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Everything posted by EmeraldIkaros

  1. EmeraldIkaros


    Turr’ileia grew up on a small wheat field, she had a younger brother and two loving parents, her mother, a bard who wanted to live a simple life on a farm, and her father, a farmer who could offer her that life. To her, the wheat field was boring, it was this place where very few people came by and when they did, they usually just asked if her dad was home so they could buy some of their crops. She was home schooled by her mother, which mostly consisted of her telling tales of dark elf folklore and stories of the fabled Iblees’ War, which is part of what started driving Turr’ileia away from the idea of every being in a fight. As she grew older, the wheat field expanded but she still just felt kind of trapped, so the day of her eighteenth birthday, she packed up her belongings, grabbed some food for the road, and set off for the nearest town, where she would soon start learning how to identify plants from on another, but not before spending her first night watching the Moon, whispering to her self a tale her mother had told her about Luara. She became fascinated by the wilderness around her, collecting all the flowers her mentor needed and possibly setting a bit of food around for the wildlife to eat, but she never really stayed to watch. Finally, after studying how to identify certain plants from one another and learning basic alchemy, she decided she was ready to learn the rest through trial and error. She ventured out of the town she had been living in for a year, and decided to wander to the next. Along the way, she would sometimes find herself meeting dashing rogues who tricked her out of her money, or kind hearted travel companions who were heading down the same road as her, but no matter what, she always greeted them with a smile, looking at all of them as if they were family to her. She would occasionally sell ingredients that she had prepared, but that was more of a hobby for her. She made her living by going town to town, working as a temporary worker in farms on the outskirts of towns, and then leaving once she had earned enough to have the supplies to leave. Finally, as she looked up at the moon, the same moon she had looked up at on the night of her eighteenth birthday, she gave a soft smile, ready to take on whatever came after her, whatever that might end up being.
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