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Everything posted by Zestly

  1. Zestly


    Dregthorn, of Norland. A man with an undying thirst for adventure & archery. Priding himself with his many victories over the most feared beasts that have troubled the forests of Norland for ages. Born into a humble family, his parents Dalianaris & Motravious find themselves being parents to another child. Dregthorn's brother, Finneus watches in tears of joy, for he has dreamed of this moment ever since the death of his young sister Mithlaenia. His father being a veteran of the War of the Two Emperors made himself a promise that his son would be a man of courage, a fearless warrior. Dregthorn was born into a family of dedicated & hard-working huntsman. He spent his younger years honing in on his gifted talent of archery by attending an exclusive academy that was specialized to educate gifted children in standard studies while also providing them with specialized training to become masters at their gifts. In his academy he befriended who would be a friend that would be alongside him for years to come named Julanthrope. Secretly however, they both were in love with a very prominent sword dancer in their acadamy named Nialothia. After many years of training and dedicated friendship, both Dregthorn and Julanthrope fought with pride in the Sutican War in Arcas despite some of their family's wishes. These man always have had one thing in common, that is that they both stand up for what they believe in & will fight for it. Thirsty for a new adventure, he finds himself in a strange land. One filled with beautiful architecture, amazing smelling food and drink, races of kinsman he's never seen before. Contemplating his next step, he steps into the vast land and a new adventure he begins...
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