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Everything posted by LongNosePug

  1. too bad that im never going to tell my friends that i have a separate friend group across the world who like to pretend being elves and starting imaginary wars
  2. so I just got approved, i hop onto the server and i am stuck in this black void of nothing. i log off and restart my pc, i come back and my xp level drops down from 100 to 6 and my monk's bread changes to monk's gingebread. im pretty confused on what to do at this point, can someone help? i tried contacting a moderator (they haven't responded yet) i tried /ticket /modreq imstuck in the void i tried restarting minecraft, didn't work i tried restarting my pc i tried sending a cry for help on the server's chat and that didnt work either nothing worked and now im just bummed out *edit, i got out
  3. LongNosePug


    he was born in the trade coast of Sutica and later moved the kingdom of Norland after his parents died. he was born to a middle class family. he was an only child for his entire life before his parents eventually died. his parents both died in a house fire when he was 10, because someone left the fireplace on overnight. he went to live in his with his uncle in Norland. he suffered from ptsd for years after that and still suffers from it whenever he gets to close to fire. his uncle had him work as a lumberjack until he finally came of age and decided to move out. his many years of working as a lumberjack made him good at swinging axes and swords, so he decided to work as a guard for people who were walking across the country. he was good at what he did, in over 30 trips he didn't have a single incident. he only did that for a year before meeting his best friend who was also a travel guard. they worked as partners for months after that, his bestfriend found a route which would shorten their trip down by a longshot. the problem was that the road was a dangerous one, narrow pathways, creatures of all sorts, the bridges across cliffs were worn and unstable. they decided to try it one day, but only an hour into the trip a piece of the cliff breaks apart and crushes his friend instantly killing him. he was depressed for a year and after his 21st birthday he just decided to wander around the continent. he wandered before finally stopping at the kingdom of Haense and staying there a while.
  4. LongNosePug


    he was raised in a small town in the trade capitol of Sutica where he was adopted, after his mother abandoned him. He never knew her name, only that she was rich and that she was a dark elf like him. he was a restless person, often being intolerant of people he didn't like. his adopted parents where the same way, many times stating that they only adopted him so that they could get more help on their small 10 acre farm. He Hated them for the way they treated him, for 15 years he didn't have a room or even a bed to sleep in. only after he worked there for so many years could he afford to buy a hotel room to sleep in when it was too cold to sleep in the barn. he was always jealous of the rich and powerful, for their status, their wealth, their power, and their freedom. he dreamed one day to attain that sort of power and rise to the top of the hierarchy. Hellion was asleep in the barn when a heavy thunderstorm kicked up seemingly out of nowhere, a bolt of lighting hit the tree growing next to his parent's house and crushed it, trapping them inside. Hellion took hold of the opportunity to run away from that town and work towards a better future. but not before stealing some money which he later spent all on food. out of money and out of home he had no choice but to find work anywhere he could. because of him being raised in the country side, he had skill in hunting small game. he was a decent shot with a bow, and he could skin an animal within 5 minutes, so he was also handy with a knife. despite him being a brooding guy, he was musically talented being able to sing and play the flute from a young age. his musical talent never got him anywhere except for when he performed on the streets for money. he finally ended up at at the kingdom of Norland which is where he met a small group of thieves. after a robbery gone wrong, his leader was killed and the group disbanded. he bounced around from town-to-town before finally ending up where he is currently, in krugmar after a long walk south-east.
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