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  • Character Name
    ricktar spinkz
  • Character Race
    cave dwarf

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  1. petrosminecraft


    was born into poverty and never got an education, parents never loved him so dumped him into a river, survived. was raised by a pack of village humans around 100km from his birthplace. Killed his village father at 4, regretted it so hard that almost commited suicide. has a green pasty colour of skin and no hair, where’s like beige clothes. At 6 was kidnapped by an orc and raised in a cave for 4 years, escaped. almost killed himself again at 11 but resisted after finds out he has a blood-born brother, doesn’t meet him after finds out he is dead. at 20 is much happier and nicer to people, finds out he LOVES grapes! at 23 his birth mother comes back to him but he airs her until she pushes it so he kills her, says it was the best day of his life. at 25 meets his birth father and introduces him to his village father, they become mates which makes him angry since he hates his birth father so poisons him, gets away with it. at 32 gets village raided by orcs, loses everything. at 33 is at the lowest point in life but cheers up by finding love. at 40 gets married, at 45 gets divorced, has lost everything. still lives on and gets a small job at a market. works till 55 then retires, now at 67 goes round being nice to everyone.
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