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Posts posted by TaytoTot

  1. 32 minutes ago, Gilded Quill said:

    A scene of discord unfolded as Prince Paul of the Petra found himself embroiled in a heated exchange with his daughter, Lady Helene-Olympe. Witnesses recount a distressing moment as the Duke of Valfleur, in a display unbecoming of his station, was seen to raise his hand against his own flesh and blood. Such unsavory conduct casts a shadow upon the esteemed House of Valfleur, leaving us to ponder the depths of familial strife behind closed doors...

    Dame Monika's jaw drops as her eyes read the missive. "Oh, nie" The Dame quickly sets off to give the poor child her comfort!

  2. A Waldenian woman waited on the other side, her arms extended towards Audrina as she crossed. "Du are home nov, kinder." Her mother, Annette, spoke in her usual sweet tone, leading her on.

  3. 38cc771e06d60ccd67f1f694dc5cb657.png?ex=662bf2b3&is=662aa133&hm=3a6b3e3139db558d5c2858fb2ade370279cb6688c2e0902fb835007c6e108c69&=

    Monika - They're cute lol
    Therese - She wants to be really powerful and thus needs the most maxed out team she can get (i was too lazy to find the proper sprites for mega mewtwo x, mega rayquaza and primal groudon)
    Ventys - They just finda fit the vibe

  4. On this Saint’s Day, an incident was brought to the attention of the Knights of the Petrine Laurel by Lady Adelheid Halcourt. She stated that she had stumbled across a deceased individual when going on her usual route. In response, myself and Princess Rowena embarked into the mines to investigate. We found bloody footprints fleeing the scene. Deep in a cavern, laid a man of white hair with multiple stab wounds. The identity of the deceased remained obscured, rendering discernment of any distinguishing features unattainable.


    Should anyone have information, I humbly request a letter be sent my way.


    Dame Monika Aleksiya von Augusten

    ‘The Devoted’ Knight of the Petrine Laurel

    alphabetized cassette tapes

  5. Monika cheers for her friend, beginning to prepare gifts in her mind. “Glyn shall finally get his happily ever after. . .” She said, sitting in the library of Rikardsburg. Her gaze looked over to her cousin, who she thought was sitting across her. “Vhen vill mein come, Richard?” She asked with a heavy sigh.

  6. Annette von Theonus waited in the skies for Marcel, that usual smile plastered on her features. "Velcome to dur new home, kinder. Ich see zhat du have done much for mein descendants. Do du mind telling mich dur story?" The woman asked as she went to wrap her arm around the newcomer, guiding him.

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