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Everything posted by aether997

  1. aether997


    Physical Description Lacuna has green eyes with black hair (bluer tinted black) and wears a mask on the left side of her face that is a bit small on her since she got it from a stranger that she can barely remember now due to her poor memory of the past. She also has pale skin. In her hair she wears small white roses that have been tied to each other, they're a bit dried out though and had recently put these into her hair. There's a bit of blood on the stems of the tied flowers due to their thorns (not visible in skin). For her attire, she wears a dark blue dress underneath a lighter blue coat-shawl deal? I'll include a photo since I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. The coat-shawl is tied on in the front by laces so it stays on. She has an apple shaped body, 5'8 in height and 122 pounds. Personality Traits/Quirks Lacuna's personality is very mixed due to her undiagnosed mental illness (most likely depression), sometimes she lashes out at people if her buttons are pushed too much or she's a general ******* to the strangers she meets but decides she doesn't like. However, it gets confusing since she's also a bit mean to those that she cares about and rarely specifies to the person whether or not she means what she says when being mean to them, she will show some kindness towards them though, mostly through her actions. For example, she'll stab you with mental daggers while making your bed for you since you were in a rush in the morning. However, she sometimes gets small periods where she isn't in the mood to do anything at all and will push everyone and anyone away. For her likes, she's a big fan of plants, flowers, and especially roses. For her dislikes, she's had a huge fear of sharp objects and prefers more rounded out objects if possible. This is why even if she wanted to, she would never be the perfect housewife since she has a fear of spinning wheels as well, and sewing. For her faith, she's agnostic but was forced into a cult as a child that taught her the gods can't enact their true divine judgement as long as they don't know her matured face. Despite not believing in what could be uncertain, she still practices this belief with her mask. For her philosophies, she believes in living her life how she wants to. She doesn't see her life as something set in stone and likes to do whatever she likes to freely, even if it risks her financial, emotional, or physical stability. What is your character’s biggest fear? What caused them to develop this fear? Lacuna's biggest fear is sharp objects. Like I said in the personality traits, she's specifically scared of spinning wheels, sewing (needles), or glass shards. While she was in the cult I mentioned above, she was once used as a blood sacrifice to the god being worshiped and remembers her wrist being slit by a glass shard broken by the stained glass of a mural and her blood streaming out into a bowl in front of a statue of their god. After this, she awoke to her wrist being stitched up with a material she can't remember and was horrified, all she could do was stare and watch so they could think she was still sleeping and no further harm would come her way. What does your character like most about themselves? Why? What Lacuna likes the most about herself is her strong spirit of self, she knows herself very well and likes to play to her strengths. If she finds something she's incredibly interested in, it's likely that she'll try to find out as much as she wants to about it until she grows tired and moves on, even if that moving on includes cutting off a relationship. She's able to stay true to herself no matter the circumstances. What does your character dislike most about themselves? Why? What Lacuna dislikes the most about herself is how frail she can be at times. To herself, she's like a tank, it fills up slowly but can deplete quickly. For example, she could've spent a whole day admiring and walking through nature but then something at home may slip up like a vase breaking and she'll lose it. She's only able to maintain one mood at a time per day due to how simple yet complicated she likes to live her life. Character Biography Lacuna was born in the 19th of The Great Seed in the first age into a middle-class family in The Free State of Sutica. As for Lacuna's parents, her mother was too sickened mentally to handle Lacuna and had to run off to a completely different kingdom in order to protect her and Lacuna. Lacuna was mostly raised by her father, but when she turned 6 she was admitted into the cult and met Maykay. She was an only child but did have a friend in her childhood named Maykay that gave her the mask she wears today as part of her beliefs. The issue was that the cult Lacuna was forced into was against Sutica's rule that "the religions practiced bring no harm to Sutica's people or her guests." Lacuna found this out the hard way when she was used as a blood sacrifice to the cult's god. The deed happened in the desert nearby Sutica inside of the giant bull ribcage. The cult used a piece of glass broken from a religious mural from Oren as the blood sacrificing shard. Then, Lacuna was half blindfolded on the eye she now wears her mask but with her other eye she could see the blood flowing after her left wrist was slit and blood started to flow into a stone bowl the cult members had brought. Lacuna was traumatized by this event and passed out. About ten minutes later, she woke up to her wrist being stitched up by another cult member with a few strands of silk and all she could do was lay down and watch it happen so no further harm could come her way for the rest of that day. By age 7 she was going to school in Sutica. As for her only friend Maykay, Maykay had to travel away elsewhere, possibly Oren but never saw them again. Lacuna was doing decently in school, not the best or worst student. She was often praised for her very liberalistic ideals she liked to express in her writing. She did have other friends while she was in school, but they didn't mean that much to her. Lacuna did have a best friend she had met when she was 8 that she started to crush on during her teenage years, but they moved away. Lacuna at this point has determined that maybe romance isn't for her and became a hopeless romantic. Lacuna liked to fantasize about love, but has no idea if she'll ever fall into it and has lost hope in it because of her best friend and Maykay. In her youth, she liked to educate herself on the different plants that were in Sutica and liked to take walks outside of Sutica's safe walls. She often got scolded by her father for doing so. When she was 16, her and her father had moved to the Holy Orenian Empire. Lacuna felt very disconnected between herself and where she was living for a bit since she would have to go further if she wants a nature walk. Her and her father had also converted to Canonism. After converting, Lacuna started to forgive her father for forcing her into the cult and traumatizing her at a young age. By 18, Lacuna moved out into her own apartment in Oren and had felt completely stable for a little while then she started pushing herself out there so she isn't at peace for the rest of her life, Lacuna thought it was a boring way to live. Now at 20, Lacuna is trying to open her own flower and plant store. Sometimes, she was asked on dates by some of her coworkers at her job where she worked as a florist and even brought her bouquets of flowers sometimes, but she always declined them since she felt little to no connection to them emotionally. If she had spare time when she went back to her apartment, she would turn the flowers into crowns and wear them. Lacuna liked to think of herself as a queen in comparison to everyone and reflected it this way. Her father is still alive to this day.
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