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Everything posted by kombuchaoverlord

  1. kombuchaoverlord


    Ianthe was born to human parents, but her mother died right after her birth. She was raised with her father and two other brothers in Curonia. Living out of the cities, she learned how to survive and fight. When she was 12, her father got very sick, and within the month, he had died. Her family was distraught, and it brought Tennan, Polus, and her even closer. Without their father, money became a hot commodity. Tennan taught her more about how to fight in combat, and Polus showed her the art of deceit. By the time she was 14, her and her brothers had travelled around the realms lying and cheating their way into money because they had no other choice. While in Haense, Polus met a highander girl and decided that she was the one. Ianthe pleaded with her brother, but he decided to stay there. With her brother gone, Tennan began to pull away too. Ianthe began to realize how dependent she was on her brothers. At age 18, she left before dark and ran away from her life. She decided that being dependent would only hurt her more than if she was to be alone. Now, she travels solo to wherever she wants, when she wants.
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