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About Moonss

  • Birthday 12/24/2003

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  • Location
    I forgo

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  • Character Name
    Raizel Scrivener
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  1. Raizel Scrivener tripped over his feet on the boardwalk as he disembarked from the vessel with a sickly pale green face. "En getting on another boat ever again...!" the lean figure said, before hurling the contents of his stomach off the peer.
  2. Moonss


    Aslan was born as the last as the youngest of a large family, having a total of 7 brother and sisters. Aslan unlike was slightly different from his family, having rather fair skin compared to the common darker tones in the region. Due to the already harsh sun of the desert he wasn't allowed outside often, and when he was, he was huddled in to the folds of thobes and hijabs when he was out, as his pale skin would easily burn. Born into the city of Al-Faiz located in the desert island of Korvassa. He was taught archery from a young age and excelled in it quickly becoming deadly efficient with a bow but never being able to master a sword or dagger. His mother and father were Qalasheen, he and his siblings also following them in this religion. Known for their kind treatment towards guest he was no stranger to foreigners in his home, pitching in with his mother and sisters to help provide for the guests giving them rice, lamb, and date fruit. Unfortunately though, one particular guest has other plans. Three of his sisters were kidnapped by the guest, and his father stabbed to death, having must of heard the commotion and tried to stop the man. This event broke the family, his mother so lost in grief that she abandoned him and his remaining siblings, refusing to work no food was to put on the table. Though as he was young and strong he was given many job opportunities by people that pitied his situation, he turned them all down. After selling what he could scavenge from their crumbling home he fled to a port where he bought a boat ticket heading to anywhere but Korvassa. He eventually ended up in the Kingdom of Norland, where he roamed living off the land and hunting game, selling their parts to feed himself. Due to having a very uncompleted education he cannot write, he can can only read very basic things and while not a slow learner he can take awhile to apply new things he's learned. But he is prideful, so much so that he will avoid using big words and when he trys to be social he leaves it to rather short or simple replies/answers. Becoming easily offended if someone mentions how he speaks. He refuses to wear the clothes often assorted with Korvassa, preferring garments of dark coloration and simple. Despite his rather vagabond way of life currently, he is looking for a place to belong. His personality tends to off-put people but he still trys to be likeable and friendly- to a extent with people. Keeping his distance emotionally. He still trys to follow the Qalasheen religion, but since he has been alone for awhile his thoughts of what he is suppose to do and worship might be a little... off. He has taken up the role of a vagabond, with no true home for the past few years up to now he travels around just making a living where he can. His paler complexion often hiding his Korvassa/Farfolk descent. He doesn't actually wish to be alone though, he is searching for a group or some sort of companion, with no luck yet.
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