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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Orion Liadon
  • Character Race
    High Elf

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  1. SirBeanBoy


    Orion was born in the city of Lareh'thilln with two parents and zero siblings. As a child he tended to not make friends with people but preferred to watch how they interacted, he mostly keeps to himself. Orion was not in school for that long due to getting lost, his parents took him a little ways outside the city to have a nice picnic in the woods. Orion loved how beautiful everything was, the staggering height and the sheer amount of trees was quite a sight to take in. He walked around taking it all in and eventually losing track of time. After tripping over a fallen branch he noticed he could not recognize where he was. He panicked and ran around looking for his parents, but they were nowhere to be found. After days and days of stumbling around in a trance like daze and surviving solely from berries and dew on leaves, Orion found himself in an unrecognizable area. He had noticed that the trees had gone from thin and many to thick and less. He had just arrived in The Woodland Village of Siramenor. After walking around in this strange new land a boy noticed him. Huxlee Eyegore. He was confused at how he looked, he was darker than he was and his hair color was immensely different. Huxlee very quickly became Orion’s best friend. To simply put it, they just clicked. They both somehow understood each other. The Wood Elves were confused and shocked at how a High Elf could’ve gotten down there. Very few were willing to help Orion, the others looked down upon him and paid no attention to him. Orion lived in a small little stick fort he and Huxlee made, with nothing to do all day while Huxlee was being homeschooled. Orion watched the city from afar. He didn’t like to go in. He hated the way the others looked at him, they were scared. Orion was curious on how they were fearful, and that’s when he realized. They feared him because he was different, from there on Orion knew that lot’s of people are different and everyone is on a different level of class because of their differences. Orion couldn’t go into the village, so usually Huxlee would save some leftover food and bring it to him for meals throughout the day. Huxlee came by one day to show him a strange, and peculiar book he found while digging through his family’s belongings. It had drawings of Wood Elves and other strange beings. Orion was struck with awe, but Huxlee had to take it back for fear of his parents finding out he took something. Orion reluctantly let go and asked Huxlee to bring books every once in a while. He happily obliged, and that’s how things were for a long time. Huxlee and Orion would explore and talk with each other, Huxlee would also bring food whenever he could and brought books to Orion to keep him occupied. Days, weeks, months, years pass. Every day the same except when Huxlee came around. Orion was quite educated for his education solely existing on books Huxlee would take for him. Orion was tired of sitting in this little shack he and Huxlee made years ago when they were children. Orion wanted to see what the world had to offer but he didn’t want to go alone. Orion was lucky however because Huxlee came up talking about how he felt like leaving and exploring the world and its wonders. Together they decided to leave and explore the world together.
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