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  1. DakotaSoul


    Chirr'vallier, or Chirr as his family and friend called him was born into Elvenesse by his mother Vuln, and father Chirr. Neither of them were really apart of a seed but they both enjoyed seafaring so they decided his name would be Chirr'vallier. He had grown up in the forest not to far from where he and his parents would go sailing, which was a major part of Chirr's childhood. There were a few different people around where Chirr and his parents lived but most of his interactions with people were when they were traveling. If he was able Chirr would sit for hours listening to them spinning yarns of their travels so far and where they were going. Chirr was able to hunt and fish to a semi decent effect by the age of 16, while in the forest he wielded a bow that was somewhat normally able to hit its target and on the sea he wielded a spear. The one family that stayed close for the most time had a daughter around Chirrs age all though she was older by a few years. Chirr and their daughter Ceru spent most of their freetime together, either hunting or exploring some of the forest around where they lived. By the time Chirr was 17 they had almost memorized where most of the things where, of course the occasional new tree here and there but nothing major changed. Their parents had always loved that Chirr enjoyed being outdoors and in nature, he flourished in it. They knew sooner or alter he would leave to try to find another area to explore and find out new things, meet new people. When Chirr was 18 it had finally come time, he had soaked up most of what his parents had taught him and asked them if he could leave to explore new areas. They were happy for him, they even helped him make sure he had what he would need.
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