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Posts posted by HalflingPrincess

  1. [!] A halfling newspaper is found in your mailbox!

    The Bramblebury Gazette
    (Vol I, 1797)


    ~Knowledge is the key to happiness~



    ~The Bramblebury Gazette: My Mission~

    ~The Election of 1797: RESULTS~

    ~The Proudfoot Protest: A Response~

    ~Turnip School of Learning Opens!~


    ~The Bramblebury Gazette: My Mission~


    ~Winemaking, a favorite hobby of mine~

    When a new newspaper begins to make the rounds, readers will always wonder what drove the editor

    On the offhand chance that you are unaware of who I am, dear reader, allow me to introduce myself. I am Greta Goodbarrel, former Elder of Brandybrook and author of our constitution. Though I spent the first forty-three years of my life in the secluded halfling village of Norbury, I found it to be far too Orenian for my tastes, and in 1782 I moved to Haelun’or. For three years I studied among the mali’thill at the Eternal Library, perfecting my writing and learning the importance of democracy and open debate.

    Despite my appreciation for elven culture, I soon grew weary of the coldness of their streets. I began to long for the comforts of burrows and the simplicity of halfling life, and so in 1785 I dropped everything and once again moved, this time to Brandybrook. It was there I noticed some level of discontent with the undemocratic system of Thainship, and I took it upon myself to correct these problems and restore democracy, something that the halflings have not experienced since Dunshire. Though there were missteps at first, I was able to win support from many people, including our gracious Thain, who approved and signed our new constitution in 1796.

    Having outlined my reasons for doing so in a letter earlier this year, I believe I need not reiterate why I initially retired from political life. Regardless, in some senses I have changed my mind. Though I do not currently intend to run for public office in the future, I have come to realize that perhaps the main benefit of being a citizen rather than an Elder, Thain, Mayor, or Sheriff is that I am able to write exactly what I believe without worrying what people will think of it. Though in the past I have complained about my words falling upon unwilling ears, I am simply incapable of being silent on certain matters. Knowledge, after all, is the lifeblood of any democracy, and I wish not to abandon the village I helped create. On the contrary, I hope that writing this paper will encourage civil, open dialogue between those of opposing viewpoints, and that it will also keep the people more well informed by providing a new alternative to the possibly defunct tabloid that was Beetroot News.


    ~The Election of 1797: RESULTS~


    ~The Sheriff Debates~

    It brings me great excitement to report that Bramblebury has completed its very first election!

    The race for Mayor was mostly for procedure, seeing as no candidates challenged the lovely Iris Peregrin following my concession of the election. As such, regardless of the number of votes she received (which, based on the statistics our gracious Thain Isalie Gardner provided, would be thirteen votes unless there were abstentions), Iris has won the office of Mayor.

    Now, I wouldn’t be running a proper paper if I did not give at least some opinion on Iris’ victory, however I have nothing but praise to give to our new Mayor. You will never find a more friendly and kind halfling than Iris Peregrin, and though she may not have the experience I would have, her benign influence has been made clear by her status as an icon of our community, and her involvement in the construction of Bloomerville (though illegal), reveals her to be a strong and independent leader. Though her campaign was largely built on a return to simplicity (something that I could not offer), she remains a strong believer in the democratic process, and I say with much confidence that next eight years will be bright for the office of Mayor.


    ~The Sheriff Election Results~

    The election of the Sheriff, however, was far closer, a fact known to us through Isalie’s reports of the counting. For, despite Theodore Mowood’s immense preparation, voters were likely unimpressed with his performance at the debate, and I am sure his past record of using biggun weapons and being blind in his support of absolute power for the Thain marred his campaign. Or, perhaps, it was simply a matter that his unique feature of being a pumpkin man paled in comparison to the signature elegance of Alfie Greenholm or the characteristic ferocity of Meemaw Applebottom.

    The noble Alfie Greenholm, the candidate who had my vote, received five votes in total. Like his other supporters, I admired his clear vision for the office of Sheriff, which included a publicized plan and a well put together debate speech (the best of the three, in my opinion.) Alfie, unlike the others, had also the experience of having been Sheriff of Brandybrook in the past, though this may have hurt his campaign in the eyes of those who believed somebody new should take office. Even still, Alfie’s popularity cannot be doubted, and it is to be hoped that he does not again disappear from the village.

    The feisty Meemaw Applebottom, most likely the oldest person ever to be made Sheriff, also received five votes, which resulted in the Thain being forced to carry out her tie-breaking duty as prescribed by the constitution. Though it is not the choice I would have made, Meemaw received Isalie’s vote and has thus been made Sheriff of Bramblebury. Though, as stated in the debates, she has yet to appoint a deputy, it is clear that Bramblebury has elected a Sheriff unlike any before. Though some may argue that her proposals for punishments are too unusual, none of them are cruel, and I believe her affably cantankerous demeanor will make for a strong law-woman.

    Unfortunately, there has already been some concern about the validity of the election. Though I shall keep the source of these complaints anonymous, I shall record what they said and will reiterate my response:

    This anonymous critic expressed concern over the fact that the responsibility of counting votes was vested solely in the Thain, and suggested that representatives of both sides be present for the counting. They also found it inappropriate that the Thain could vote at all, even in the case of a tie, and suggested instead that it be left up to chance or that a second vote is held. Both of these ideas are, in my opinion, poor alternatives. Though it was not the case in this election; should only two candidates have run and been tied, a second vote would have been rather pointless, and it would only result in the continued cycle of the same results. As to the former of the options; I say this; the fate of the village should never be left up to chance. Though the Thain is expected to be politically neutral, she must make what decisions she considers to be best for the village.

    Regardless, I reminded them that it would be unfair for the rules of the election to be changed while it is in progress. As such, I ask that anybody who does take issue with the rules of elections bring these grievances to our Thain or Mayor, who may then propose amendments to the constitution.


    ~The Proudfoot Protest: A Response~


    ~Malfoy Proudfoot; former Sheriff and leader of the protests.~

    Given the host of complaints I had overheard after the constitution was signed, I was not all too shocked that somebody would attempt to have it repealed. (Though I was originally shocked by how many people seemed to be against it!)

    Mere days after I announced that I was conceding the election (whether this has any correlation remains to be seen), one Malfoy Proudfoot, former Sheriff of Brandybrook, nailed a declaration to the village notice board asking people to join in a protest against “biggun-like” customs.

    While it would be easy for me to dismiss this, and perhaps expected that I would be dismissive of it given that I wrote the constitution they protest against, I appreciate this opportunity for open debate, and am pleased that people are willing to speak their minds. For, despite being what is seemingly a protest against it, Mr. Proudfoot’s actions are very much in the spirit of Goodbarrelian Democracy.

    For that reason, I shall entertain the idea:

    Malfoy’s letter opens with little more than meaningless words of complaint, though I appreciate his alliteration. He then goes on to accuse the village of having embraced “biggun custom” and declares the beginning of a revolution against it.

    Perhaps my largest issue with this letter is that, apart from being similar to “biggun laws” (and I am of the opinion that all law systems should be similar, since all laws should be built on common sense), that no specific aspect of the constitution is cited as an issue. Indeed, it is to be imagined that the few people who have signed on to this movement are united not by their own views but by a common hatred for mine.

    This is not to say that they are entirely wrong however, as there are most certainly similarities to biggun constitutions. (After all, I studied political theory in Haelun’or, and it was there that I learned the importance of free government.) The notion that this is destructive to halfling tradition, however, is one that I deeply disagree with. For indeed, halflings have had democracy for hundreds of years. Many positions from Sheriff to Mayor to Elder were elected prior to the illegal coup of Rollo Applefoot in Dunshire.


    That being said, it is important to understand being a Goodbarrelian Democrat is about supporting elections and equality among halflings, not about worshipping the intricacies of our constitution. While all of those are in place for a reason, there is certainly some room for debate, and I invite Mr. Proudfoot, or anybody else who disagrees with the constitution, to be more open about what specifically they want changed.

    Any letter this newspaper receives will be responded to!


    ~Turnip School of Learning Opens!~


    ~Turnip Ratfoot delivers a lecture on orc savages~

    If knowledge is the key to happiness, then a school must be the happiest place in the world! And that can certainly be said for Turnip School of Learning, established in 1796 by our lovely healer Demeter Pebblebrook, as a place for halflings of all ages to be educated without having to leave our cozy village!

    Rather fittingly, the very first class here was taught by none other than Turnip Ratfoot; a lecture about the barbaric ways of orcs. Though I did not attend due to my distaste for those creatures, I have heard many positive remarks about the class, and intend on teaching Common and Elvish at the school soon.


    Long live the halflings!

    Greta Goodbarrel,

    Citizen of Bramblebury



  2. [!] A relatively short letter is tacked to the Bramblebury notice board

    An Address
    to the
    People of Bramblebury
    On Conceding the Mayoral Election

    My dear friends and fellow halflings;

    My reasons for writing to you are numerous, but chief among them is my desire to make the following declaration: I wish to concede the election of the Mayor to Iris Peregrin. Despite any past remarks I may have made about her lack of experience, I am fully confident in her leadership, and expect her to prove a far greater stateswoman than I could ever have hoped to be. Her kindness, amicability, and good nature far exceed my own virtues, but more importantly she has earned your support; the support of the people. While I cannot deny the role I played in returning democracy to the halflings, I must give the true credit for achieving our free government to our people. Your collected opinions are far more important than mine.

    I write as if I have lost the election already because I have come to realize that it would be neither right nor worth it to stand between Iris and the office of mayor. I must admit that I am only too aware of the reasons for which you would choose Iris over myself. Though in reviewing my actions as activist, Elder, and framer of our constitution, I am unaware of any intentional misdeeds, I know that it is very likely that I have made a number of mistakes. While I have faith in our new constitution, I recognize also that many do not, and as such I would not blame our Thain, Mayor, or Sheriff for moving to amend the constitution I created. I hope only that our people can emerge stronger from this transition of power, and that if not; that history will be merciful in its telling of my actions.

    In keeping with these sentiments, I do not intend to run for any future public office. Though I would gladly be an advisor those who remain in power, I have grown far too weary of politics to continue offering publicly my unsolicited opinions, and am well aware of the fact that much of what I say falls upon ears that are unwilling to listen. This is a decision that I have come to after much contemplation, and I do not make it out of fear of defeat; I could certainly have stood to lose an election; nor do I make it out of idleness; for it is clear to me that the people do not trust me to correct any errors which I have made, and would prefer to defer that duty to others. 

    With my intention of retirement from political life established, I shall now give parting words to a number of you:


    To my dear friend, our Thain Isalie Gardner; I salute you for yielding your power to the people. On their behalf, I express also concern about the longevity of your position. For, despite the democratic principles enshrined in our constitution, many find the nature of Thainship to be dictatorial, and are frustrated at their inability to remove a such a powerful leader. I know not what you can do other than give an open ear to them, and to work tirelessly alongside Iris to serve their needs and interests.


    To Iris, I hope that you can accomplish what I can not; that you can continue to unite our people rather than divide them, and that you continue to act in a manner that is inspirational to all halflings.

    To the voters, I advise this: do not allow yourself to be swept up in the rhetoric of demagogues who seek to use fear, whether it be of properness or improperness, to gain your support. The village can only stand if it remains united, and only through cooperation and compromise can we hope to achieve a truly free and open government.


    It is here, my friends, that I bid farewell as a leader of our people. After nearly twelve years of my life dedicated to serving you, the time has come to entrust the duties of public office to others. I look foward to living in the free society we have created not as an Elder or Mayor but as a citizen, and to participating in our government as an equal to others.


    Though I leave political life with some reluctance, I return to private life with great exuberence. For indeed, there much still for me to do in other fields; whether it be winemaking, archiving, teaching, poetry, or history. I know for sure that my wife and children will be overjoyed to find me finally out my office, and I look forward to long hours of rest and relaxation, safe in this village which we have built for ourselves; Bramblebury, the greatest village in Almaris.

    Greta Goodbarrel
    -Citizen of Bramblebury

  3. Halfling.png.a5957795fcb6090743777dfc966814e5.png
    The CONSTITUTION of the

    We, the wee folk of Almaris, in order to create a more perfect village, to secure peace and prosperity, to advance the greater good, to promote the wellbeing of all halflings, and to preserve a community that is fair and free for ourselves and our descendants, hereby establish this CONSTITUTION for the VILLAGE of BRAMBLEBURY

    Article I. Concerning the Office of the Thain

    Section I. The Duties and Privileges of the Thain

    In keeping with tradition, the Thain is to serve as the public leader of the halfling people. They shall be responsible for dealing with bigguns, managing village land, planning building, and running elections to keep them fair. In addition, the Thain shall be granted the following specific powers:

    I. The Signing of Laws
    In the Thain shall be vested the authority to sign bills written by the Mayor into law. The Thain may also veto bills, hindering their passage into law. A Thain's veto can only be overturned if the Sheriff appeals the veto in support of the Mayor.

    II. Removal of the Mayor or Sheriff
    In the Thain shall be vested the authority to call for the removal of the Mayor or Sheriff on the basis of criminal acts or other conditions under which they may be deemed unfit to serve. The Thain may only call for the removal of the Mayor or Sheriff if they nominate at least one possible replacement, and must also be given the approval of the Mayor in the event of the Sheriff's removal or the Sheriff in the event of the Mayor's removal. Once this approval has been given, an emergency election is to be held under which the people shall decide between the replacement candidate and the sitting official.

    III. Deferring Laws to a Public Vote
    In the Thain shall be vested the authority to defer a law written by the Mayor to a public vote, in which the people shall vote "yea" or "nay" on whether or not to sign the proposal into law. As with election to Sheriff or Mayor, a public vote is passed by simple majority.

    IV. Defending the Halfling People
    In the Thain is vested the responsibility of defending the halflings from outside threats. With this responsibility comes the power to raise shovel militias and assemble medic teams, as well as deploy and lead these forces in battle. In the Thain is also vested the authority to construct fortifications or other defenses within the village. Only the Thain may declare the village to be in a state of war.

    V. Declaring a Banishment
    In the Thain shall be vested the authority to banish a halfling or outsider from the village. The Thain may not declare a banishment without the approval of the Sheriff, but may lift one at any time. A banished individual is prohibited from entering the village, and their legal rights as halflings are suspended, particularly the right to vote. A banishment may be appealed directly to the Thain by mail once a year.

    VI. Declaring an Honorary Halfling
    In the Thain shall be vested the authority to declare a biggun to be an Honorary Halfling, thus granting them all the rights, protections, and privileges of halflings as provided in this constitution with the exception of the right to vote, which shall be granted only to halflings in order to maintain our self-government.

    VII. Judicial Review
    In the Thain shall be vested the power to declare a law or punishment to be unconstitutional provided the approval of either the Mayor or the Sheriff. If a halfling believes themself to have been unjustly punished by the Sheriff, they are to make an appeal to the Thain.

    VIII. Officiation and Annulment of Marriages
    In the Thain shall be vested the power to officiate marriages between halflings within the village as well as grant the power to do so to other qualified individuals such as gaffers or the High Pumplar. In the Thain is also vested the power to annul a marriage given the consent of at least one of the married parties.

    Section II. Succession of the Thainship

    A Thain is to be appointed by their predecessor and may serve until their death or resignation. In the event of a Thain's prolonged disappearance, the Mayor is to call for an emergency election in which a new Thain is to be chosen by the people. In the interregnum between the death, resignation, or removal of a Thain and the selection of a new one, the Mayor is to carry out their duties.

    Section III. Removal of a Thain

    In the event the Thain is accused of a crime or deemed otherwise unfit to serve, the Mayor and Sheriff may agree to call for a public vote in which the people shall vote "yea" or "nay" on the removal of the Thain from office. Should a two-thirds majority of voters vote in favor of the Thain's removal, then they shall be removed from office and an emergency election shall be held.

    Article II. Concerning the Office of the Mayor

    Section I. The Duties and Privileges of the Mayor

    The Mayor is to serve as the head of the halfling government.  They are to be responsible for serving the interests of the people, primarily by writing laws but also by planning public events, regulating the village's economy and housing, managing the storage burrow, and serving as a diplomat on behalf of the Thain. The power to grant permission to build within the village is to be vested in the Mayor as well as the Thain.

    In the Mayor shall also be vested the duty to call a village meeting (Moot) at least once during their term. It is the responsibility of the Mayor to decide upon the exact date, location, and agenda of a Moot. All halflings above the age of majority (thirty-three years of age) are permitted and encouraged to participate in the Moot.

    Section II. Succession of the Mayor

    The Mayor shall be elected by the people and will serve a term of eight years. A Mayor may run for reelection as many times as they are willing to. In the event the Mayor is killed or otherwise removed from office, an emergency election is to be held. In the interregnum between the death, resignation, or removal of a Mayor and the election of a new one, the Sheriff is to carry out their duties. 

    Article III. Concerning the Office of the Sheriff

    Section I. The Duties and Privileges of the Sheriff

    The Sheriff is to serve as the law enforcement of the village as well as acting as a secondary representative of the people to the Thain. They shall be responsible for keeping peace within the village and ensuring its security. In the Sheriff is vested the power to place criminals under arrest as well as decide on punishments below banishment and to approve banishments to the Thain.

    Section II. The Duties and Privileges of the Deputy Sheriff

    In the Sheriff is vested the authority to appoint a deputy to assist in enforcing the law. The deputy may not exercise any powers Sheriff beyond placing a criminal under arrest.

    Section III. Succession of the Sheriff 

    The Sheriff shall be elected by the people and is to serve for a period of good behavior; serving until death resignation, removal, or challenge. Provided a Sheriff has been serving for at least eight years, they may be challenged for their position in an election. In the interregnum between the death resignation, or removal, of a Sheriff and the election of a new one, the Deputy Sheriff is to carry out their duties. If a Sheriff chose not to appoint a Deputy, then the Mayor is to carry out their duties.

    Article IV. Concerning Elections

    Elections are to occur over a period of four months; the first two months allowing time for annunciation of candidacy as well as debate and campaigning events while the next two months are the voting period. No limit is to be placed on the number of candidates running in a single election.

    Once candidacies have been announced, it is the responsibility of the Thain or the Mayor to open a ballot box. Each eligible voter receives a single vote, the winner being decided by simple majority. It is the responsibility of the Thain to count votes during an election, and as such they are prohibited from voting except in the case of a tie, in which they shall be called to break it. In the event of an emergency Thain election, the same rules shall be applied to the Mayor.

    Should no new candidates emerge during a Mayoral election, the sitting Mayor will remain in power. Should the Mayor or Sheriff resign or otherwise leave office without being able to run again, the Thain may nominate a candidate to be voted on.

    The right to run for public office is guaranteed to all halflings above the age of thirty-three years who have resided within the village for at least four years. However, in order to preserve the integrity of the government, lovers and multiple members of the same immediate family may not serve simultaneously. As such, candidates shall be barred from running in elections if any sitting officials meet this criteria. 

    Public votes are to function in the same manner as elections, except in that they shall be held over a period of two days rather than four, including only two voting days.

    Article V. Concerning Amendments to the Constitution

    The power to amend this constitution is to be vested in the people. Though the Thain, Sheriff, and Mayor shall each be granted the power to propose amendments to the constitution, all three individuals must agree to hold an amendment vote. The majority of the halfling people must vote in favor of the amendment for it to pass.

    Article VI. Concerning the Protections and Rights of Halflings

    Section I. Unalienable Rights

    It is a fundamental truth that all halflings are born free and equal, and with certain rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which cannot be infringed. Within these rights fall also access to food and proper housing within the village.

    Section II. Freedom of Thought and Expression

    All halflings are to be guaranteed the freedom to speak, think, and write all that is true. Within this falls also the right to petition the government, to peacefully assemble, and to worship whatever gods they please.

    Section III. Protection of Burrows and Belongings

    All halflings shall be protected from having their burrows or belonging unjustly searched or confiscated by the government except by leave of the Sheriff as punishment for a crime or with proper compensation.

    Section IV. Guarantee of Justice

    No halfling may be unjustly imprisoned; laws must be written in a manner that can be easily interpreted by the common folk. No halfling can be punished for an act that was made illegal after it was committed,  nor can a halfling be arrested without being informed of the reason for their arrest.

    Section V. Rules of Punishment

    Halflings, regardless of their crimes, are not to be executed or tortured, nor subjected to any cruel, unusual, or excessive punishments. 

    Section VI. Freedom from Slavery

    No halfling may be kept as a slave nor otherwise forced to serve another except the Sheriff as punishment for a crime in the form of community service. 

    Section VII. Declaration of Civil and Political Rights

    All village-dwelling halflings above the age of thirty-three are guaranteed the right to vote, run for office, and participate in the Moot regardless of gender, religion, political affiliation, adherence to properness, or place of birth.

    Section VIII. Other Rights

    Rights that are not specifically written in this constitution may be retained by the halfling people.

    Authored 1794, signed:

    Elder of Bramblebury

    Ratified 1796, signed:

    Thain of Bramblebury

    Long live the Halflings!
    Knox save the Thain!


  4. The Goodbarrel Family
    (and the Greenfoots)



    Greta Goodbarrel, the first of the Goodbarrels to return to Brandybrook, is descended from two very different but very large and illustrious halfling families: the Goodbarrels and the Greenfoots. 


    The Greenfoots trace their lineage over the past century to Greta’s maternal great grandfather, Alberic Greenfoot, who founded the isolated village of Norbury deep within the well guarded lands of the Holy Orenian Empire upon his arrival in Arcas in 1705. Largely isolated from the rest of their kin, the Greenfoots have dwelt almost exclusively in Norbury, with Greta being one of the few of their line to leave that village.

    The Goodbarrels are a family much older than the Greenfoots, and though they trace their lineage back to Dunshire in Atlas, it is very likely that there were even older generations of Goodbarrels in Axios. Frequent migrants and travelers, the Goodbarrels were only intermittently present in Brandybrook prior to Greta’s arrival, and have been largely dispersed throughout Arcas. Nevertheless, they have had much more contact with their kin than the Greenfoots have. Caramella, the mother of Thain Micah O’Connell of Brandybrook, was a Goodbarrel.


    Culture and Traditions


    The Greenfoots, hailing from Norbury, follow a very distinct and unusual variation of halfling traditions. Though the village of Norbury was founded by Alberic Greenfoot with the intention of acting as a safe haven for propers in the face of an increasingly improper halfling society, it soon fell under the sway of its Orenian protectors. The result was a halfling culture that, despite following all the regular halfling traditions such as using shovels and shunning mina, also came to adopt the patriarchal customs and refined speech of humans, interacting with and frequently befriending them while viewing all other bigguns with immense suspicion. Nevertheless, the Greenfoots have proven to be particularly creative thinkers; those who can read have made excellent authors and poets, and even those who cannot read have shown great talent in carving, painting, and music. The Greenfoots are also renowned for their impeccable manners and enchanting charisma.


    The Goodbarrels, being well travelled, are far more diverse in their traditions. Though most Goodbarrels adhere to halfling “properness”, a notable improper few have been known to use swords and trade in mina. Goodbarrels often interact with and befriend elves and tend to mistrust humans, but are overall more friendly to bigguns than most halflings are. Though Goodbarrels have had many professions ranging from burglary, to caravanning, to druidism, to scholarship; their most famous talent and tradition is winemaking; at least one Goodbarrel of each generation has had a vineyard at some point in their life. Whether it be from books or in streetsmarts, the Goodbarrels have been noted to be remarkably intelligent, and have also proven to have a natural talent for stealth. Though they tend to be fairly introverted, Goodbarrels are known for their witty humor.

    Shared among most Greenfoots is a dislike for dwarves; a people considered by them to be brutish, violent, and greedy. The family also has a great fear and hatred of orcs, whom they consider to be monsters, as well as a dismissive attitude toward beast folk such as Kha and Wonks, whom they view as house pets rather than people.




    The Greenfoots, having been so heavily influenced by the Orenians, follow a bizarre faith best described as Knoxo-Canonism, which equivocates Knox with the God of the Canonist faith. They are strict in their adherence to this religion; which resulted in the remarkably Orenian social attitudes that caused Greta to leave Norbury in search of adventure and freedom.


    The Goodbarrels, being more well travelled and diverse in their traditions, do not all follow the same religion. Though the vast majority of them worship Knox, many have also followed the Aspects or Arugula.




    The Greenfoots are of average height for a halfling, ranging between 2’9” and 2’11”. Greenfoots are notable for having curly red hair and round faces and tend to be plump and studier than other halflings. Eye colors range from blue to green to brown and heterochromia is fairly common. The most distinct feature of a Greenfoot is having rosy cheeks; it is said that Greenfoots blush frequently in response to flattery or embarrassment.

    The Goodbarrels tend to be taller and more fair-skinned than other halflings, ranging from about 2’10” to 3’3” in height. Though a few have had varying shades of red and blonde hair, most have been brown haired. Goodbarrels also tend to be lighter, quieter, and faster than other halflings. The most distinct feature of a Goodbarrel is having large bright blue eyes.

    Family Members


    Hawthorn Goodbarrel, First Cousin Once Removed of Greta - SalamanderMoss

    Greta Goodbarrel, Former Matriarch - HalflingPrincess (1739 - 1831)
    Kerraline “Kerra” Goodbarrel (neé Erawick), Former Matriarch, Wife of Greta - teawithSunny (c. 1680 - c. 1840)


    Faye Goodbarrel, First Cousin Once Removed of Greta - Uh_Stella
    Elizabeth “Eliza” Goodbarrel, Matriarch, Daughter of Greta - teawithTori

    Family Tree: https://familyecho.com/?p=START&c=110bhwxy131&f=462496709853665536

    [Any living character on the family tree that does not have an image or a placeholder is available to be turned into a persona. If you wish to play one of these characters or join the family with your own; message me on discord at HalflingPrincess#1984]

  5. [!] A pamphlet is copied and handed out to every door in Bloomerville and Fort Hope

    An Open Letter to the Halfling People

    My dear friends and neighbors;

    Long have I remained silent in the face of the great hardships and conflicts that have come upon our people. Even now, as I write this letter, I look upon my past words with regret. I recognize that, despite the time that has passed, the speech I gave at my wedding in 1787 gave many within the village a poor first impression of me. I readily admit that the decision to bring politics to a wedding was overly opportunistic, and, with my second marriage coming within the next month, I knew that it would be wise to express my opinions here rather than succumb to the temptation of addressing a crowd, lest I repeat past mistakes. When I spoke in 1787, I did so with the intention of calling the halfling people to action. My views had been radicalized by unreliable sources, and I had believed that there was no chance of reform without immense pressure from the masses. In my many discussions with our Thain Isalie Gardner, however, it has become clear to me that I was deeply mistaken in calling her a tyrant.

    With that in mind, I now begin my intended message in earnest; this is not a call to arms, nor is it a call to political action. I am not writing to the people on behalf of the Thain, nor do I write to the Thain on behalf of the people. With my words I intend to address everyone with a plea and a promise:

    I know these have been trying times. I will not waste ink on tales of our sorrow, for I am quite sure you have all had your fill of it. But all the same, we must recognize the enormous challenges that the halfling people must overcome. Moreover, we must realize that it cannot be achieved without setting aside our petty squabbles and coming together. Having stood on both sides of the line at differing points in my life, I am well aware of both the importance of our tradtions to propers as well as the desire for freedom in the hearts of impropers. We cannot allow those labels to divide us howver. We must unite.

    I know these words may be weakened by the fact that am the one writing them. I am only too aware of my own defects. I am obnoxious and vain; I am disliked because I talk too much and try to exert intelluctual and moral authority, even though I know, deep down, that my wisdom is far from infinite. I do not claim to be above any of the people I criticize. I do not wish harm upon anyone, I ask only that they consider my words. I wish not to divide our people any futher, nor to usurp the Thain, nor to silence her opposition. Though I write from within the government, my message is purely my own; for I seek only understanding between all of us.

    I write first, then, to my dear friend Isalie Gardner, beginning with a sincere apology. I was gravely mistaken in calling you a tyrant during my 1787 speech. I understand, now, that you accepted the role of thain not because you believed everybody else to be beneath you, but because nobody else proved up to the task. You have performed admirably, and have displayed a deep love for your people as well as a willingness to listen. You have been like a mother to the halflings, and we are grateful for your warm care. However, speaking from experience both as a child and now as a mother, there is such a thing as being too involved. We mothers wish to protect and guide our children, and it is our duty to do so, but we cannot allow our desire for their safety to blind us to their free will. I write delicately because I do not mean to be offensive in my criticism, but I fear also that you may be offended regardless. You have not always been particularly appreciative of criticism and many fear you. You are a strong lady of stature and authority and, to those who do not know you as well as I do, it makes you intimidating. It must be admitted that you often seek to be directly involved in every little matter of our people. Though I recognize this as a sign of your immense care for us, it feels overbearing to many; like a parent who forbids their child from leaving the house. Your authority is, of course, enshrined in halfling law and custom, and while it was indeed wrong to go against you to build Bloomerville, you must recognize and respect both their reasons for doing so as well as the great effort that was put into it. While I recognize that you did not intend for this land to become our home, it has been for nearly four years now. I recognize and respect your notion that "the village" is an idea rather than a place; and furthermore I recall your intentions to  move our people for their safety from the assassins, but we must recognize that not everyone is being targeted. Though illegal, there were legitimate reasons for building a more permanet settlement  in Fort Hope.

    Before I describe these reasons in more detail, however, I wish to draw attention to the growing division of our people into two groups. While it would be disingenuous to directly call one group "proper" and the other "improper", it must also be recognized that tradition is more highly regarded by the "Bloomers" while Isalie and her supporters place greater value in freedom and safety. My greatest fear is that these groups will continue to drift apart, and ruin any chance of returning to a community in the fashion of Brandybrook or Dunshire, where all halflings are united.

    To those like myself, who have stood adamantly beside Isalie, I say this; while our Thain is indeed a wonderful person, we cannot blind ourselves to her mistakes as a leader. We must recognize that the "Bloomers" are concerned about our "properness." It is my understanding that "proper" is a word that has largely lost its meaning, and in many ways we tend toward being improper, mostly in regards to our use of bladed weapons. Our disregard for the concept of "properness" as well as our notion thsat it is outdated is viewed by the "Bloomers" as a rejection of values that define us as halflings, which our ancestors worked very hard to establish. They feel that, by rejecting their traditions, we dishonor our ancestors and rake the achievements of our forefathers through the mud. They question what the difference is between an improper halfling and a biggun.

    To the "Bloomers", I say this; having studied "properness" in greater detail, it must be understood that many self-proclaimed "impropers" do not understand what it really means to be "proper"; it is a term that was muddled by the corruption of Rollo Applefoot's coup and the dictatorship that followed; a term that slowly lost meaning as his successors were overcome by unprecedented challenges such as inferi, murderers, demonic pumpkins, and assassins. These ordeals have put our lives at risk and have thrown many of us into despair; we have thought little about simple pleasures and luxuries such as taverns and burrows because we have been concerned primarily with our own defense, which is also largely the reason for our movement toward biggun-style arms. With that in mind, I ask that the "Bloomers" reconsider any hostility they may harbor toward the Thain, she has done everything witihin her power to keep us all safe, and while I recognize and commend your efforts to restore traditional halfling life, going against her orders without so much as an apology conveys a message of great disrespect.

    In summary, my message to the halflings is this: we all have reasons to congratulate ourselves, just as we all have reasons to be ashamed. We are each as worthy of credit for doing the right thing as we are at fault for doing the wrong thing. We must recognize this not only in ourselves as individuals but in every member of our community. If the halfling race is to prosper; we must set aside our differences and hold on to the fundamental truth that we are all halflings. For indeed, all halflings are born free and equal and with certain rights; life, liberty, and perhaps most crucially the pursuit of happiness, which cannot be infringed. I give all of you the same assurances that Isalie gave me; that, once we do finally settle into a new permanent village, a new government shall be established in which she has pledged to share her power with officials elected by the people. 

    No such government can exist, however, without cooperation and compromise; we must not devolve into the petty politics of bigguns. The power of self-government comes also with a host of responsibilities. It is only a matter of time before we depart this wretched and doomed continent and sail alongisde the Sea Prince to a new world. When we get there, any notions of a divided halfling people must be set aside. We must be ever steadfast in our own unity; rejecting war, embracing neutrality, and avoiding the disease of partisanship.


    Our people are facing a great test, and only by standing united can pass it. Twilight has fallen upon Arcas, but a new dawn shall soon arrive, and ere the sun rises it will smile upon our people if and only if we are willing to smile at each other and to remember that, proper or not, we are all halflings.

    I wish long life and prosperity to halflings everywhere; that we are and ever shall be a people fair and free. I could have no greater honor than that which I have been given, for I am and shall remain among the people's most humble and obedient of servants.

    Knox save the Thain!

    Greta Goodbarrel
    -Elder of Brandybrook


  6. [!] A flyer is nailed to every door in Bloomerville and Fort Hope






    After years of being girlfriends; of loving and caring for one another, of living together, and of facing the challenges of these dark times side by side; Greta Goodbarrel and Kerraline Erawick are most pleased to announce the binding of their love in marriage. 

    All are invited to join us in Fort Hope on this most joyous occasion for an evening of music, dancing, food, and drink.

    Safe travels to all guests from abroad!

    [OOC: Fort Hope; Sunday, November 8th, 2020; 2 PM EST]


    1 minute ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Filibert Applefoot sighs, watching Rufus run off.

    ”Ash beh good fer crops, yeh know. Oi tes’ed ‘t mehself before all t’is Demon crud ever surfaced, back when oi was younger. T’ere's s’ill green bi’s lef’ ‘n Brandehbrook, an’ oi dink tha’ par’ o’ t’a village didnae even blow up! Jus’ t’ink o’ ‘t, weh go’ enough ash ter fer’ilize harves’s ‘till t’a cows come home, an’ a few burrows s’ill lef’ standin’ ter live ‘n as wehll as t’a ol’ bunker an’ our ship!

    He'd grumble to himself something about butterflies.

    Greta shakes her head. ”You’re making a bold assumption in claiming that demons won’t attack Brandybrook again. Regardless of what we do, our days on this continent are numbered. I fear anything we build will be destroyed sooner or later.”

  8. Greta stroked her chin, pondering for a moment as she tapped her cane on the floor. ”Despite the recent victories of the bigguns against the demons, I do believe Rufus and Sean may be correct in this case. There has long been talk of abandoning Arcas and sailing to a new world, and given the waste lain upon Aegrothond and Siramenor, I do believe that the destruction of Brandybrook was inevitable, and that resettling it would be rather pointless. Until such a time comes where more in Arcas are willing to make the journey across the sea, my advice would be to seek temporary accomadations wherever we can; perhaps a temporary village or an encampment of sorts.”

  9. Greta stood silently beside her husband at the ship’s edge, watching as her home for the past four years was consumed by flame and smoke. As tears streamed down her face, she held tight her daughter, Eliza, who she had rescued at the last moment alongside a few comparatively worthless trinkets. As Greta observed the destruction, she could not help but wonder why her own response was subdued compared to that of those around her. Perhaps, simply, it had not yet dawned upon her truly that the village was gone. Or, perhaps, she had been prepared for this moment ever since the bombkins were first placed, or even before that, when she, her friends, and her family had been holed up in the bunker below the village during the dreaded demonic siege of Aegrothond. Another part of her, however, the part that had been filled with elvish stoicism during her stay in the Silver City, could not help but question if she would truly miss Brandybrook’s cozy burrows and streets and if she was simply glad that all her loved ones had made it on board the Spicy Shrimp. For, while their homes could be replaced, they could not. 

    Regardless, what was done was done. An entire people had been rendered homeless, and Greta knew it would fall partially to her to lead them to fairer shores. She did not weep for Brandybrook, and instead turned to the horizon, looking to the future ahead...


  10. My thoughts fall mostly in line with those of Jumper and Burnside

    What I will add is an opinion I have on the elected officials (Mayor etc.)

    They should serve for “good behavior” which is for life unless they are removed or challenged.

    Any halfling who has at least a few supporters should be able to challenge a sitting official for their position; thereby commencing an election. This is a right that is extended to citizens in Haelun’or, and keeps their democracy fresh and prevents a situation where nobody’s voice is being heard without having unnecessary election cycles.

    Of course, if the sitting candidate gets more votes than the challenger, then they stay.

    The thain should also be able to remove someone from office provided they can nominate at least one candidate to succeed them; the election process would then commence to finalize this decision.

  11. Greta laid awake next to Filibert, her eyes staring into the darkness above. She could not sleep, not after everything that had happened. The battle alone had already drained her of any happiness she had felt in the past few days, she could not sit in silence without hearing the screams, nor close her eyes without seeing the writhing victims of malflame. She still could not believe it; another halfling had perished, and a village elder no less! She thought about Andon; he had already been depressed by the wretched state of the world; and now he had lost the love of his life. She thought about Isalie, how she had insulted the poor lady over petty political reasons; now the thain had lost two of her children. Finally, Greta thought about Anne, the brightest and kindest soul Greta had ever encountered, now torn by the death of both of her siblings; the youngest of three reduced to an only child. How was this worth it? The camp was burned, the battle was lost, what did Fred and Kit-Kat die for? If the demons can be stopped then they’ll have to be stopped without Brandybrook’s aid. And if they can’t be stopped; it is better to die together than to die separately. Filibert knew it. Greta knew it. “This war isn’t worth the cost. How many more have to die before everyone realizes that?”

  12. 51 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Help with the news would be nice. Less crud for me to feel obligated to do. It’s started to become a bit of a chore to churn out a newspaper every week  (with work and college and all), even if I do still want to keep it going.

    Don’t worry about it lads, Greta’ll handle this.

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