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    Darian Xeethual
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  1. tblac100


    Darian was born and raised within the realm of the Norland kingdom. His family were hunter-gatherers that dwelled within the forests near its borders; living on its bountiful rich soil which would provide them plentifully in the colder months. Their family was their own tribe, independent and not recognized by the king of Norland; the Xeethual tribe they claimed themselves. They were freemen in the hills of the kingdom, but this freedom lacked security and guarantees; which would show true one late winter. A storm would blow through and prove menacing to the tribal clan of nine they were. Within the harsh conditions, in the dim of dawn they trudged through, till morning. With the arise of morning, as her luster would peak passed the Almaris mountains, a pack of daring wolves would force the family to split; and evermore so as his parents, uncle and older brothers would attempt to hold them back with clubs in hand. So Darian would run, with sister behind; and to Morsgrad city they came to. Months would pass in the gloom of shadow for which they would now dwell, the slums. They slowly grew used to the ways of this society and soon as they understood; they would forget their lives as freemen, and even too their family for which gave them passage to this life. Sister and Darian would depart on their own, as they soon began work and live as simple common folk. Darian still longed to live in the wilderness as he once did before, it's in is Highlander blood after all, one that he's realized many of the townsfolk have forgotten. The city life soon began to overwhelm him, which forced him to push away and settle across the lake, in Elysium. This would prove much closer to lands that were his own; further north seeming so-so far away now. Darian could bear this much simpler life that was closer to his true home. Though, he never really connected with the Red Faith that many spoke of in the realm; for he and his family would follow nature as their bearing in faith. He has a hard time connecting with these folk but does try, as he grows with natures tied, to bond with his new home and settle in this new way of life for him. Bearing fruit in the soils of the farmland here is the closest to home for which he could bind himself too; but still his home and family will always rest in his heart, and on some harrowing nights, his mind.
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