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  1. FraternityMitch


    Arturo comes from New Reza, his parents story is a great tale by itself. His father, a bounty hunter... was tasked on taking down a noble woman for scamming men on the streets for gold. On his mission, the two fell in love and his father gave up his ways. Not wanting his son to become a bounty hunter, Arturo was shielded from the outside world of socialization and forced to be by himself days and nights. Seeking fame, fortune, and adventure, Arturo decided to break out of his home prison, and run away to start his own life, not keep living the one that was made for him. Once out of his property, Arturo broke into the Palace of Ekaterinburg, and stole a very small amount of riches, foods, and clothing. With the little he took to provide for himself, he set out and never looked back. Today, Arturo is a privateer-like figure, setting out on petty quests for any reward he can get his hands on. Just be careful, if Arturo see’s something he wants for himself, he may do anything he can to retrieve it.
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