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Everything posted by MystiaLocke

  1. MystiaLocke


    Kylantha was born and raised in Rosenyr. Growing up as a single child, she had a close bond with her parents. In her childhood, she had a small group of friends and didn't branch out much however her parents taught her to be accepting of other races. She had the standard education that most elven children had. She was a social child and could start up a conversation with anyone, which was mostly due to the fact that Rosenyr was such a small settlement. When she was 10, she was forced to leave her home after the fall of Arcas. She escaped with most of the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements and boarded the world ship. Shortly after boarding the vessel she was separated from her parents and had to fend for herself. It was at this point that she became so trusting as she had no other choice but to trust those around her. During her time on the ship her ability to pick up new skills and adapt to new surroundings became quicker. She also became quite good at rationing her food and water. It was also aboard the ship where she learned to use a bow for the first time. During a sea monster attack on the vessel, she had no choice but to use a bow to defend herself and after that she practiced using it everyday with the occasional help of other people aboard the ship. Her parents had introduced her to a bow before and had intended to teach her however they never got the chance to. She made many friends while during her travels, many of whom were young elven children separated from their parents like herself, however she was soon separated from them as well. When she finally made landfall she was afraid to form new friendships and relationships, so she moved from place to place, wherever she could find a bed. She now moves between Talons Port, Sutica and Elvenesse, talking to new people everyday, however never staying in one place for too long and never getting too close to anyone.
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