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  1. PcProGamer


    Demero was born into a higher-class family of soldiers. His mother Cota and his father Atios were both soldiers to The Kingdom of Norland. He lived inside the Kingdom walls and never went out. Demero had many companions whom he thought he could trust. Demero was taught to fight, no more. He never learned to do anything useful in his life. One day the Family was accused of plotting a coup and were sent to be executed. None of his people he thought he could trust took his side and looked down on him. When the time came for their execution the Family attempted to defend themselves, but they stood no chance. Demero saw each of his family members be killed one by one. When it came to him he ran but not before having his arm sliced open. Since that day Demero always cowered in face of danger. Demero abandoned his name during his wandering to attempt to forget his past. After all of his childhood, he decided to settle in the Holy Orenian Empire. Demero has been slowly recovering from his Childhood Trauma but still doesn't fight unless necessary. His recovery has been boosted by sword training classes he has been taught by his teacher in the Holy Orenian Empire. Recently he has been trying to get power in the Holy Orenian Empire, who knows what he'll do next.
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