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Posts posted by Marron

  1. The news of his childhood friend's disappearance and presumed death is eventually relayed to Albrecht Mondblume. The young squire begins to shake as he stood on the porch of his home, his knees go weak, his heart sinks into the pits of his chest. What harm could ever have came to someone as meek and gentle as Rabbit?

    "Scarecrow's... Gone? N-nie Fionn.. He can nicht be." was all he managed to utter as he struggled back the urge to howl in grief. That was the nickname he gave Rabbit roughly 6 or so years ago when the two boys first met in Karosgrad's streets, named after the costume his friend wore while playing with toy knights and soldiers in Albrecht's bedroom and during long adventures into the forests around Haense. The two grew apart slightly as they aged and became burdened with the toils of life and work, both on very different paths in life: One lad a budding poet and the other an ambitious soldier; yet during Rabbit's talent show performance and Albrecht's tournament duel they met again to cheer each other on in their pursuits of greatness.


    The last time the duo met they planned to share a drink in the tavern together, to talk and laugh about their plans for life as optimistic young men. That day would never come. The last pieces of Albrecht's childhood had been torn away from him and he'd retreat to his room where he would spend the next months in black misery, clutching the tin soldier Rabbit gifted to him as a boy.


    He had never known such raw grief.

  2. 7 hours ago, Rudi said:

    Books, quills and feather were scattered on the carpet that covered the floor of the Koengs office.  With his hands placed upon the now wiped empty desk, Heinrik Karl barked and shouted so the saliva flew out off his mouth.

    "Find her and bring her to me! I want her alive!"


    His clutched fist hammered upon the wooden desk that also his father used to work at. The hunt was on.  



    Albrecht Mondblume too knows what it's like to have a disobedient sister..

  3. Albrecht Mondblume's breath turned to mist in the crisp Haeseni night air as he pondered over his friend's collection of poems, having just finished reading 'A Game of Cards'. He'd reach line eight, stop and take a look at the sky. Holding the poet's thoughts with his own he'd think about those he had lost, picking out a star for each. 


    He'd then fall asleep with the parchment folded over his chest. Perhaps he should take up writing too..

  4. "Niet ein Mondblume any longer.." Albrecht would grimace as he spots his 'sister' in the tabloid, then he crosses out the first paragraph in red ink. "Ist niet all bad, papej." he'd say as he puts a reassuring hand on Hildebrand's shoulder. "Ve tried our best fur her und did ze right sing, even if zhis rag of ein paper says osserwise. Zhere ist honour in that."



  5. Between Ser Boris and Ser Viktor the youth of Haense will have no shortage of role-models and heroes! As the trollslayer's ballad plays on repeat in our heads, let the ranks of the HRA grow full of men and women who will not let their sacrifice be in vain!

  6. "Between ze Goats of Sedan und angry peasantry, zhis empire seems to be on ist last legs." Albrecht Mondblume would remark as he passed the poster, leaving his property in the City of Providence for the foreseeable future.


    "Ein gutt day to be ein Haenseman." he'd say as was let out of the gate by uneasy ISA soldiers. He'd then wrap his fur cloak around him tighter, preparing for the long journey back North.

  7. "Zhat poor Amador lad!" Albrecht Mondblume remarks as he scans the tabloid from behind the counter at Loki's Casino.

    "Alvays ein gutt, welcoming fellow.. Mit quite ze nice house." he tuts at the tabloid, chucks it somewhere behind a crate of Carrion Black, then returns to preparing the casino for his first customers.

  8. Young Albrecht squeezed his sister Ida's hand. He could read the fearful expression painted over her face. His voice quivered, but his faith in his father remained absolute.


    "Do nicht worry, Ida. Papej vill defeat it zhis time." 


    He returned to his room and fumbled through his messy chest of wooden swords, tin knights and sweets to pull out his Relic of Saint Otto. If Cedric Barclay returned from his quest wearing it, maybe Hildebrand would too. He signed the Lorraine and murmured a silent prayer before rushing upstairs to embrace his father before the quest.

  9. On the night of Cedric's Departure, Albrecht Mondblume knelt before the altar in Saint Heinrik's Basilica and mouthed a silent prayer for his kinsman.


    "God, send down Thy Angel to watch over Cedric this night. Set also the Exalted and the Saints on a watch over him, that he might, through Thy power, have in him a shield on this night against the assaults of Iblees."


    The fact that Cedric was now carrying Albrecht's holy icon brought the boy some relief and he went home to be with the woman Cedric was to be married to, Abrecht's Aunt Aeira.



  10. Self proclaimed general of the boys Albrecht Mondblume would turn to his Lieutenant Rabbit Mushkake.


    "Niet lookin' good, scarecrow! Ve need to get zhe Dwarves on our side!"


    The 11 year old stuffed his pockets with rock candies, strapped a trusty stick to his side and prepared for a diplomatic mission to Urguan.


  11. Albrecht prepared his rations of rock candies and drew his wooden sword.


    He, along with his friends Leon and Rabbit (AKA Scarecrow) had been training for this for the entirety of their 11 years of life.


    "Ve can niet trust May lads, she's probably at zhe fort already!"


    They set off to scout the enemy, preparing for a long war of attrition. Many dinnertimes would be missed and many tin soldiers would be stolen.


  12. Sitting up in his hospital bed after his treatment following the bombing the boy would overhear talk of a priest being torn apart by the blast, one story of many in a city still in shock. 


    "Vhy does Godani let zhis happen.. Even to zhe people who loves him?" He'd think to himself, looking sorrowfully at his holy icon of Saint Otto that his father had left at his bedside.


    His faith shaken, but not shattered.  The child prayed for the priest and his family and thanked GOD that his eyes were too full of grit and splinters to be able to see the holy man's body, which he had dedicated to his faith, be torn apart by nails and shrapnel. Perhaps that was a blessing of GOD in disguise, and perhaps so was this priest. A man who's final act of service spared the life of so many others.

  13. Albrecht, spotting the crowds of men outside of the Basilica, runs towards them.


    "Zhis ist nicht fair! I want to go vit zem!"


    The young boy waits around, trying to see over the heads of the men in suits of armour. His friend trying to drag him off for another bout with their wooden swords.


    "We vill have our chance someday, Albrecht! Zhey will take us on ze crusade soon, maybe ven we are twelve?"


    They run off, back through the streets of Karosgrad swinging their weapons at each other as if they were fighting the heathens.



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