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Posts posted by SadBeanQueen

  1. Upon receiving the news of the death of her friend and brother, the frail, old woman turns her gaze to the fireplace across the room. Tears slowly form, filling her ice-blue eyes. She sits in silence for a moment, thinking back to their beginnings in what was once known as Talon’s Port. She brings herself to chuckle slightly at a distant memory.


    “I remember when he slept on our couch.”


    Her mind drifts further to warm fire-side nights they shared in Silas’s living room, to his support to her family during the darkest of times. The excitement of the Badawi bridal party hunt, and finally, at last, when he wed her cousin within the palace. she smiles softly, letting out a long sigh.


    “You are missed dearly, Esmond.”


    She looks across the room to a de Astrean family portrait hanging upon the wall.


    “Perhaps I will join you soon, wherever you are.”


    She closes her eyes, allowing the tears that gathered in her eyes to flow down cheeks.


    “I will see you on the other side.”




  2. Hello! I am SadBeanQueen. I play Eleonore O’Hara de Astrea, the Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara and Chamberlain of the Norlandic King’s Council. I am searching for players to be my children. Following this introduction will be the characters and their descriptions as well as an introduction to the O'Haras.





    Avalor Vakr O’Hara

    13 years old, twin of Cedric


    ( Avalor as an Adult )


    Avalor carries the name of two important figures in the life of the Chieftainess. Avalor was one of the first people Eleonore met when she came to Norland. He was a close friend and trusted ally. He is also named after Vakr who was known as the former Chieftain of Clan O’Hara and Eleonore’s past husband and friend. Avalor has dark brown hair and green eyes like his father’s.


    Cedric Oliver O’Hara

    13 years old, twin of Avalor



    (Cedric as an adult)


    Cedric is named after Caedric Edvarsson, a close friend who greatly supported the O’Haras when they were first inherited by Vakr. He also carried the name of his father and current chieftain, Oliver O’Hara. Caedric has dark ginger hair like his father and ice blue eyes like his mother.




    Clan Information:


    We are a Warrior-based clan, composed of strong-willed warriors and medics driven to serve Norland and all its Vassals. We strive to be the most well-rounded medicinal and warrior clan that Norland has ever seen. With our tenets embedded into our mindsets, all clanmates and bloodborne act as kin to bring honor to our ancient name.

     This is Clan O’Hara.


    Every member swears to follow three main tenets. 




    1. Loyalty

    As a member of Clan O’Hara, one must swear to uphold the values of the kinship. It is pertinent to spread the doctrines of The Red Faith as well as the values of Norland and all of its Vassals. A member must vow to stay loyal to their clanmates, comrades, brothers, and sisters, and to support them. They must acknowledge that respect remains a pivotal aspect of loyalty. A clanmate must uphold the utmost respect for other members, as well as their superiors. All clanmates represent the future of the clan’s name. All actions carried out by its members will be done in good morale.


    1. Honesty

    As a member of Clan O’Hara, one must swear an oath to uphold the integrity of themself and their other clanmates alike. They understand that lying, cheating, and theft are strong infractions within the clan, and that an honorable clansman will never stray away from the sole truth of one’s actions or words.


    1. Bravery

    In the name of clan O’Hara, one must swear to aid to their full ability in the face of a threat. In the event that a friend, ally, or member of Clan O’hara is in danger, a clanmate will not remain complacent. A clanmate must vow to defend their comrades, whether they be of blood or oath. They will be dauntless in serving and protecting the O'Hara name, no matter the odds.






    Upon the release of The Rænrland Decree, Clan O’Hara sought to claim land south of their then current home in Elysium. They made a partnership with House of Amaricius, seeking their help in designing and constructing the keep. The keep was finally completed 8 years later in Year 27 of the Second Age. It features a large dining hall, kitchen, bureaus for the major leaders, a tavern, a stage, a library, a vineyard, stables, and over 35 bedrooms to house clanmates, guests, and family alike.







    After the death of Vakr O’Hara, Eleonore O’Hara de Astrea sought to re-establish the clan in Norland, and with new leadership came new traditions. When Eleonore and Vakr took their vows over the flames of the Allfather, they donned cloaks upon each other's shoulders. These cloaks would become a staple symbol of Clan O’Hara and its values: protection and family. These shrouds are passed on to clanmates after they swear their oath to the three tenets. The colors of the cloaks represent unique roles in the clan. The Bloodborne members bear a brown or rust colored cloak, The O’Hara de Astrean family members wear blue or teal, and non blood related clanmates wear black or gray cloaks. Newlyweds will offer to one another crimson red cloaks to represent the flame of the All father. The fur hides of the cloaks are the pelts of wolves, bears, and boars killed by comrades of the clan. It is a tremendous honor to don the cloak and the crest of the clan, and it should be exhibited with pride.




    If you are interested in joining the family or clan, please contact SadBeanQueen#2870 on discord.


    Discord: https://discord.gg/SDCnm7qNjk

  3. Éléonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of Norland, smiles upon receiving the letter. "Us women must stick together." She is reminded of a memory shared with her dear cousin Aylin.


    The two de Astrean women stood upon the balcony of the Yong Ping teahouse, speaking of their struggles as women. They had felt trapped, suppressed, chained down by certain men that plagued their livelihoods. It was then that these two women had pledged to unsheathe their swords and break their chains. Her teeth grit slightly, for this was a bittersweet memory.


    Éléonore then pulls out a fresh envelope from underneath her desk. After dipping her quill in a dark aqua vial, she began to write. The ink of the pen flows across the paper, creating the beautiful calligraphic letters. The envelope would read "For Aylin, the strongest woman I know." She slips the letter she received from Chen Wenqian into the envelope, then swiftly hands it to her raven.


    Shortly thereafter, the Chamberlain would prepare a letter to send to the author herself.








  4. Éléonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of Norland, sits at her office desk. She reads over the missive, and a slight snicker escapes from her. "Et's their loss." She tosses the missive across her desk. She picks up her wine glass and takes a long sip of Velvet Sorrows, its bittersweet cherry flavor lingering on her tongue. A smirk would slowly form on her lips. "Elysium will not falter."

  5. DoNBTJGTUM4BNNk5H99YksYa8kKelg4z9tTIsd2b0zzKAOOVuzR9kgWAwUhmud9BWeg7cfqkaMieHrjgMMnLcf-UGGZEidvIFPCQb_NbqXH9N1hosWfEQ_Pz3OrJFcnCp6-OIzTb


    A New Path to the Rænrland Settlements

    Issued: the 10th of the Sun's Smile, Year 34 SA


    I.    Rænrland Canal Project

    By Kalvaroth Vallel’kor

    It has been a tedious journey with this project. Many impressive feats of clever engineering and exemplary craftsmanship were made in these remote lands, with means of construction unseen in any shape or form being replicated elsewhere. With the untold manpower and collective determination of our local Norlandic labourers utilised in ways I have never seen, and dare say, may never be seen once more in my lifetime. Not to mention the bountiful amounts of support and funding I have received since announcing this project, It is all of this in mind that I, Kalvaroth Vallel’kor, am proud to announce triumphantly that the Rænrland Canal project is officially Completed.




    [!] A drawing of the Northern Lock door


    If it were not for the efforts of certain people, the completion of this project would not be possible. There are many to thank, including the following: Vykk Volaren, the brilliant engineer, assisted me in the design phase of the canal and the one that made it feasible to construct in the first place. Eleonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara, financially assisted in the project and permitted me to remain in her residence while I was hard at work constructing the canal. Newly-crowned King Vane Freysson assisted in the construction of the water banks to keep the river's edge safe from collapsing in a landslide. Grunkle Grimgold graciously donated a mighty sum of stone his clan had gathered while excavating their railroads in Urguan with quantities ranging in the thousands. Even people such as Tannon Svartvind spent a single afternoon digging out a portion of the canal for no other reason other than wanting to help. And lastly, our former King Sven Edvardsson, who supported the beginnings of this project, would be proud of what we have accomplished if he were alive.




    [!] A drawing of Lock Canal from a hillside


    And with this grand feat accomplished, we shall put to test our abilities and will as a nation. To push forth and claim the lands we have sought to settle for over two decades, to expand our great nation into a new chapter in history. Let us rejoice and join me, as I shall use this canal for the first time to sail into Lake Eada, and join in my conquest of the Rænrlands.




    [!] A drawing of the dug out waterway leading towards the Lock Canal



    II.    The Ironguard Settlement

    By Eleonore O'Hara de Astrea




    [!] A drawing of the keep, Established Year 20 of the Second Age


    Upon the release of The Rænrland Decree, Clan O’Hara sought to claim land south of their then current home in Elysium. They forged a collaborative partnership with House of Amaricius, seeking their willing help in properly designing and constructing the keep. The keep was ultimately completed 8 years later in Year 27 of the Second Age. It features a large dining hall, kitchen, bureaus for the notable leaders, a tavern, a stage, a private library, a vineyard, stables, and over 35 bedrooms to house clanmates, guests, friends, and family alike.


    The keep lodges many active members of Clan O’Hara as well as their families. The keep also houses the Hussaria Mercenaries created by clanmate Swietoslawa ‘Isabella’ Wadzinksi O’Hara Reede de Astrea. The Hussaria primarily fight on horseback, and unlike other mercenaries, they diligently seek to aid those especially in need of their help, not to those with extreme money or power. They sincerely believe in justice and honor, two values highly regarded by Clan O’Hara. In addition to her leadership of the Hussaria, Isabella is responsible for a growing trade company.


    King Sven offered his gracious support and generous kindness to his people both as a charismatic leader and loyal friend. His active support extended to those wishing to settle beyond here in the Rænrlands. In honor of Sven and his genuine kindness, the O’Haras wish for the Ironguard settlement to remain a welcoming place for all, and for it to unlock new doors for prosperity in the great Nation of Norland.



    Published by,

    Éléonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland, Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara




    Leopard's OOC Credit:


    SadBeanQueen for letting me stay in her keep

    Mason for approval and initial support [That and giving me perms]

    MrIronThing for excavation

    Prof for construction

    & Hrokaz for giving me an inventory’s worth of cobblestone which went on to supply 75% of the stone/cobblestone/stone brick supplies (it took a lot of it to complete)




    Bean’s OOC Credits:













    And anyone else who supported us in building the keep

    I love you all <3


  6. Copy_of_Copy_of_Untitled_4.png


    On the Death of Hanelore

    I, Eleonore O’Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of Norland and Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara, am announcing the heart-breaking death of my daughter Hanelore O’Hara. I wish I could have been present with her during the last few moments of her life, though she had been taken too quickly by an unknown poison. She requested a burial at sea in the south during the terminal stage of her illness. I am unable to bring her home for a proper goodbye.




    A Letter to my Daughter
    Every night I lay awake. Haunted and broken, I weep. I lack all hope. I long for a different story, wishing I could have given my life for you, my daughter. I feel a part of me has died along with you, a vital part of my livelihood, my purpose as a mother. 

    My little bird, I wish you never flew away from the nest. Though, every raven must spread her wings and fly. I wish you could have soared higher into the sky. I wish you could nay have been shot down. I wish I could have drawn my sword for you. I long for your free-spirited self. I always admired your sense of adventure and trying new things. You were an extremely strong young woman. I wish I could have seen where that bright mind of yours would take you as you ventured south and beyond.  I wish, and I wish.


    You are deeply missed by so many: Oliver, Lex, Cedric, Avalor, Astrid, Isabella, and Herilissa. We will do our best to honor you.

    I hope you find Astvald in the halls of the All Father. Share a drink with him for me.


    Love, Ma.



  7. 3Beq-SHgumdBdq3fFD5Y1_gXZW8etyH9rkcMDMOURG869z48VBR0MWisR2ryQZKIXwjYQTDAqFMJivff0CygQrcTJfhh1xnyJ-GUwegWo7KD75uGGxAt-AWnyGaC-sCyWtUqIMt2

    The Kingsmoot of 34 SA

    Issued 13th of the Amber Cold, Year 33 of the Second Age




    SECTION I: Announcement of Kingsmoot


    In the absence of an heir to the throne of His Majesty King Sven II, it has been decreed that a Kingsmoot in the traditions of old shall be held in the pursuit of selecting a successor. As such, We hereby issue this summons to the Chieftains of the three Ruric clans; Clan Eiriksson, Clan Freysson and Clan Edvardsson. All citizens of Norland, as well, are invited to attend.





    SECTION II: The Process of Kingsmoot


    In ages past, the Norlandic Kingsmoot has taken many forms, ranging from votes of the citizenry, to votes being collected from chosen delegates. The most favored, however, was the Rurics’ Moot, a vote held among the Ruric Clans alone. According to these traditions of old, any recognized heir of Thoromir the Herald held the right to call for a moot once in his lifetime, and once he invoked this right, a gathering would be held wherein nominees would be put forward and voted upon by the chieftains of the Ruric Clans.

    In accordance with the old ways, a vote will indeed be held, according to the following process:


       I.    Once the gathering begins, the Ruric Clans will announce any nominees they wish to bring forward. Only true and recognized heirs of Thoromir may be nominated for the moot. Should a pretender of any sort nominate himself, he shall be expelled from the gathering.


       II.    After the nominees are put forward, each shall be given the opportunity to speak on his intentions and aspirations. Following this presentation, the Clans will take what time they require to confer on their decision.


       III.    The vote will be conducted, consisting of one vote each from the Chieftains of the Ruric Clans. Whichever nominee receives a majority of the vote shall then be declared the new incumbent to the Norlandic Throne. If, for whatever reason, there is a tie, the High Keeper shall be given a deciding vote.





    By Order of,

    Vane Freysson, King Regent of Norland, Chieftain of Clan Freysson



    Penned by,

    Éléonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland, Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara



  8. a-Yjh7kwOamvOEyvWLZ8cgwNP9BSQ00vz8rMxrfzt6wdS1tPbPTTRN5ornK51CYVb3TdNhgzUjvU6yoSQV-e-9wGJ5hxwTn49zYQQNUmBdJy8Z943Sljhd8Pzj1JxIwJ5Rd2Qd6-

    King Sven’s Funeral

    Issued 11th of Grand Harvest, Year 33 of the Second Age




        I. Celebration of the Life and Achievements of King Sven 

        II. Invitation to the Public Funeral



    ARTICLE I: Celebration of the Life and Achievements of King Sven

    King Sven Edvardsson II was a man defined by service. Pressed into the position after his father’s retirement, Sven went great lengths to reinforce a belief at the very core of our traditions. No man is above another by any measure, bar the honor and courage to act on what's right. He preached this in the way he lived; taking on the burdens of hard labor alongside his countrymen and ensuring their success take priority above his own.

    Early in his reign, Sven worked to gather the kingdom’s strength and reinforce its claims. His efforts introduced several new clans into Norland society and supported the expansion and settlement of the newly claimed Raenrlands. Later efforts would introduce roadways, canals and dockyards to this new land along with a host of claims and holdings. Within the kingdom, he sought to repair ties with his vassals. Sven saw promise in the Elysians especially, investing in their development and culture throughout his reign. This support would be returned in full by the populace, providing their unwavering support to Sven as a pretender made plans to overthrow him. 

    In the midst of his reign, Sven led Norland in the 12th ‘War of Retribution’ against Oren. Despite the curses of the skygods on the logistical elements of the Kingdom’s allies which led to the eventual defeat of his warband, Sven fought with a distinct sense of  honor. It was in this war that the infamous Elysian Massacre occurred, in which Orenian soldiers put the fleeing citizens of Elysium to the sword. Sven was among the first to respond to the call and, within a day's time, would be seen among his countrymen hauling foundation stone for the new Elysian palisade. His first haul is marked at the foot of the wall in his honor. 


    Sven would serve this Kingdom from his first day, to his very last. In the clutches of a broodmother and her swarm, Sven would spend his final moments ensuring that his companions could escape, and his final foe, brought to heel. This has been the story of Sven Edvardsson II, King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm, Chieftain of Clan Edvardsson, Protector of Highlanders. But for him, just Sven will do. Sven the Servant.




    ARTICLE II: Invitation to the Public Funeral

    The king's funeral will be held in the square of Varhelm before the great Ashwood tree during the First Seed of the year 34 SA. All are encouraged to bring gifts for King Sven to take on his journey into the Father’s realm so that he may make merry with his ancestors and fight against the coming of the Long Dark.




    By Order of,

    Vane Freysson, King Regent of Norland, Chieftain of Clan Freysson




    Penned by,

    Éléonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland, Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara








    Friday, July 23rd at 8:00 EST, 5:00 PST

    Varhelm Square



  9. zNZL1CqDDiATvXp--BzmWUFFSwJay939fh8-0AMv1uAcyFGxFrwidNmU34W1B2FI15zgTOSZ4aXUcxgo5Zy59bEPckE1A9rBQm5ZnRzvSZkUvlIRSpLGkZG5B7u5MK02K2kifcWK

    Decree of the Norlandic Crown

    On the Passing of His Majesty King Sven II

    Issued 13th of Snow’s Maiden, Year 33 of the Second Age









    It is with great regret that the Council of King Sven II announces His Majesty’s most untimely passing. The King, along with a contingent of guardsmen and the citizen militia, accompanied the Purifiers into the Temple Catacombs with the goal of eliminating a recently-discovered infestation of giant arachnids. Though the King and his soldiers fought valiantly, a titanic spider was seen to drag the King deeper into the caves. As the soldiers attempted to engage in pursuit, a sudden explosion rocked the caverns, leading to a total collapse in the lower sections of the cave system and forcing a retreat. The cause of this explosion remains a matter under investigation, and excavations are underway to retrieve the remains of the King, to ensure that he is able to receive the proper final rites. As such, the date of his funeral services will be announced in the coming Elven Days. May the Father welcome His Majesty to His Halls with open arms.




    In the absence of a willing heir of either King Sven II or his father, King Halvar, the King’s Council has elected Master of Coin Vane Freysson to rule as King Regent in his stead. Additionally, it has been decided that a Kingsmoot, in the traditions of old, shall be announced and held in the months to come.


    By Order of,

    Vane Freysson, King Regent of Norland


    Penned by,

    Éléonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland


  10. Eleonore O'Hara de Astrea picked up the note and smiled, it was a welcome celebration for love that is love and is love. She says to herself: "Anyone that has a problem with love must be a miserable person. Perhaps they need to love a little harder or be loved a little more. If they nay have anything nice to say, they can keep their ugly thoughts to themselves. Rien... Rien d'autre que l'amour... should be presented at this festival."

  11. The Chieftainess grins softly as she reads the missive on the recent hunts. "Well done, cousin." She rocks her 5 month year old baby girl in her arms setting down the letter beside her. Soon, she would once again return to the battlefield alongside her fellow ravens. Her blades could not wait to pierce the men of the MRA and ISA alike in return for the pain they have caused her people. 


    [!] A drawing picturing the beautiful landscape of Ironguard, the O’Hara keep, is posted all around Norland and its vassals.




    All citizens of Norland and its allies are cordially invited to the first of many O’Hara feasts.

    The festivities will take place at the newly built Ironguard Keep located in the Rænrlands, the southernmost region of Norland.

    The Norlandic festivities will include a grand feast prepared by our clanmates, music, dance, a fighting competition hosted by the Chieftain himself with a 100 mina prize, and tours of certain areas of the keep.


    The O'Haras would like to thank House of Amaricius for helping us design and build our keep.


    [!] A map shows the suggested path for Norlanders to travel to the Ironguard keep.




    It is recommended that our guests travel by boat along the coast of the mountains and the volcanoes until they come to a small clearing (X -1510, Z -2109). This is where you can travel by foot through a small valley towards the south of the area (Tile 37). Once you travel through the valley, the keep can be seen along the mountain (X -1557, Z -1703).


    Special Invitations for:


    The King and Queen of Norland


    The High Keeper


    The King’s Council


    The Duke and Duchess of Elysium


    The Jarl of Leumont


    House of Amaricius

    Clan de Astrea

    Clan Edvardsson

    Clan Eiriksson

    Clan Freysson

    Clan Camian

    Clan Kvitravn

    House Vanari

    Clan Vildr


    We invite our allies, friends, and fellow Norlandic Clansmen to bring a banner with them representing their family or nation to help decorate our keep for the festivities.


    (OOC: The event will take place Friday, June 4th at 10:00 pm EST)





    Éléonore O’Hara de Astrea, Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara


    Oliver O’Hara, Chieftain of Clan O’Hara


    Herilissa Seillean O’Hara, Bannerman of Clan O’Hara




  13. The Chieftainess of Clan O'Hara winces as she reads the missive. Her eyes gaze over the gut-wrenching words describing the assault of her friend Mary and so many other Elysians. Her stomach turns at the thought of how the ISA soldiers stormed her own home in order to capture, and quite possibly, torture or murder her then 10 year old son. "They're all the same... those Canonist scum... I hope they burn to the ground... If not, I will do it myself..." She mutters with a frown as she grabs a whetstone to sharpen her thanic-steel axe. 

  14. The Chieftainess of Clan O'Hara prays to the All Father, thanking him for protecting her son. It was her ten year old son that was protected by that jammed door. "I don't know what could have happened to him if they got through... I would burn cities to save him... my son..." The mother sighs, setting down the missive. She knows this is only the beginning. A mother's wrath will always shine through.

  15. The Chieftainess of Clan O'Hara winces as she looks at the state of her wounded son, bruised and cut by the monsters that entered her home. She grits her teeth as she moves into her armory to find a set of armor suitable for her innocent ten year old son"They will pay for this... They will pay for hurting him..." she mutters, filled with rage and fury.

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