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Viraj Dobrial

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Posts posted by Viraj Dobrial

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Animatii / Automaton


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Animii are constructs made through the combination of inorganic material and "Lifeblood", an alchemically concocted oil that acts as a power source for the creation. Fifth-tier Animii, also known as Automotons, are animii that closely resemble the physical and mental characteristics of descendants, and are the playable form of this creature. A combination of metal plating, clockwork, and tubing for lifeblood, these machines can simulate most functions of the average descendant. They are powered from an internal Gear Heart, a fragile device akin to a descendant's heart, which contains the "spirit" of the machine. An automoton's senses are granted upon the installation of sensory components - sight, speech, and hearing are installed before plating, so their proper function is crucial to the machine's well being, and errors in their creation can lead to uncanny or non-living traits, most notably in speech patterns or tone.

    The Gear / Clock heart is what gives Automotons their life. It is constructed using redstone and some other precious stone or gem. Combining mechanical cogs with a precious gem generates enough energy for the lifeblood to begin pumping autonomously, beating as though it were organic. Automotons may overclock their Gear Heart, pumping fluid rapidly through their system, to increase their speed and strength. This is taxing on the machine as a whole, and doing so without care or too often will result in their destruction. So, too, could they perish if their lifeblood were to drain out completely, or if their Gear Heart were damaged or destroyed. Depending on the level of damage to the machine, its memory and personality may be altered unfavorably, or permanently destroyed should it not be restored carefully / damaged past the point of salvaging. In the case of such damage, the CA would be soft-shelved until being revived by someone with a valid Animatii FA.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    The machine is cast in whitewashed steel, polished with a chrome-like finish. Its edges and seams would be lined with golden leaf, reflecting the pure nature of the creation. Its voice would sound as though it was reverberating within a can, analogous to an electronic reverb effect. There is a seam on its right ankle, within which one could store a small item like a dagger.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. 19 minutes ago, Diogen said:

    +1 naele and the angho have been attempting it so often, i'm looking forward to be doing pregnancy RP for the next 9 days and bring a new era of dragons


    i watched my cat die yesterday and this image made cringe harder

  3. On 3/23/2024 at 7:29 PM, femurlord said:

    i'll make you a necron

    last name omicon :O

    On 3/23/2024 at 8:05 PM, christman said:

    if u wanna play a robit i can also make u a robit


    On 3/23/2024 at 10:56 PM, cadazio said:

    hi :3

    hai!!!!!! hi!!!! hello :3!!!! hi there!!!! yippee!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This is my new layout idea for the Aaun capital. What do you think?

                                                                                                                                                        hospitol (for hurt peeple)
                                                                                                                                                                                       Norland Embasie                                       ____________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                    chirch 2 (druid palace)                                /  druid observation tower \                                                                                                                      \                                                                     palace                                               |                                            |
                                                                                                                          |  ______________________________________--  chirch                                                |                                            |
                                                                                                                                _______________________________________|                                                          | unattended boomsteel     |
                                                                                                                                |                                                                                                                        | (property of Oren)             |
              farms                                                                                                                                                  bank                                                          ___________|____________________________|__________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |                  |   win                                                       jail observation bridge
                                                                                                                                  |                markit area                                                         |       jail     |    dow      _________________________________________________
                        more farm                                                                                                           ___________________________________________                 ____|__________|
                                                                                                                                                                                                          |             |                                                           ___________________
                                                                                                                                                                                           ___________           | ________                                               backup bridge parts
                                                                                                                                   government place                          |                                        |                                               ______________
                                                                                                                                                                                           |                                             court                              ___________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                           | __________|          |                                                 \                 second bridge                    Aaun 2
     docks                                                                                                                                                                      |  ________________________  |                                      |             |-----------------------
                                                                           /-------------\                                                                                            |   __switchback          ___________                               |             |
                                                                         /                         \                                                              justic                                   |          |                                                  |          |
                                                                       /                             \                                                                                                        |          |______________________________  |        |
                                                                      |    smol :3 house     |                                                                                                       |                                                                     |
                                                                      |                                 |                                                                                                      |    *                           second bridge (cont) |
                                                                      |             more           |                                                                  e                                  |          |_____________________________________|
                                  second docks           |__auxillary boomsteel|                                                                                                  |          |
                                                                    |            riserve              |                                                                                                 | bridge|
                                                                     |_______________________|                                                                                                  |          |                                                                                 bridge troll apartment
                                                                                                                                                                                                             |          |
                                                                                                                                                                                                             |          |





    SO! What do you think? Sorry, I coudn't attach an image (and I accidentally deleted MS paint :(      )

    EDIT: my layout got messed up. Mods, can you help with this?

    UPDATE: City schematic has been fixed!!!!! Take a look:


                       |                                               Shopping Center                            hospital (small)
                       |treasure chest
     /\  /\  /\       _|_______________                    Druid Palace
     ||  ||  ||                                         Temple and Church                                                              THE PIT
                      _________________                New Government Building                                     housis          
                                      |                                                                      __________________________________
                                      |                                                                     |
                                      |                                                   jail observation  |
                                      |           Pvp Arena Pit                                             |   boomsteel well (unattended)
                                      |                                                                     |
                                      |                                        _____________________________|             _____________________
                                      |                                        |                            |            |
                farms                 |       marketplase                      |                            |            |
                                      |                                        |           jail             |            |      To Norland
                                      |                                        |                            |            |
                                      |                                        |                            |            |   __________________
                                      |________________________________________ |___________________________|  water     |   |
                                                                         |||||| |                           |            |   |
                                                                         |||||| |                           |            |   |
                                                                         |||||| |jail observation deck 1    |troll hut   |   |
                                                                         |||||| |                           |            |   |
                                                                         |||||| |                           |____________|   |                                                          more farms                   |||||| |                                            |
                                                                         |||||| |                                 bridge 1   |
                                                                         |||||| |                             _______________|
                      poor people                                        ||-----|                            |                                                                                                       ||                                  |
                                   __________________                    |      _____________________________|
                                  /                  \                   |     |
                                  |   smol house :3  |                   |bridg|
                                  |                  |                   |e 2  |
                                  |                  |                   |     |
                                  |                  |                   |     |
            more farms            |                  |                   |     |
                                  |     boomstel     |                   |     |
                                  |auxilary storage  |                   |     |
                                  |                  |                   |     |                 /---------\
                                                                         |     |                |           |
                                                                         |     |                |  troll    |
                                                                         |     |                |  apartment|
                                                                         |     |                |           |
                                                                         |     |                |           |
                                                                         |     |                |___________|
             docks                                                             |     







  5. 6 minutes ago, christman said:

    what were ur favourite ROLEPLAY  moment 


    how are you ? :33333


    music recs ATM!!!!! 

    favorite roleplay moment is when i was in the MOJ and i got to do super secret spy assignments. Also The Rot temporarily becoming canon because of how popular it got, that was funny.

    I am in a better place than I was a few months ago :33333

    music records:

    -King Crimson
    -Walter Wanderley's "Rain Forest"

    thank u so much for response

    7 minutes ago, cadazio said:

    Ummm upon further reading I think I'm gonna have to say no thanks on this AMA. "Ironic" Aaunic capital layout shit is not funny. Should've noticed it was him earlier, but one of your top people was literally posting aaunic capital layout proposals in #general the other day. Also that shit he posted in the Discord is highkey poor quality.


  6. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I held a personal grudge against user ErikAzog / Parodies_ for making some of my friends feel uncomfortable, in and out of RP. Rather than addressing this with moderation, I proceeded to write a post implying one of his characters was gay, and read it to him as well as other communities around the server (this resulted in me being removed from my position in moderation). Following this, he and I had very little contact with one another until the day of my ban, where we came across each other in roleplay. He accused me of being weird, and I told him why I felt the way I did about him. When he asked for "proof" of the misconduct I accused him of, I spammed screenshots of him doing romance RP in the Balian discord server. Shortly after, I was banned.

    I do not intend to interact with ErikAzog in any capacity going forward. Should I be re-admitted to the server, I will take any concerns with other players to moderation / administration, rather than act petty / unprofessional. I acknowledge that implying someone is gay as an insult is not only immature, but harms the LGBT community as a whole, othering them by using their identifiers as insults. I am learning to be a more accepting and tolerant person, and I apologize if I made anyone within the community upset through my actions.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    Seeing the way moderation has handled cases of misconduct between players on the server was the main reason why I tried to embarrass Erik. Many of my friends from the server had dealt with moderation ignoring reports on players (who have since been banned) that engaged in inappropriate conduct. It weakened my faith in the Moderation team, and I believed they would not properly address my case. In light of seeing certain players removed from the server, I now feel confident enough in the moderation team that I am comfortable coming back to this community.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    LOTC, for a long time, was both a stress reliever and a creative playground. I got to spend time with a lot of interesting, kind people when I was on the server, while receiving and giving direct feedback on each others' writing skills. I liked getting to act as a character in a world, and tried to drive RP around other people more than myself. I have missed this outlet, though I will say that stress related to committing time to the server has been relieved since then. I have had a lot of time to reflect over the past five and a half months, both on my actions and my mental state. I have sought help for my issues professionally and within my irl support group. I feel that I have made substantial progress in overcoming my struggles to communicate my feelings, and that I am in a good mental state where I can rejoin this community.


    Attach other relevant information.



  7. WE SEE DE!





    I am officially announcing my candidacy for the 1934 Mayoral Election. The following is a list of the goals I seek to accomplish during my tenure; however, above any of them is my desire to act as a mouthpiece for the common people of Vallagne. I wish more than anything to act as a bridge between those of our working class - the rentors, the farmers, the craftsmen and the beggars - and our legislators and royalty.


    "De" Duncan Kame'eleihiwa's platform:



    As mayor, I will dedicate a portion of the city's taxes to subsidizing our agricultural sector. The surplus of our harvest will be distributed, by need, to eligible citizens, who will be able to apply for a program that distributes food to those who, otherwise, would struggle to afford it. While the city has made great strides in making housing affordable for all, I feel that this final step will help eradicate the blight of poverty from our great city once and for all, and allow every citizen, now free from the burdens of merely surviving, to live up to their full potential and give back to this nation.



    Having been a fugitive of the law in the past, I understand how one simple mistake can ruin someone's life forever. Our greater Petran community should strive to uplift and forgive one another, and to allow those who have been tempted by the vices of Iblees to redeem themselves. Eligible criminals would be offered the chance to go through a period of indentured servitude to the state, while learning the skills necessary to function in a civil society, and providing labor to the city that may otherwise go understaffed. We are a civilized nation; there must be alternatives to imprisonment or death for our criminal class.


    3 - SECURITY

    That is not to say that the lives of our citizenry are to be taken in vain. Under my administration, the systems that strive to protect our nation will receive extra funding - namely, the Riverguard. Enrollments to the Guard have decreased in recent years, and we must find ways to improve the security of our Capital, either through heightened recruitment or through funding better equipment for our soldiers to ward off any violent threats to our people, both foreign and domestic.


    4 - BUSINESS

    Of course, to fund all of these new ventures, we will need a greater supply of tax money. This should not come from raising the price of real estate; rather, by subsidizing businesses to operate in Petra, the taxes collected from our stalls and business-oriented buildings will increase. Encouraging satellite markets for some of Vallagne's artisan goods will draw in visitors from across Aevos, both to purchase our finer products and to become citizens.


    These goals, of course, will be impossible without the vibrant people that have made Vallagne such a wonderful city to live in for such a long time. If anyone wishes to comment or critique on the preceding promises, feel free to send me a letter regarding them and I will respond in due time.


    Uncle Godfather Steward Duncan "De" Kame'eleihiwa

    De. Now You See.

  8. As the final piece of aged marble fell to the ground upon the soot-stained grounds did the man, older than his time, sit down, as dusk broke over the mountain. His 100th birthday had come and gone without anyone to celebrate it with, or with the mind to recognize it. He took but a moment’s rest before a courier appeared before him, parting the dense, dimming fog with the wave of a hand.
    “You’re with the construction crew for St. Lothar?” he asked, holding out a piece of rough, poly-fibrous scroll, held together by a fraying piece of twine.
    I beg your pardon?
    “Grand Duke’ll be here with the rest of the team soon. Figured you were project head. Pass this on to him and the Duke, won’t you?”
    The old man sat silently, staring blankly into the eyes of the courier through the narrow slits in his helm, that inner cold piercing out and striking a chord deeply within the poor man; one that escorted him from the long abandoned hill in less than a minute. He’d grumble with a rue he’d grown accustomed to at that point.
    Damn Imperials coming to start more trouble. Should’ve killed the bastard while he was still grieving,“ he’d spit, tearing away the twine and unfurling the missive, letting the contents, splotched with homemade ink with what was left of his decadent mind.
    . . .
    "Horses! Horses, fine bred, yes! Come over and, ah... buy one!" she'd trail off, letting her body fall slack. Shaking her head, she'd pull tighter on the stubborn, mutt-like horse into the town square. Bar-goers at the Novellen watched, occasionally popping a smirk or snicker before downing their beverages as the two were dragged along by the frail, discolored thing. It was a mare they'd found at the bottom of the steps, trotting through the weed-filled wheat fields that cut into the bank of the river. It was a struggle in of itself to drag it up the stairs; now, it would be a completely different ordeal trying to pawn it off to some sucker.
    "Yes, you, sir in the brown coat! Well- no, not the one with the wig. No, not the soldier. Yes, you! Please, do come over!"

    "Carted it over from Arcas! Yes, a fine bred- no, no, that doesn't mean it's forty years old... No, please! Come back!"


    After dragging the starved thing around Providence for the past day, the two siblings collapsed on the steps to the Novellen; their horse, collapsed unto its stomach before him, legs broken and splayed out unto its sides.

    "...You know something?  I've been ranching these things for ten years now, and I've never seen one do that before."


    "Not the best sign. Think they could stand to get back up?"


    The girl whistled; in response, the horse's face fell further into the ground.

    "...Forget it. We're not selling this thing. Guess we'll have to find some other way to eat tonight."


    Both of the two, begrudgingly, looked upon the greatsword laying between the two of them. The boy in blue picked it up, heaving it across his shoulders, and sighed, before lifting it above his head, and slamming it down upon the cobbles.

    . . .
    A trail of reddened, black sludge seeped into the ground before the armor-clad figure. It stained nothing; leaving no mark upon that heirloom suit, the only proof it had ever existed were the thankful, exhausted cries of the knight, leaning back against the pile of rubble, missive cast to the side. As he wept, that reddened substance would seep through the paper; pieces of that substance seemed to lightly tug at it, as though desperate to scan, memorize every character inked into the page, before becoming wisps among the fog, dissipating into the air. And as that ethereal substance was cast into nothingness, what remained of the paper would fly off. Sunlight fettered through the uneven textures of the broken paper, dampened by morning’s dew and whatever had fallen from that broken creature’s armor. One piece was caught upon the trees; another landed in the center of the pond, slowly melting away into an illegible, pulpy mess. The rest continued to be blown away, strung about the rocks of the valley, and caught upon the sticker-bushes and briar-trees that lay a carpet of green upon those untamed hills, where they would lay till nature or traveler did them waste- no more the sum of its parts, but forever divided, destroyed, irreparable. Maybe it was better this way. After all, he could always get another copy.
    “Finally… We won.”
  9. For it was in this fresh genesis that he now stood, basking in the gleam of the Reborn.

    Speechless, but for a whisper.

    Everything in its time...







  10. On 7/13/2022 at 10:58 PM, capybara said:

    are you infected with the ROT


    On 7/13/2022 at 11:06 PM, MaltaMoss said:

    did you have a good time at olive garden?

    the last time i went to olive garden i almost threw up, so no :-(

    On 7/14/2022 at 7:51 PM, Nescaffier said:

    play mann vs machine with me??? australium?!?!?!?!?


  11. not sure if this 'anniversary' is worth putting up an AMA for but if anyone wants to ask something
    here ya go

    I'll respond sometime tomorrow, or tonight, if responses come in fast enough

  12. 14 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:


    average Rot Cleaner Association garb (can't stop people from rat posting poorly)

    9 hours ago, rukio said:

    There is no point or need for players to have access to this ST character race.



    I get to be the giant rat that makes all of the rules


    I will run a rat diner that only serves rat-related items (all of them made from human flesh)


    only good RP, no gimick, no hype, i do not abandon projects as soon as I get bored with them I promise

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