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Ryfin Chany

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    Ryfin Chany
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  1. Ryfin Chany


    Basalt was born in a small village that was quickly destroyed in a conflict that he was too young to remember. His father brought him into the wilderness, and they were stuck there thanks to the conflict still raging about outside. Unsure of what to do, Basalt's father tried to give his son a proper childhood, teaching him how to speak and some basic stuff about life. Unfortunately, Basalt was forced to watch as a bear wandered into the forest one day. Without much time, Basalt was hidden in a nearby tree carved out for this very purpose as Basalt's father confronted the bear. Basalt was forced to watch as his father was eaten alive by the scarred, angry bear. Basalt went into a blind rage, running out of his hiding spot and attacking the bear. The bear did not expect such a feral and equal challenge, and was killed as Basalt grabbed onto it's back and strangled it to death with his bare hands. Not sure of what else to do, Basalt grieved before remembering his father talking about this place he always wanted to go called Sutica. Realizing he had nothing left to do here, buried his father, grabbed his belongings, and headed out to search for that place and a new home.
  2. Ryfin Chany


    Ryfin Chany was born in a small, middle class family to Herbu Chany and Morgan Chany in Oropo of the Free State of Sutica, and immediately was sent to an orphanage when his parents were killed in a subsequent fire. He followed in his parents footsteps and worshiped Canonism. He quickly became friends with his other orphans and eventually was forced onto the streets when the orphanage burned down. Ever since then, Ryfin wandered aimlessly, depressed by his lack of luck. On his eighteenth birthday, Ryfin had an epiphany. If he kept wandering, than everything he had lost would be for nothing. Ryfin decided that he would make his mark on the world before he dies. Ryfin eventually got robbed by some bandits in his sleep, being left with only the clothes on his back. After being dealt this harsh blow, Ryfin decided that he would protect anyone that he came across from unjust and unwarranted harm like the kind he suffered.
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