries worked under different Okariran as their tilruir. I know the city, I know the people and most importantly I know Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. 


I am a bold Mali when it comes to politics. I express my opinions louder than many. However, that is what we need. 

We need Mali that are capable of moving mountains with a single push. We need Mali that have the passion of a thousand suns to ensure the progress and health of our humble Bastion of Silver. 


I rule with peace; one of my first actions as Sohaer would be to ensure we maintain relations with our allies. The next is to ensure peace with those we currently have issues with. We are not a violent race, that is why it is important we aim for peace rather than war. War only means the loss of Mali’thill blood. 


It would be my pleasure to work in the name of the Blessed Maheral Eredael.


Many nominations will follow once this missive goes public and I look forward to see each and one of them. 








Nuala Telperion


dont come at me for the name of this post ;-; it was just super fitting UwU-- HAVE A WONDERFULDAY


also Nuala needs to stay relevant okay


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