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Everything posted by AbsoluteElephant

  1. Just a simple man trying to make his way in the Universe...

  2. Born into servitude, Ristion's life wasn't easy. Ristion had grown up in Haelun'or, land of the High Elves. He and his mother served the Bellure family. A family renown mostly for having small ties to the Sullas family. Him and his mother were treated on par with most slaves. His mother before he was born was part of a bandit group, a caretaker for the group. They had tried to attack a caravan that was led by the Bellure family and were slaughtered by the guards. His mother had been one of few survivors of the encounter and instead of being killed was taken into serve the family. After 5 years of servitude she had a son. Ristion, who's father was unknown. After years of tough labor which often included beatings and verbal abuse. Ristion was bred into a perfect slave, obedient and silent. On Ristions 15th birthday he was called into the Master of The House's personal chambers. There he learned who his real father was. The Master of The House banished the boy from his homestead and his guards sent him out of the kingdom. Ristion, with hope to cope with the information, went straight back to what he did best and got apprenticeship for a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper, despite being a High Elf, treated him with respect. Observing Ristion's behavior's he encouraged the boy to discover new places he had never been, far away from the High Elves. 9 years had passed and the shopkeeper got older. When he had finally been struck with illness he realized his fate. On his deathbed he told Ristion to leave this place and never come back, leaving Ristion his inheritance. For the past month or so now, Ristion has been traveling, trying to find his purpose in the world. He's currently on his way to Elvenesse to see if he can find some of his family's lineage there.
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