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Posts posted by Benleft

  1. main-qimg-7967e42efc73fc35b4fcf6e7c807b4

    Yulong of the Eastern Steel Hills School did five thousand pushups, five thousand crunches, and ten thousand laps around the temple grounds. "I really hope they give me my Dragon Quest soon," he said. Five-thousand-one, five-thousand-two, five-thousand-three...

  2. You ran your poll fine. You’re just feeling for player-emotions, not well-rationalized and drawn out responses. HOWEVER only the greener cabal matters, so you should implement my well-rationalized and drawn out suggestion.

    I need a group-TP. I can’t keep whipping werewolf when I have to teleport swarms of paladins and azdrazi into Azdromoth’s gooning room. It’s not sustainable, he is going to break soon. Give me a group TP command to save a life. It’s the right thing to do. 

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             The Great Dragon


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Arcane Displacement


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Xob Wobson


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             I do.


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             I have not.


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             I am.


  4. The Conquest of Hexicanium: Volunteers Wanted!

    Join the war on Gashadokuro!
    Year of the Pigman (1177 Kamijikan)




    On the western wastelands outside Koyo-Kuni, the Archlich Gashadokuro hosts his infernal army. The Samurai of Koyo-Kuni wage war against these enemies in a battle for our very survival. For decades we have kept them at bay with infrequent attacks reaching beyond our borders. However, our enemies have grown bolder in recent years, attacking deeper into the continent while many are distracted. With our forces spread thin we have seen fit to create a unit of volunteer soldiers from foreign nations willing to man the westernmost frontline against Gashadokuro: The Koyo-Kuni Volunteer Brigade.


    Members of the Volunteer Brigade will serve on the newest fortifications built by expert Oyashi engineers. Under the guidance of the Koyo-Kuni Samurai, foreign volunteers may assist in the campaign to rid Braevos of Gashadokuro. Volunteers need not fear being conscripted or deployed anywhere other than in the campaign against the Archlich.




    The Volunteer Brigade will serve as a unit under the command of Koyo-Kuni Samurai. Volunteers will be trained and stationed in the wastes in preparation for expeditions towards the Archlich's fortress and his cursed dominion.


    Volunteers are expected to provide the following for themselves:

    1. Personal arms and armor,

    2. Bravery and courage in their hearts,

    3. Hate for the Archlich Gashadokuro and his wicked minions.


    To join the Volunteer Brigade, write to Captain Honma Monjaro of the Ashgiaru . Volunteers will be granted one free meal at the Grub Bucket per month. Volunteers are entitled to: loot, glory, eternal honor in Machiman's court, and thanks from the Oyashi of Koyo-Kuni.



    This is a Soft-PK player-event (meaning death in the event is not an enforced character-death, but it will mean players are expected not to return to the event) coordinated with the do-badders of the Hexicanium. To participate, join the Volunteer Brigade discord. There, players may find rules, and a guide on how to participate.

    Join the discord here!


  5. 1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

    I think movement should be limited to 6/3 instead of 4/2


    If someone is fighting a ranged combatant, the ranged archer/mage will get to fire arrows or spells while moving back four blocks. This would make it impossible for the person in earth armor to get close or even get away. At least with 6/3 the person would still stand some of a chance.

    This is OK. Heavier armor is a free "buff", and Earth Ensorcellment just compounds that. If you're wearing cumbersome armor that gives you "super protection" from most melee attacks it is only fair that you get owned by someone willing to spend upwards of three emotes to shoot a single arrow. 

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Stefan Euler


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             I am.


  7. I’ve buffed my BSK goon nest with a Templar banner and a Paladin enchant! Gashadokuro can never get past my choke point covered by a pair of archers with two-emote bows!


    Wait, he’s right behind me, isn’t he? 


  8. Samurai with an eyepatch holding onto a katana, 90's anime still

    "Shogunate scrooges are here to steal my swords?! Come and take it!" Monjaro, samurai of Sakuragakure said proudly. "Oh, the Aevosi Treaty of Friendship. Never mind, I love my buddies."

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Honma Monjaro


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Malchedial's Radiant Templars


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Malchediael’s Radiant Templars is a [3] slot deific magic. The magic provides Templars (players who hold the magic) with various tools to enable monster-hunting and adventuring, such as strengthened attacks and non-combative abilities like the unique Brazen Bonfire (used to connect new Templars to the magic and to heal injured combatants). 

    Templars are encouraged to cast while in combat, though their spells are not their primary weapons. Most of their spells require participation in close combat, thus making a Templar an up-close bruiser. However, Templars should be wary not to take too much damage in combat lest they invoke the Touch of Jophiael and fall into a murderous rage. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    The spells Templars have can broadly be considered combative abilities (spells such as Vigorous Blow, Dauntless Charge, Bulwark, etc…) and utilitarian (Blazing Aura, Enthralling Recount, Radiant Rumination, Brazen Bonfires, etc…) abilities to give them use outside of battle. Of special use are Brazen Bonfires, serving to heal Templars or to subdue the madness from the Touch of Jophiael outside of combat. 

    However, Templars also have a handful of unique items at their disposal. Trophies, items gained from certain slain enemies (often unique and dangerous hostile creatures) allow Templars to stun certain enemies, and Brazen Banners serve as “status effects”, changing the combat environment (Radiant Banner), assisting their allies (Indomitable Banner) or increasing the number of uses of other Templar’s spells (Valiant Templar). 

    Lastly, Victor's Justice serves as "disconnection" ability, allowing Templars to freely attempt to disconnect other Templars on the condition of a duel. The location of this duel may be anywhere agreed upon OOCly and the medium  is chosen by the challenged. As long as both Templar's players agree, the medium does not need to be strictly combative, but it cannot be unfair or lopsided (such as saying "close your eyes and guess the number of fingers I'm holding up," or anything of that nature. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Monjaro bent down and began the process of creating a Brazen Bonfire. First, he cleared the brush and carefully drew the star of Malchediael on the dirt. He prepared some kindling and a basic campfire last. 

    He turned to himself, drawing upon his inner courage as he manifested Malchediael’s blessing. 

    The samurai held his hands out, a brilliant ball of blazing white flame pouring out into his palms. 

    Finally, Monjaro pushed down and allowed the pyre to catch alight, his temporary Brazen Bonfire springing to life. 


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Mushi,” Monjaro said to his student. “It is important for an Ashigaru carrying Machiman’s blessing to be able to deflect a blow meant for his allies.”
    This is called Bulwark,” he explained, drawing his katana out in front of him. “You will prepare your spirit first, focusing on your enemy. As you do this you will manifest Machiman’s fiery blessing. Do you understand?”

    You will then parry the attack that comes your way,” he said. “You may hold it for a time, but not very long. After a few moments, your focus will fail. Now, you should be able to stop anything in your way,” Monjaro laughed. “Now you try it! You must think fast and be a few steps ahead to use this technique. I will prepare a strike and you must prepare your defenses.”

    Monjaro drew his sword up high, waiting for Mushi to take his stance.

    Mushi raised his katana in a defensive position, focusing intently on Monjaro. Malchediael’s burning flames wrapped around his sword as he looked on in anticipation. 

    Monjaro swung down, sword barreling towards Mushi’s own.

    Schwing! Mushi activated the ability [BULWARK], negating the power of Monjaro’s strike effortlessly. 

    Well done, Mushi! Now, let’s take a break, eh?”


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If a student powergames I will inform them of the error in their emotes and how to correctly perform the action they intended to carry out. If their error seems intentional I will remind the student that powergaming may both result in Story Team or Moderation action and ruin another person’s voluntary time on this server, and encourage them to re-emote their character’s actions appropriately. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             I have not.

  10. Which of the following have you enjoyed participating in the most: server lore (magics, feats, events), nation-roleplay (playing a soldier, citizen, government worker), and villainy? Which have you enjoyed the least? Obviously none of these are mutually exclusive, but players oftentimes self-separate. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, ClassyDryad said:

    @Benleft((My phone won't let me quote)) I've actually done a bit of work on a "Dire Animal" lore piece for pets/mounts/event monsters that are just an IRL animal but big. I never pursued it because I figured it would be abusable/ST would shoot it down though.

    Balance and submit it… Don’t lose hope… LT are only a mental road block (review compiles are a helpful resource). You are stronger, better…

  12. Creature bloat is not a problem as-is... If there are too many lore pages, they can just be compiled into AWESOME creature compendiums. 

    That being said, I feel like “big, semi-obedient” ferret would not be a staple of the setting… I feel like a  “general battle animal pet” piece with VERY good (restrictive) redlines would save lore reviewers a lot of time…

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