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Posts posted by Box_Elf

  1. *Alad Vel'Telos Celia'thilln would walk to the steward's office and drop off his proposal*

    *After his meeting with the mercenary master of Haese, and his tour of this brilliant city he was determined that this was the place for such an establishment.*

    *He would write a note at the top, leaving his house sigil engraved in silver ink*


    "With such danger ahead, I bring the proposal for an adventuring guild to be built outside of the city gates to serve as a protectionary and place of Haeseni honour. May this business protect the realm and bring ever more wealth to the great kingdom of Haense."



    Haense Guild Proposal

    Marked for the approval and review of the stewardship of Haense.


    Listed here is the request to construct, occupy and practice as service of Haense and by extension the authorities of Haeseni law.


    1.0.0        Proposal

    1.0.1        Alad Vel’Telos Celia’thilln hear by officially proposes the creation of an adventuring guild.

    1.0.2        The Guild will follow operational procedures as listed in section 2.0.0.

    1.0.3        The Guild will hereby be named The Haense Adventuring Guild, further represented by the acronym HAG.

    1.0.4        HAG will follow all laws within Haense territory.   Guild members will adhere to both HAG protocol as well as Haense law or will be subject to measure enacted with section 3.0.0.   The Haeseni state may act upon guild members with impunity as regarding their law.         In contest, the HAG Arch Scrivener must be made aware of all rulings towards HAG members as well as retaining the power to speak with authorities of the Haeseni law before judgment is final.   At any point that the HAG protocol is in contention with the Haeseni law, the Haeseni law may override the ruling or proceedings of the HAG protocol on the authority of a Haeseni representative office.         In the event of abuse of power from Haeseni officials to overturn or charge as unjustly believed by the HAG Arch Scrivener, the HAG Arch Scrivener is given the power to contest at a higher authority’s beckon up until the seat of monarch. A HAG Arch Scrivener may have this contest revoked without contest at the will of the sitting monarch of Haense.   Members of the HAG lacking official citizenship within Haense are immune from conscription as well as any other diplomatic state war as declared by the sitting Haense monarch unless at their own will.         If at overruling, the member may revoke their status without occurring fine to and will be able to retain their position within HAG or the next available supplementary position at the discretion of the HAG Arch Scrivener.

    1.0.5        The HAG Arch Scrivener has authority over HAG as listed in 3.0.0 and will follow succession or line of command while in absence as listed in 3.0.0.

    1.0.6        All official HAG transactions will be made in Haeseni currency to ensure transparency with the state.   Transactions not listed on a job are not subject to this ruling.         Should a transaction be found to be purposely avoiding taxation by a vote of at least 2-1 from a meeting of the HAG Arch Scrivener, HAG Master and a Haeseni court representative, a punishment will be dealt with in according with Haeseni law and section 3.0.0. It is noted that gifts and rewards for good deed are specifically unaffected by this ruling. Corruption of tax evasion should be the primary purpose of   Should a HAG member be found to be making a guild transaction without proper currency trade in directives as listed in 3.0.0, the Protocol will take effect with the Haeseni law superseding judgment of the crime.

    1.0.7        HAG will tax all jobs completed by members at a rate regulated at the will of the HAG Arch Scrivener.   The Stewardship of Haense will then tax these guild taxes at a rate regulated at the will of the sitting Haeseni monarch. These rates can not change for 10 years.         The Arch Scrivener is awarded 1 contest of these taxes every decade. During this time, a state tax may be adjusted.         Should Tax be late or unpaid for property services to the Haense state, Haeseni eviction policy shat condemn the building. Condemning of HAG property does not dissolve HAG operations or contracts. See 1.0.8. The operations of HAG are nondependent of locational constraints.

    1.0.8        In the event of Guild dissolution, only the HAG Arch Scrivener may officially disband HAG. The Haense sitting monarch may disallow or suspend services from their state or reinstate such official statuses.

    1.0.9        In the event of a realm or state threat boding upon Haense or a realm where a HAG member is stationed, they may act to defend a supposed innocent without a job posting as a ‘Good Will’ gesture. Should a crime be committed, any HAG member should think back to what is permitted though this main branch policy will be used in some light of mitigation at the discretion of the HAG Arch Scrivener.

    1.0.10     HAG Protocol states responsibilities of jobs and in no way should any failed action reflect on the onus of the Haense state.

    HAG operational centers may be taken over by the Haense State without warning and for any purpose necessary at the time.         The HAG Arch Scrivener is awarded a contest to Haense State Authorities after the action has been initiated but is not awarded compensation without due process of the Haeseni legal system.


    2.0.0      Operations

    2.0.1      HAG members will take official jobs or rumors for employment in the sake of Adventuring and the Prosperity of the realm.  Jobs are officially posted on HAG Job Boards under the approval of 3.0.0 protocol. Non approved jobs shall be regarded as rumors. Members must report all payments received from a job including favors. It is of the HAG Master’s discretion if recovered items or favors are to be requisitioned for general use. The HAG Master has then the right to compensate the member at the evaluation of the Arch Scrivener’s appraisal to the requisitioned item or favor.              Rumors will not always provide payment to a member. Members must report all forms of payments from a rumor. These unlisted payments may be subject of HAG taxation at the HAG Arch Scrivener’s discretion.              Good Will tasks may be contested by members to have a 0% taxation at the HAG Arch Scrivener’s approval to compensate for the unknown risks.

    2.1.0      Membership

    2.1.1      Individuals may apply to any HAG office in person or by message.  Members may only approach a HAG office in a territory where they are legally allowed to operate.              Should an applying individual be found in contrary to 3.0.0 with the specific of HAG representation in mind, their application may be immediately be rejected by any level 5 staff or above. Any member may contest another applying member or a member within the interim position of level 0 to a level 5 or above staff without consequence.  Applications must be submitted using a HAG resume.              The HAG Master and approved HAG Clerks have the power of should the HAG Arch Scrivener become preoccupied.  Resumes must be updated and certified by the HAG Arch Scrivener every year should an update need to be filled out once a year.  Incomplete HAG resumes with unlisted updates a year from their point of needed updating represent an uncontrolled document and HAG is not liable for claims or accusations of non-represented skills including experience.              Members in breach of can be evaluated by any level 5 member or above with regards for command structure with the ability to contest for review.

    2.1.3      Newly accepted members will hold the rank of level 0 Intern for their first 3 years of service to then be reviewed by the HAG Master. Upon review, they may be let go without compensation or awarded the rank of level 1 Rookie.

    2.1.4      Only a level 6 member or above may issue a promotion.

    2.1.5      A level 6 member or above may grant a promotion where one is available.

    2.1.6      A level 5 member or above may strip another members rank if they are below their station.

    2.1.7      Any member may raise a contest of another member’s conduct to a higher level following the chain of command without cause of punishment.

    2.1.8      A member of a higher-level placement has authority to overwrite any and all decisions made by a lower-level member in regards to structure of authority with the exception of Guild Protocol 3.0.1.

    2.1.9      Members have the right to HAG provided services.

    2.1.10    Members are allowed to remove themselves from their position to any lower rank at any time with the exception of 3.0.0 policy.

    2.1.11    HAG keeps records of members and may distribute any company information at the HAG Arch Scrivener’s discretion without evoking 3.0.0.

    2.2.0      Job Classifications

    2.2.1      Customers wishing to formally request the HAG to take of a job must fill out a HAG job request form. All non-jobs can be considered jobs for the purposes of this document at the HAG Arch Scrivener’s discretion.  HAG is not liable for unclaimed or uncompleted jobs.  All pre-payment amounts are final.  In Good Will, the HAG Arch Scrivener may award up to any amount of a payment to be retracted from the official job payment and given to the customer. This adjusted amount is subject to state tax instead of the original pricing.              Payment returned or deducted as a discount from may not be given to HAG members as a bonus payment and is subject to 3.0.0.              Party leader or the highest-ranking member at a scene may evoke without the HAG Arch Scrivener’s approval. A level 5 member or one outranking the member who made the call may choose to have the member evoking to take on noncombative HAG tasks as compensation for the lost revenue.

    2.2.2      The job main listings of Clerical, Mercenary, Exploratory, Fetch and Educational may be made in combination of the request.  Should the customer be found guilty of hiding known danger of a job, the ranking member on the scene may abandon the job with no repercussions from HAG. If found in Good Will that the hazards were unknown at the HAG Arch Scrivener’s discretion, instead, a payment adjustment may be requested.

    2.2.3      Customer’s may request specific Parties of members and have a job’s posting limited to their discretion.

    2.2.4      Customer’s may purchase Fetch Job insurance from the HAG Arch Scrivener discretion to recover up to 150% of the Job’s listed pricing to cover damaged or lost goods.

    2.2.5      At the HAG Arch Scrivener’s discretion, up to 100% of a job may be requested to be paid up front as a reference to member safety and hazard assessments.

    2.2.6      Any member may refuse a job from a customer or contest a customer from requesting jobs to the HAG Arch Scrivener.  A level 6 member or higher may ban a customer from making a job request or rescind a ban.

    2.3.0      Party

    2.3.1      A group of members may form a party. Single individuals are always approved to be a party of themselves.  Party composition must be approved by a level 5 member or above.              In the event of disaster on in field circumstances, members without a party or from another party may take on a job together. The reward is split evenly between the number of parties. As an example, a 100 Mina reward is split between 2 parties with each receiving 50 mina’s each even though 1 party has more members than on another.          If multiple party members form a party for a job temporarily, the most senior member with the highest level becomes party leader.

    2.3.2      When a party is formed, a leader is selected. The most senior member with the highest level becomes the leader.

    2.3.3      A leader may elect that another member may temporarily be party leader or that if unanimous for another lower-level member or one with less seniority to become the party leader.  A level 5 or above member may assign a new leader, dissolve a party or force a party among members at their discretion.              Any member my bring up a contest to a higher level that if any party issues are occurring. See 3.0.0 for more detail.

    2.3.4      During an encounter, a party must follow a ridged order of command. Order of succession of a party leader’s command must be stated by a leader for during an encounter and is subjective to a leader.

    2.3.5      A leader is responsible for their party and shares all punishments with members in their command at the discretion of the HAG Arch Scrivener.

    2.3.6      A party must have an approved name.  A mixed party is referred to as Mixed-Y where Y is member ID given to the leader of the party for the time of their mixing.  All names must be approved the HAG Arch Scrivener, or they will be considered as non-company approved titles and subject to 3.0.0’s Representation policy.


    3.0.0      Haense Guild Protocol

    3.0.1      The HAG Arch Scrivener can enact emergency powers to regard all guild ruling at their discretion including to be used in the instance of a monarchical take over as an attempt to dissolve the guild. This policy is also to be referred to as the Protocol Last Hope.  The abuse of 3.0.1 can grant the Haese State the legal right to execute the HAG Arch Scrivener at their discretion which dissolves the HAG power and legal protections across all states at the discretion of the will of enforcement. It is recommended in the formatting of this protocol that its enforcement and use be on the Good Will basis of protecting against corruption or in dire situations for the realm. It is noted that 3.0.1 can be used for an abuse of power and that the only official enforcement of 3.0.1 is the respect and dutiful answer of the other members of the guild to carry out any changes made under 3.0.1.

    3.0.2      Any attempt to overthrow the HAG guild for Evil Will by a member will result in the HAG Arch Scrivener deciding on whether to execute, demote, fire, or exile the member(s).

    3.0.3      A revoked status member can have their powers, rights and any other HAG benefits stripped away from them by another member in Good Will.  Only a member of level 6 or higher may reinstate benefits.              Should a member continually have a revoked status; they must be considered for harsher punishments under  Punishments for offenders belonging to the revoked status members may face the following. A 1 denotes a punishment a party leader may administer. A 2 denotes a punishment a level 5 may administer. A 3 denotes a punishment a HAG Master may administer. A 4 denotes a punishment a HAG Arch Scrivener may administer. A member able to administer a punishment with seniority to the individual who administered the punishment may revoke said punishment. Members abusing their power withing the power structure may face punishments within the same listing and grant the offender being abused to make a contest without facing punishment from the contest. Party Leaders only operate their authority within their party.

    A-Demotion: The member must return any badges recognizing them as a level. Then they must change their resume to denote their demotion. Following this they may be given a new level badge of a lower level if they are not outright fired. Fired Member must reapply, but face scrutiny for even becoming an Intern again. 2,3,4

    B-Suspension: The member may not practice as a HAG member for a specified time. 3,4

    -Stand Down Order: The member must cease a specified action. Failing to do so reenacts a revoked status. On a case-by-case basis, offences provoking the stand down order may come from non-revoked status offences at the judgment of the party leader. 1,2,3,4

    C-Services Duty: The offender must perform a task of labor such as cooking or cleaning or running drill. 1,2,3,4

    D-Fine: The offender pays a fine to the HAG. In the event that they cannot pay, it is of the HAG Arch Scrivener’s discretion on how to handle the issue on a case-by-case basis. 2,3,4

    E-Removal From Party: The offender is removed from a party roster. 1,2,3,4

    F-Division Adjustment: A transfer of an individual to or out of a Division. 2,3,4

    G-Loss of Access: the offender will not be allowed into a location or to know a specified piece of knowledge. 3,4

    H-Exile: The offender is banned from all HAG associated activities but still may be prosecuted as a member. They are banned from associating as a HAG member as well. 3,4

    I-The Return of Guild Property: The offender must return any specified guild property to a non-revoked member. 1,2,3,4

    J-Suspension of Ban of Member From Operating in an Area: The member is not allowed to practice as a HAG member in the specified area for a specified amount of time. 3,4

    K-Change of Duties: The offender is moved into or out of a job or task. 1,2,3,4

    L-Issue of Non-Combat: The offender is banned from committing any hostile actions or actions of a specific nation that can be hostile for a specified amount of time. 3,4

    M-Execution: The death of a member at the hands of the HAG organization. 4

    N-Quest of Honour: At the discretion of the member judging the offender to complete a task. Upon completion of the task, they are reinstated. 3,4

    O-Promotion: An odd punishment to give responsibility to one trusted to improved from the failure or member revoking event. 3,4

    P-Stagnation: The offender may not progress or move up the chain of command for a specified time. 4

    Q-Placement of Party: The placement of the offender into a new party. 2,3,4

    R-Imprisonment Within a Valid Brig: The placement of the offender into a brig at the judging member’s discretion for an amount of time. Good Will practice for caring for the imprisoned member is expected and can result in a revoked status for a member who enforces in-Valahmain conditions. 1,2,3,4

    S-HAG Branding: A branding of shame carried on the offender’s body. A member without enough skin to be branded after having enough brands covering the rest of their body will face a M class punishment. 3,4

    3.0.4      All additions made to this document must be sent to the Haense monarch. If they are not rescinded in 3 years, they become official. The monarch may contest rulings with the HAG Arch Scrivener in debate though Good Will to which the HAG Arch Scrivener must attend.

    3.0.5      Rank and File  In the event of turmoil that a position must be filled due to absence or a death, the next ranking level with seniority breaking ties shall take up the position. During this time, any filled position gains the Temporary tag and is immediately lost after the turmoil has ended.              During combat to ensure established lines of command, members may be placed in acting roles. Members undeveloped skills in the area should with Good Will adhere to this unorthodox chain of command.  In the even that a position is vacant above another without a superseding position to grant a rank, a consensus vote of those both within a division and at the lower rank available for the decision will determine the next ranking HAG member’s appointment.  Dark Command: In the event of corruption or unnatural control of upper HAG members, lower HAG members acting in Good Will may assume with the compromised individuals assumed to have vacated the position. Members who abuse this protocol are subject to greater punishments.  The current Divisions as of 1802 are as follows, Mercenary, Exploratory, Medical, Casters, Supporters, Fetchers, Body Guards, Clerks, Educational. Members may be a part of multiple divisions.  Chain of command states that a member is to obey all reasonable requests made with Good Will by a superior member. Unless stated by situations such as a party leader controlling a party, a member with a higher level with seniority breaking ties, is higher up the chain than another member. A member should practice raising contests or complaints to at least 1 member in each member above them if possible. Members who abuse this and attempt to undermine or go over other member’s heads for malicious purposes may be subject to a revoked status if approved by the HAG Arch Scrivener.  The member positions by rank are as follows, Level 0 intern (First 3 years), Level 1 HAG Adventurer (General position), Level 2 HAG Specialist (An individual with a role), Level 3 HAG Veteran (Most notably a position occupied by party leaders), Level 4 HAG Journey Specialists (Individuals not in a supervisory role who excel within a Specialist field), Level 5 HAG Department Officer (These individuals manage or assist in the management of a division), Level 6 HAG Master (Otherwise referred to as the defact-o Guild master, generally an individual of great power or experience with HAG field work), Level 7 HAG Arch Scrivener (A mostly clerical role maintained for the purpose of judgement and management. Currently, this is Alad Vel’Telos Celia’thilln). Lastly, the monarch of Haense has an honorary role as guild patron.

    3.0.6      The clerks division will manage the treasury and will face sterner punishments for mismanagement of inventory if found guilty.

    3.1.0      Conduct

    3.1.1      Member to Member Conduct  Members of the guild are to respect one another by basis of race, creed, talent, duty, status.              Guild banter or rivalry is to be tolerated in connection with as it will build up strong members. Though members may banter, it is expected of them to aid one another. Those who lose this respect through actions may become demoted or face other punishments will not be subject to this respect. It is garnered that you have a first associated member respect but losing that respect will be on the onus of the member to return to respect.              In the instance of a need for disciplinary action, a party leader or level 5 member or above may discipline the member on a case-by-case basis.  Members are expected to come to each, and others aid.              Only in the instance of an evaluated danger that a member in Good Will believes a situation where helping another member would cause irreparable harm will a non-aiding situation be standardly tolerated.  Members who seek legal representation against another member will have their fees paid by the guild if the HAG entity believes that in Good Will that the member in question is deserving of representation.  Members under the effects of a substance or unnatural entity (to which they have the ability to communicate and warn others) who harm another member are considered to have a revoked status.              Member unable to control themselves through a forced action will not have a revoked status from harming another member.  Members who order or harm another member, causing a wound on any plane of discretionary opinion as finally decided by a level 5 member or above have a revoked status.  While claiming payment of oddities or rewards such as an unclaimed dungeon, the party leader will determine an order of member looting to satisfy on a party-by-party basis. Should conflict arise such as with a mixed group where multiple members are next to claim a prize, level then seniority will take effect. Should problems still arise, the HAG Arch Scrivener will determine the distribution of rewards.  Medical professionals or non-combatant members are not subject to aiding rules and must ensure that they protect themselves first to properly support HAG.

    3.1.2 Member General Conduct  Members who fail to declare the appropriate amount earned or what was rewarded to them during a job have a revoked status.              Members who do not list due to forgetfulness or negligence under Good Will are not subject to  Members who act in a way that would be damaging to HAGs reputation or HAG’s sponsoring state gain a revoked status as declared by a level 5 member or above. In rare cases where a party leader must make a call that a member is performing a, they have the authority to declare them revoked but will immediately have to report to a level 5 member when first available for review of the incident.  Members must never act on the sponsoring states authority while acting as a HAG member on duty unless approved by both a state official and a level 5 member or above.              Good Will intentions to this will only go so far and must be reviewed by both parties involved to determine if the member will be subject to punishment.  Member’s suspected of a crime will have their case defended in court or at arms at HAG’s expense if HAG believes under Good Will that the member deserves trial.              Should the member be at a risk HAG determines to great or presumably damaging to HAG due to likely guilt, they will gain a revoked status.              Off Grid Protocol. In the event that the member is captive, and that HAG is unable to associate with their return, a member may exile themselves from HAG to rescue the individual and will receive no punishment enacting if they themselves act in Good Will.


    4.0.0      Death Mark Protocol: In the event of a member committing such an evil action as to grant a punishment that escapes, all members will be eligible to obtain a kill quest on the marked member. The member’s resume and file will then be open to the guild to properly prepare them for the encounter.


    5.0.0      Company Statement and Tradition

    5.0.1      HAG members must seek out adventure and the prosperity of the realm as a whole under the prospect of Good Will.

    5.0.2      A HAG member fallen in duty should be returned to a HAG hall to be remembered during a ceremony of recasting.  A fallen or disbanded HAG member’s equipment used for HAG duties becomes the property of the guild for redistribution, scorning or remembrance at the Guild Master’s discretion.

    5.0.3      During each HAG formal diner, a toast is to be provided the HAG patron (The monarch).

    5.0.4      The Guild mascot is an ugly hag witch. During a Guild Master’s swearing in, it is custom to dress in ugly attire and to taste a brew of the newly elected master’s brew. After which, the newly elected Master choses the member present who most resembles a hag to receive no HAG tax deductions from the next job (Including any jobs taken by their party).

    5.0.5      Every member who reaches level 5 is to formally be allowed to have HAG cover the costs to create a guild item for them at a point where guild expenses can afford the burden.

    5.0.6      A witch’s nose is a coveted prize to a guild member. One taken from a hag of Evil Will while they were in Good Will during the action will grant a free round at the tavern for their party and will have said nose pickled for display free of charge from the HAG’s treasury.

  2. The Redenford Account

    By Alad Val’Telos Celia’thilln

    Date 1801


    The following is the accounts from myself and my companions regarding the Beast of Redenford. Setting off for clues regarding the whereabouts .of my missing professor, Telos, I would find myself meeting a kindred mind for adventure. Nemnea, a wood elf of tanned skin bearing a wreath of flowers atop her head, would accompany myself to Oren seeking adventure. Nemnea, like myself had rarely frequented the outside world of our cities Elveness and Haelun’or in respect to me to the latter. My secondary task for the San’evarir library was to provide a new book to the stalk of our shelves as I am a trainee within the library.


    Arriving in Oren, Nemnea and myself settled for a rest in a local tavern. We seemed to have walked into an altercation. Two Valah men were choking another man for the offence of hitting on one of the men’s wives. The Valah also threatened the man’s life if he bothered their family again. Oren guards broke up the dispute before any further escalations occurred. A patron began to sing a local tune as we decided on our next move. I was beginning to think that the scuffle would turn into the highlight of the trip. Were we ever wrong. Wandering around the city to pass time, I pointed out the location I had seen a dark elf thief bounding rooftop to rooftop to avoid the Oren guard. There we came across Caleb of Stofs. He was unable to translate our greeting of Karin’ayla, so we switched to the common tongue for simplicity.

    The Bar

    As luck would have it, Caleb’s friend, Ed the bartender had setup a new pub, days prior. After a successful opening night prior, Ed hoped to celebrate with his good friend Caleb. Politely, Nemnea and I tagged along. Ed’s slogan was “Cheap Alcohol.” Simplistic. Caleb and Nemnea were hesitant to partake in the bar’s goods, so I said, “What good adventure doesn’t start without a slosh at the bar?” I bought a round of wine from Ed. The glasses were dingy, but no matter, it was tradition among the adventurers in epics. Once liquored up, the bartender told us of Caleb’s interest in books and his recent losses scrapping with other Valah. Realizing his good mood, I asked Ed if there had been anything interesting as of late.

    Ed’s Tale

    “I was heading outside the city walls to restock the bar from opening night. You should have seen the place. Half the town was there. Even a fight blessed the stools. Back to the story. On the road, my good mate Vic Armas came running with a huff. ‘Come quick. There has been a cart ambush. 20 Oren guards are being deployed to the Redenford road.’ Cresting the hill, I came to a scene of terror. An unworldly tentacle had erupted from the soil. The trade cart headed for Redenford had been splintered and the merchant lay dead. An Oren guard was picked up and torn asunder. Vic and I ran for our lives. I wasn’t staying for that mess.” Intrigued, I asked Ed if he could point out the direction of the incident. Nemnea gave me a glance. Ed said he wouldn’t go near it, though he did point us in the direction. Ed warned us not to go. I told Ed “Nemnea and I were already set on finding adventure.” Caleb stood up, offering his blade and service as a guide.

    Redenford Massacre

    Caleb seemed interested in the San’evarir library. I answered what I could. He was a learned man, and an excellent guide. The scene was immediately recognizable from the devastation. The cart had been ripped apart. In what could only be assumed as the merchant, a Valah skin, pulled from its innards lay stretched across the road. Caleb and Nemnea commented on the wretched smell. Caleb stood guard, uneasy and fearing the beast’s return. I asked Nemnea to survey for tracks as I investigated the scene. I noted a strange Sable stone burned into the soil. Chipping off a portion of the mineral, I took a sample in my vial. Nemnea noted a blood splatter without a body. The two dozen footprints of scattering Oren guard spelled out the demise of one of their own. I commented that the merchant appeared to be carrying lumber. Caleb informed us that Redenford was under construction and that this merchant was most likely on route. He continued to tell us that there were only a few structures currently standing. Caleb then noticed a new statue of a horse nearby, though I cannot confirm the statue’s date of construction. Nemnea insisted on trying to climb the statue to which I commented “Statues are not trees, that does not look scalable.” As the last syllables left my mouth, the wood elf promptly hit the stone, breaking her fibula. Nemnea cursed in pain as she lay on the ground. Lucky for her, I remembered a recent text I had read about field medicine, I recited a summary of each chapter. This prompted Nemnea to curse louder as I crafted a makeshift crutch and applied a cold liquid to the wound. I asked if she wished to continue or return home. Nemnea replied “Well we are hear already.” To which we continued down the road towards Redenford.

    Redenford Proper

    Nemnea struggled to travel with us. We arrived at the outskirts late at night, slowed by her injury. I noted that the bridge into town was of shoddy construction. We found no more insights to the investigation and decided that we needed to take a rest somewhere. Nemnea was not in any condition to walk the road at night. As the town did not have any ‘No Trespassing signs’ and was devoid of residents, we decided to stay the night in the local manor. The door was locked. Nemnea found the key into the residence. Setting up to rest near the fireplace, Caleb lit the fire. He told us of a witch named Zhomo who gave him a magical mushroom one time. They told him that it would make someone look old and weak, calling it an Accursed Mushroom. Caleb called it an Aging Mushroom. The witch warned him that the mushroom only retained its effects temporarily. Caleb tested it on his dog with successful result dismissing the warnings of curses from Zhomo. The effects apparently wore off after a month or two. Dawn arose and no further interesting events occurred. We each parted our separate ways. I assisted returning Nemnea to Elveness, knowing that she would struggle home without aid due to her injury. Retiring to the San’evarir library in Haelun’or, I wonder if I will ever see the Beast of Redenford. For now I shall ask the other academics for help identifying the nature burned black mineral.


    After an interview with the General of Oren, Alad posts a revision that the beast was supposedly slain. Yet none of the guards had noticed the massive horse statue that day. The beast is also recorded to have shape changing properties, making Oren soldier fight one another in confusion.

  3. *Alad would return from his travels, investigating an odd scene. Upon hearing about this, he would ask for Aiera's @Stumpye Opinion on how he should present the document, hoping this would distract her from the coming political squabbling.*


    Though, he would say "Though you may not want the position, I think you would be able. If you remember our conversation of when you did sit on a council. I just hope that any Maheral would lead us to a path of less resilience. you have seen what we high elves do in times of purity. For as much as the bodies purity can be claimed, the mind is ever as important."


    *Alad would then spread his notes of a monster's path of destruction, Valah bodies torn to skins across the road and eerie black rock samples taken from the site*


  4. *Alad would read the news after returning to Haelun'or from his travels investigating the beasts near Oren.*

    "On the backs of the recent political squabbling, to appoint another without a vote or scholarly credentials" *he would scoff* "Is he just embarrassed with the fall out.  A good leader would have seen us through this troublesome time"

    *Returning to his dorm, Alad would work on writing his next account of his adventures, putting his hopes that his people would simply call for a re-election.* 


  5. On 12/30/2020 at 9:34 AM, Vael said:


    Valorin, standing inconveniently close behind Ikur and Maenor, releases a blast of air from his nostrils. "Perhaps we should begin a series of challenges against the impure Councilors. Ahernan for the thought, Maheral."


    Having overheard the conversation hearsay from the Azdrazi, Alad would try to speak his brother.

    "Brother, I know I dislike the Azdrazi continuously poking the nest of politics that would be the wood elves, but this is not the way."

    "Their religion is odd, but they have been reborn, they explained that it is but a new soul. It is as if they are a new youngling with the memory of another."

    "We seek to advance ourselves, to progress and develop. We can't just keep bickering with others."

    "If I knew that you held such views, I would have cast away a vote for my only brother to calmer minds. thank goodness my voice was irrelevant."

    "It is thoughts like this that lead to Lizrith's reign. I will not have us be driven back into a needless war with Elveness. Though I will not shield the Azdrazi if they dare threaten Elveness alone as if under Haelun'or's banner."


  6. Low_Res.jpg?width=438&height=621


    Dear Oren Manufacturing Facilities,


    I have damaged my Lumarium Occulos Thricoard. I am In need of a replacement device to direct three beams of Lunar light to be focused into the correct frequency of solar light.

    Ensure that the Focusing Occulosis glass Lens is focusing downwards and that the glass is made with Aquamarine mineral dust.

    The deflection Arrays are to be made from silver and to sit at a 90 degree angle.

    Please try to oil the Pins, Knobs and Swivels to prevent rusting.

    The device should be able to fit into one's pocket, please don't bring some obtuse structure. It will be rejected at the gate.

    Feel free to keep the design for reproduction.

    A secondary copy will be kept in the Haelun'or Library records.


    Deliver to the front desk of the Haelun'or city gates. Present my family sigil upon entry to drop off the package for inspection.

    Unless already permitted. Do not enter the city. That is unless you wish to risk a puncturing from the archers atop our grand walls.

    The package is to be delivered to any member of the Celia'thilln family.


    P.S. Ensure that you bathe properly before arriving at the gate on threat of the guards dousing other vagrants with water from the murder holes.





  7. Hello one hello all creative Scribes,


    I will be looking to collect the histories of adventurers and catalogue them.

    (Specifically Elves but I'll hear out you non-elf folk too)

    It will be a day or 2 until my character is ready but until then feel free to let me know here.


    I want to hear it all.

    Your house that caught fire from a tea kettle to that dragon you seduced to save your party.


    Pic for attention, I do art and know some fine artists.


    P.S. if you are an adventuring group seeking a scribe to record your ventures, let me know.


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