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Everything posted by Aurora400

  1. Aurora400


    Ghyunes Algorn was born in the west forest of Siramenor. Her mum Aerin Calen was a healer, loved by the local wood elves community: Ghyunes always admired her for her abilities, that for Ghyunes were almost impossible to practice. Religion was extremely important for Aerin since she followed The Wild Path. Ghyunes on the contrary wasn’t that interested in The Pantheon, and the Eldest of the town would have exiled her if it weren’t for Aerin. Since childhood, she had a better attitude in practical activities, like her father and grandfather, who taught her the art of bows and arrows. Thanks to them in a short time she became an quite good archer and her parents were proud of her. Her father Theoden Algorn was a merchant: he worked most of the time, but when he was at home, he told Ghyunes a lot of stories from the places he visited, and when he was far away from her, he always sent her a letter. Theoden told her stories from all around Arcas: from Helana to Avalain, from Omeryn to Reza and so long. She had never traveled: her whole world was her tiny forest town, but all these stories soon made grow in her a new dream, traveling. Every time she heard her father’s stories she asked to go with him, but her mum constantly said that she was always too young. Ghyunes was a quiet and shy girl, apart from the good family relationship, she didn’t have the same affinity with the rest of the community of the town. But for her, this wasn’t a big problem, because she just liked staying alone in the forest, sometimes with a book, or practicing in archery, or even running throw the path with her wolf Onis. The years go by and she grew up, but at the age of 18 a tragedy affected her: she received a letter where she discovered that her father disappeared in a shipwreck during one of his travel. Ghyunes sank into an abyss: even if her dad was often far from home, she loved him very much and she could always count on him and his stories. After a long period where she was stuck in the past because she couldn’t go through her father’s death and she became even more reserved and shy, on the day of her twentieth birthday, Ghyunes decided that she couldn’t go on like this. She needed to get away from her home and to do new experiences. For her, that was time to go on her way. Aeris wasn’t exactly happy about this decision, because of what happened to Theoden, but, in the end, she accepted it. So Ghyunes took with her bows and arrows and the loyal wolf Onis, and started her own adventure, traveling around Arcas, just like her father.
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