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  1. AngelaR2


    Angela Xanders was born in the Forest Realm of Irrinor as the youngest & only daughter of the Xanders family. She was born to a loving family with an older brother & 2 loving parents, all 3 of whom were Wood elves. She regarded the Aspects through the Emerald Way, believing in prayer, an indomitable will, and that the Gods would keep the Wood Elven people safe from external threats. When she was only 1 year old, her mother brought her out for a play date to her neighbor’s house, this is where she met her best friend, Zara. They had been as thick as thieves until she turned 12 & started hearing weird rumors about her. A lot of people started to avoid her, calling her a thief who stole Zara's art designs and made them her own. In truth, Zara has stolen Angela's designs and cried to a well-known elf among their age group, saying that Angela has stolen from her. Since then, Angela never let people outside her family into her heart again. She would still be the same bubbly & curious girl who played a couple of pranks, but there was a wall between her and everyone else, she wasn't as empathetic towards others and could care less about how those outside her family felt. She pulled out from school, and was also taught by her parents at home, and threw herself into learning everything she could get her hands on. However, despite all this, Angela was still a relatively normal Wood elf that never knew much about war & death, that is, until the War of Ironwood or Forrester-Whitehill Conflict caught up to her small family. In 1735, the Forest Realm of Irrinor declared war against the Silver State of Haelun’or which lasted over centuries. She hadn’t thought much about the war at first until a letter arrived with orders that her brother & father take arms and join the war. Angela would pray every night for their safety, & when the war finally ended but only her brother came back, she was inconsolable for days. However, she managed to pick herself up & embrace the Emerald Way, stilling her will and stand strong despite the tough times. Though since then, she has made it a point to pray every night before bed, for safety & strength for not only herself but her family & friends as well.
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